Posts by Noob
Hey, you should post in the Discord. This forum isn't monitored anymore!
Hey Rico, sorry for the delay on this - we don't check the forum much anymore (almost exclusively use Discord these days!).
Regarding the app, thank you for applying and for sharing some info - you seem like an interesting guy. However, applications have been unofficialy closed for years. We aren't accepting new members at this time. Of course please feel free to continue playing on our servers, maybe one day we will revive this side of things.
Feedback has been good everywhere, welcome aboard!
Thanks for creating this post Kresh. I shared a similar post on Discord as it should reach more of the community :…116618/854370420400979978.
Quote@everyone, I have some very upsetting news to share: Mirko has passed away.
Mirko (a.k.a 3xP' Fr33g !t) founded 3xP' and drove its success. As we know his projects brought entertainment and joy to thousands of people all over the world. He gave so much time to this community and will truly be missed.
Kresh shared a similar announcement on the forum (We lost our brother
What this means for the future of 3xP' has not been decided yet, I would ask that people please refrain from asking at this time. If I hear more from his family (if there is anything we can do) I will write a follow up post. If you feel like sharing something about Mirko I would encourage you to comment on Kresh's post or share on #📌__allchat__📌. This is a difficult time so please be mindful of that.
On behalf of the community I would like to thank Mirko for all he has done. Rest in peace man.
I am in contact with his family who are interested in hearing posts like Kresh's and Sea's above. I would encourage people to please share similar comments if they are comfortable doing so, thank you all.
PB on Sierra test: 3:10
Nice to see your post Yash, I know you've probably read my post in Discord ( by now, but just to re-iterate we have unofficially stopped reviewing/accepting trusted apps as there isn't much use for trusted players on the server anymore (they also don't really get any bonuses). However, message me next time you're on the server and I'll hook you up with some stuff for your nice app. Cheers
edit: apologies for the super delayed response by the way, nothing personal! Remind me on the server and you'll get some "I'm sorry" coins!
Hey Floki, we have (unofficially) stopped reviewing/accepting Trusted applications as there isn't much use for trusted players on the server anymore. Having said that, it's nice to see you apply! You're of course welcome to play on the server, it's nice having you. Feel free to follow / post in our (much more active) Discord server rather than the forum btw: I'll throw you some bonus stuff in game for your app, remind me next time we're on the server
Today we released another update for the CJ mod.
The update brings user profiles and challenges to the mod.Profile Example
Comparing Profiles Example
Challenges Example 1
Challenges Example 2
Rough Changelog
- Adds profile menu
- Adds challenges menu
- Every player has a profile showing their speedrun stats and more
- !p [name] command to view profiles
- !c [name] command to compare profiles
- !m [motto] command to set your profile motto
- Challenges can be completed to earn coins and ranks
- Challenges are classed into different groups (difficulty)
- !challenges [name] command to view someone's challenges page
- Added 36 challenges to be completed
- Added Queen Rank
- Added challenge ranks (EzPro, IntPro, HardPro, Speed, Low Hit, God)
- Improvements to haxfps system
- Misc. fixes
- Added loadscreens for some maps
- Various improvements and bug-fixes
Bug Bounty
Same as usual, if you spot any bugs and report them privately you will be rewarded
Hope you all enjoy the update,
Hahaha copy-paste God
I can help you with that, feel free to DM me here or add me on Steam.
Changes since the original post (probably missing a lot):
- Added accurate RPG counting
- Greatly improved haxfps detection
- Fixed map bugs on a few maps (broken ladders, TPs, etc.)
- Modified some map scripts to better support the speedrun system
- Added basic support for cheat detection (bots)
- Improved !rp to allow for restoring/continuing speedruns
- Added !hax to toggle allowing haxfps in runs
- Added !movespeed (toggles velometer position)
- Made !hax and !movespeed settings save server-side
- Made crosshair HUD settings save server-side
- Added !admin_vote to vote for any map (lead only)
- Improved !show/!stop and made available to all players
- Made !s recursive
- Added speedrun system support for most (all?) maps
- Changed coin rewards on a few maps
- Added RPG counter to HUD
- Improved !srStats feedback
- Improved sr_tool (lead only)
- Improved support for end triggers
- Increased endmap cooldown from 5 to 10 to reduce overplaying
- Created a basic site to view stats
- Improved GSM payout logic and feedback
- Added ability to view speedrun time of spectatees
- Improved spawn system
- Improved speedruns to only begin when the player moves
- Removed endmap vote time (15sec) from SR time
- Fixed a bunch of bugs
- Updated the map list
- Changed a few visual things and print statements
- + more
Never heard of this before, I think I want one now. Nice job
Welcome to the team
I'm happy to announce that today we are releasing an update for our CJ mod. The update brings a few requested features that will hopefully breathe some life into the server.
Map Rewards and Speedrun System
You can now earn coins for finishing maps and there are also leaderboards for every route.
The speedrun system is any%, so cuts are encouraged!
- Coin rewards depend on the difficulty of the route
- You will receive N coins for your first finish of a route
- You will receive N/5 coins for every later finish of that route
- You will receive $bonus coins for setting a new record (i.e. placing on the leaderboard)
The leaderboard stores the the following details for the top records: rank, name, time, rpgs, and loads.
The leaderboard also stores your PB (personal best) for each route which you can see at the bottom.
The current map's leaderboard can be viewed with Esc > Speedruns, you can then move through the pages to see the records for each route.
Other Changes (incomplete)
- Added Speedrun System
- Added Speedrun HUD and FX
- Added option to enable/disable Speedrun HUD
- Added Bind for Speedrun Reset
- Added "!reset" command for Speedrun Reset
- Added "!srStats" command to view how many routes you (or others) have finished
- Added USP, Uzi, Ak-74u, M40A3, Colt, M9, Ak47, R700, G36C, Barrett to Shop
- Increased UFO speed and messages
- Improved Teleportation system
- Updated Map List
- Fixed GSM Crashes
- Added feature to see everyone's chat everywhere
- Improved Angle HUD
- Improved Position HUD
- Tidied up some of our plugins
- Removed unused server plugins
- Fixes end-map vote bug with votes overlapping on map names
- Removed old welcome messages
- Improved !coins command (can now call it on other players)
- Fixes a progression rank bug (equipping incorrectly)
- Disabled load/save while inspecting
- Changed the amount of coins you receive for playing on our servers
- Changes some print messages
- Fixed lots of bugs
Bug Bounty
There are a few bugs at the moment which may or may not be fixed in the future.
If you find any major bugs (i.e. coin/shop/speedrun related) and report them privately you will receive an appropriate reward
There were plans to add more features and make this update more comprehensive but we decided we would just release it now rather than wait for updates that may never happen.
Huge thanks to Mirko who is responsible for the majority of this update. This would not have happened without him.
Seeya on the server,
Welcome to the team
Hey, thanks for the app and background information.
Jayme's post explains our viewpoint quite well, so in that regard it's a no, sorry.
However we have decided to enable !t <name> (teleport to save) and !tl <name> (teleport to location) for all players, at least for a trial period.
* edit: UFO will remain member-only