Hi everyone!
I decided to open a new thread because the old one (KTK 2.09.31 Test Server - Please report any bug you find) is getting a bit huge and the objective is now slightly different.
What I want now, is to put the final KTK version on our main server as fast as possible. We've waited long enough don't you think?
In order to achieve that, I want you guys to play as much as you can on our test server, and report ANY bug you can find, anything wrong, anything weird.
To join it you can type in console /connect
You can also type !ktktest while on our public KTK server (or any other 3xP' server) to join it directly.
I'm not looking for improvement ideas anymore (unless @Viking wants it but I don't think so). What I want is a completely "stable" version of the mod. Getting rid of all bugs if possible.
Here are the known bugs of the current version:
1) From Mad Mouse:
ZitatI'm sure this one has been told to you before, but the king still has a 'press f for new gun' and nothing happens. this is a few kills after the silenced augh is unlocked
For the record, this is what the king should get:
- set scr_hardpoint_king_1 "perk;fastreload;3"
- set scr_hardpoint_king_2 "weapon;smoke_grenade;4" //(1 poison nade)
- set scr_hardpoint_king_3 "weapon;g36c_silencer;6" //(silenced AUG)
- set scr_hardpoint_king_4 "hardpoint;airstrike;7"
- set scr_hardpoint_king_5 "hardpoint;mortars;9"
- set scr_hardpoint_king_6 "weapon;rpd_acog;16" //(MG42)
Is this not the case?
2) As king, when I press F to get poison nade (first king's hardpoint), it gives me 4 poison nades instead of one. I just noticed it because I use regular nades as hardpoint currently. But I bought all nades and poison nades in unlockables, so I guess it has something to do with that.
3) On some maps you may get the message: "Aistrike isn't available on this map" (or something similar, or with another hardpoint). If you get a message like this, please let us know on which map it happened and for which hardpoint.
Extra life bugs should be fixed, but if you notice anything wrong with extra life (especially, if you should respawn as guard and you don't), please let us know).
As you can see it's really not a lot, but I almost haven't played on the test server recently so there may be other bugs.
Hopefully we can get rid of all bugs and soon finally enjoy an even more awesome version of an already awesome mod
Edit: If ever the Test Server goes down, please let us know about it in the Shoutbox. If you were on the server when the crash happened, it would also be good if you could write what happened (which map, at which moment, etc.) in a post on this thread.