Well hello there, you guys seemed fine with my memes thread and so beacuse that is very close to being "dead" I thought why not make another potentionally interesting offtopic.
So yeah, post the proccess of did have you come up with the nickname you're using. No matter if it is a rather simple story or a really long one, feel free to go ahead and share yours.
I'm going to start with mine:
Ok, so this story started about 7 years ago. I was 11 years old and I wanted to create a new character in this MMORPG called "4Story" (it's not a very well known game but it's cool). At the time I really liked what did the word scorpion sound like so given how fantastic my english was I decided to name my character "KingOfSkorpion". So I typed the name on my keyboard and pressed Enter. What I didn't notice though was that the name was too long which resulted in the "on" being removed, ending up with the name "KingOfSkorpi".
Then approximately 3 years later after using this nickname pretty much everywhere online I wanted to join this small clan that some friends made on deathrun. They said that if I wanted to join I'd have to remove the "KingOf" off of my name and so I did. Later when I left the clan just "Skorpi" looked way too short so I decided to add the "ik" to the end of my name, resulting in my name being "Skorpiik".