Hopefully this is the correct place to post this, please move it elsewhere if so @ admins. 
I assume the majority who'll see this won't in fact have a Stream Deck, however, I wanted to share it anyhow as it may be of use to those that do. (also works for their mobile app)
I've had a Steam Deck for a year or so, and since my return to CJ (yet again), I decided to develop a plugin, to display the current map, and a way to both launch COD4 ordinary, and with arguments. (to join the 3xP' server, and or launch devmap)
The plugin has been "complete" (at least for now) for a week or so, and I am comfortable to share it with you in its current state. (any features/suggestions would be appreciated) So anyways, here's a breakdown of the plugin as of now.
Display the Current Map
The map currently playing will display on the Stream Deck key of your choice, simply drag the plugin onto the deck, and it'll show, like so. // [see spoiler]
Display the Current Map & Player Count
When this display setting is enabled, you'll be able to cycle through the current map, and the player count. (the duration can be assigned by you, in seconds) // [see spoiler]
Launch any Application
Locate a file, folder and/or executable. (this doesn't necessarily need to be iw3mp.exe) Once you've selected one of the following, simply tap the key and it'll open/launch the file, folder or executable you located. // [see spoiler]

Video // [see spoiler]
Launch any Application (with Arguments)
If you're wanting to add custom arguments, for example, +connect s.3xp-clan.com:1337 to connect to the 3xP' Codjumper server, or even +set fs_game "mods/3xp_cj" +g_gametype "cj" +devmap mp_race, that'll work too. (more or less anything will) // [see spoiler]

Video // [see spoiler]
Search for a walkthrough (of the current map playing)
If you're ever stuck, searching for a walkthrough hasn't been easier. Simply tap & hold the key and a YouTube search query will be made. // [see spoiler]

And... that's it.
If you happen to have a Stream Deck and would like to add this plugin to your deck, you can download the plugin here: dev.jayme.threexp.zip
Please feel free to comment any features which I could possibly add, which may be of use/improve the plugin.
P.S. I hope everybody is staying safe, and happy throughout the outbreak, take care of yourselves.