Leaving CoD4

  • Hello everyone,

    I have decided that i will quit gaming entirely and with that
    i will properly say goodbye and leave 3xP‘ as well.
    Its been a long journey and im very happy to have met some of you guys,
    it was very fun most of the times. Playing Inter ways with Drizz, Pies, Pawz
    getting stuck on the easiest jumps, getting into mapping, releasing “our” first map,
    opening the team, getting the first application from Reimu for the CJ Team back then
    to a lot of people joining and an ever growing group of people caring about CJ.
    I don’t regret experiencing these things.

    The reasons for the quit are simple, gaming as a whole just holds me back from getting somewhere.
    The daily routine of playing games I don’t even have fun on anymore is a waste of time,
    time I could happily spent on better things such as university or pretty much anything.
    I know some people share the opinion that at the end of the day you haven’t anything better to do and return to gaming.
    But if you really think about that statement, it’s a really sad view on your life.

    There are many unfinished projects which I have stopped working on. And to be very honest I’m pretty happy with that.
    The amount of time you need to spend to finish an entire project is insane,
    while the reward you get for doing so is nothing at all, most of the time you even get hatred.
    If anyone I know is interested in getting these projects and wants to finish them,
    you can pm me and you’ll get my entire mapping folder.

    (I also want to share my current opinion about the CJ Team.Note that the following isn’t related to me quitting, I would anyway.

    There are a few things which I dislike. Back then when I designed the test, it had originally 5 stages which
    a lot of the current member wouldn’t be able to beat in the time, meaning they wouldn’t be member right now.
    I was okay with removing these 2 stages (it wasn’t my decision alone as well) and after all we preferred cool people over skilled.
    But after all this is a CJ Team and not a club of friends. I don’t want to call people by their name but
    there’s a considerable amount of XX member which I wouldn’t be afraid to kick right now.
    We as the “early stage” (1 year+ ago) team never viewed our self as something exceptional,
    but I’m disliking the decreasing skilllevel and the increasing amount of irrational members.
    Many people already said it and I always declined it. But its true: Anyone is able to join,
    even if its just a nice guy who cant even finish anything. Atleast that’s how it feels. And that’s not the way I wanted it to be.

    I know I could have said "No" to many applications but would you do so if 10 Members said how much they liked the person and gave their "Yes" already?
    No you wouldn’t.
    And that’s how this thing got rolling and continued up to this day. I don’t want to say this team is not good,
    its just not as good as I had imagined it to be in both CJ and rational thinking.
    Im hoping for the future of this team, that you, Viruz and Drizz, pick the members more carefully.
    How you interpret this is up to you. Its not meant to be a reproach, because im also to blame.

    This is my personal opinion about the team and nothing else.
    Everyone of you might see it different and there’s nothing wrong with that.)

    What can I say? Thanks to everyone who made this experience worth experiencing.

    deleted User :)

  • Even though I barely talked to you at all, I'm still really sad to see you leave. :( I understand your reasons to quit and I hope you achieve your future goals as you planned.

    About the CJ-team, I reckon I was one of the members you were talking about and to be honest I kinda agree with you. Maybe you shouldn't have accepted me. I dunno. I just want say that thank-you for letting me into the team even though I'm just an average player. I have improved more than ever since writing my app and I even got into mapping which I never ever even considered trying before joining into the team. What I'm saying is that I wouldn't be in this position without your approval. So thank-you! The CJ-team motivated me to get better and I don't plan to stop anytime soon. Once again thank-you for everything and goodbye! :)

  • Bye bye deleted User.

    TBH I already wasn't really playing CoD4 anymore when you joined 3xP', so I never got to really know you. But from what I've seen, from what I've read on the forums and what you've done for the 3xP' and CJ communities, I'd say you're a really great guy, with a lot of intelligence, and a lot of positive energy.

    But I totally understand what you're saying and the reasons why you're leaving ; and I think it's a good thing that you're directing your energy towards things that will make you happier in life.

    At first it's hard to get enough motivation to actually begin doing other things (at least that's how I see it), because it's just so much more comfortable getting back to things we're used to and which take no real effort doing. And also because sometimes you don't even know how to get motivation to actually do other things because you just have no idea of what could possibly make you happy.

    Though I think playing video games isn't a problem, as long as you have fun doing it. I'm pretty sure I know what you're facing, because I think I went through the same thing (and I also kinda recognized myself in some of your long posts, always trying to explain and be fair, because I used to write posts like that all the time... and still do sometimes when I can't help it even though my time and energy would be way better invested elsewhere :D ).
    And if sometimes you feel like playing some CoD4 again, but because you just really want to, I'd say it's more than fine :P The problem indeed is if you go sit in front of your PC because you're just bored and don't know what else to do, or worse, because inside you know you should be doing something else.

    What I want to say is, come and say hello from time to time, it's not a problem if you're just feeling like doing it and it's not avoidance :D

    Well maybe you already knew most of what I said. But just in case... :)

    I wish you a very happy life and success in whatever you decide to undertake.


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

    3xP' TS3 IP: ts.3xP-Clan.com | Click here to directly join it.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von UFaced ()

  • Its just too sad too see u leave ... i swear its too sad for me .and for the whole team i think i want just thank u about something im as funk if u wasnt on the 3xp team i think i wasnt here too ur just so amazing and very good polite and mature guy who ill NEVER EVER forget

    ... and i saw u in last days u just idk i feel u playing like someone push u to play not bcs u want (is just my opinion ofc) but u are and u still a base on the 3xp cj team that no one will can forget and no one can rifuse this reality ..all what i wanted to say here is thank u thank u and thank u for many things i learned from u and the whole time i was playing with u on the server just me u and hawk jumping and trying to do some bounces at 6 morning and just learning and teaching us again and again and again ..

    i wish u the best things on the future and i hope to see u playing even after a long time ull find me here GOOD LUCK BRO <3 .

  • Baii deleted User ;(<3

    I wish you the absolute best in life, if it means going to university or proceeding a career in something you have a passion for; whatever it is... I know you'll succeed and reach your goals in life.

    It's really sad knowing you're leaving, you have done great things for the whole 3xP' Community and even myself as an individual helping me out with many things in the past.

    > I haven't spoke or got to know you as much as other members... but when times have been on the edge and I've happened to speak to you and explain everything and got your advice on things, it's helped.
    >> You're the same person on the server and on Steam, nothing changes. You're mature and a really nice guy in general. In all honesty I wish I wasn't as "quiet" and had got to know you even more than I do already.

    I honestly appreciate all the work you've put into mapping, teaching and of-course being a huge part of 3xP' and I know everyone else will have a say in this also.

    Thank you for everything,

    I wish you the best, I hope to see you around or speak to you soon even to catch up on things.. I'll always be here if you need anything.

    Good luck deleted User <3 *hugs*

  • Nice to see someone bring up the accepting everyone topic. I think it's something everyone knows, but are afraid of talking about and I agree it needs to be changed. I'd presonally love to have here somehing similiar to what styx used to have. A long recruitment procces.

    Anyway good luck deleted User with whatever you want to replace gaming with, universtity and stuff. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

  • voting in the cj application area is just allowed for cj team members, so all in all it would be poss. Ill talk with drizz about the anonymus vote.

  • Goodbye deleted User good luck in university and enjoy your life!

    I believe I was most probably one of the members you were talking about and just wanna say I'll make you proud, its not normal for me to pick up a game and not want to be one of the best at it; just a matter of waiting for the day to come.

    I didn't know you for very long as I've just started playing CJ regularly over the past few months in which you haven't been too active but from what I've seen and heard, you're a really nice, mature and amazing guy.

    In regards to the anonymous member voting I agree with this fully.

    Once again, good luck with university and enjoy your life, deleted User.

    -Giraffe / Zentrion

  • I'm also that "kind of person", who didn't get you know well, because we talked only few times. But it was enough for me to see how good character you have. I also see how much work you put in this community and I want to say thank you for that.

    I'm feeling mostly the same as you about gaming. But I'm just trying to limit it and most of my free time spending and focusing on this, what I really love to do. It's also so hard for me to just left this amazing community, that I joined like 5 or even 6 years ago. But maybe one day I'll do the same as you here (to be honest I have already thinking about leaving). Time will show my path.

    I hope you'll stay the same all the time and wish you reaching your life purposes.

    Bye bruh ! ;(

    P.S And as Ufaced stated - sometimes come and visit us if you'll want to.

  • Hello Everyone.

    Finally managed to write something about this.
    Im gonna write in german tho cuz i cant express myself as much in english as i need in this case.

    Tag Digga,

    Tut mir leid dass ich erst jetzt darauf antworte aber ich konnte vorher einfach keine Zeit finden und ein simples Tschüss wäre die grösste Lauchaktion überhaupt.

    In der letzten Zeit hatte ich schon ein bisschen das Gefühl dass das hier bald passieren würde.
    Ich hab auch schon sehr oft darüber nachgedacht und finde es gut dass du den Schritt jetzt machst.
    Ich kann ganz genau nachvollziehen welchen weg du mit dieser Entscheidung gehen willst bzw gehst.

    Ich weiss garnicht wo ich anfangen soll. Alles hatte auf CJ-Normal angefangen. Beide Lauchs die gerade so mp_blue2 inter finishen konnten.
    Irgendwann hast du angefangen deine map zu bauen und wir haben alle zusammen daran gearbeitet. Dann war die Überlegung zu 110 zu gehen oder doch was eigenes zu starten.
    Letztenendes hast du mich dazu überredet zu 3xp zu gehn und dort mit Viruz gemeinsam ein Team zu Gründen.
    Die ganze Zeit über haben wir uns immer gut verstanden und wenn es probleme gab haben wir auch immer darüber geredet.
    Du warst zwar im endeffekt nur ein "Gaming-" oper "Online-Freund" aber ich hab dich trotzdem bisschen in mein Herz geschlossen und werd dich vermissen Digga.

    Zum Thema CJ-Team

    Ich versteh den Punkt den du bringst ganz genau weil ich auch schon ein paar mal mit dir darüber geredet hab.
    Nur denke ich dass es bei weitem nicht so schlimm ist wie du es schilderst.
    Sicher gibt es ein paar member die ich sag jetzt mal "unwichtig" oder "Ersetzbar durch andere Lauchs" sind.
    Aber ich finde die meissten die wir bisher akzeptiert haben tragen ihren Teil zum Ganzen bei wenn man bedenkt wie viele angefangen haben zu mappen oder immerhin versucht haben videos zu machen usw.
    Es ist allerdings schon so dass im Prinzip jeder Joinen kann solange er korrekt ist.
    Ich werde hier ein wenig mit Viruz reden und ein paar Änderungen vornehmen.

    Abschliessend kann ich dir nur noch alles beste für die Zukunft wünschen.
    Vielleicht kommt man eines Tages ja doch mal dazu sich persönlich kennenzulernen.
    Schauen wir was die Zukunft bringt.

    Peace out.