No actually not just me, but ofc you can say this when all u do is sit on 3xp and farm hours and can only finish race inter ways
Posts by Baddy
Blaming map for fps is a fine reason, look at hbday, old edgev2 and mushrooms. all give ppl shit fps
Another map to be added..
I'd wouldn't mind coming, does that sound okay with the admins?
Yes. The 3xP mod cannot be used on devmap like it can be used online, however u can implement a speed'o meter by adding a line of code <--- at this point I have no idea what else to do, i assume find a speed'o meter online and put it in the mod, idk exactly. all I know is its possible.
Edit* After looking at my devmap mod, I think its something to do with the mod.ff folder.
It is.
RPG no sway ect
@Viruz You adding that feature in the mod I gave u last night, to new update?
Known already, but Rank bug.
Only master D1e can finish such a legendary map
))you still cant finish a hard way why u sad?
Very nice 1st map Funk, is it just a one way map, or it there multiple ways to finish
Even for my standards that was too low
wtf guys, 3xp is on top... well i mean vistic, but whats the difference?
Winsor bay
Wait mirko fixing a problem when being told, shame about the cj server took a few months for that to happen.