3xP' member behaviour

  • Hello, I decided to make this thread, because I would like to explain something. As (almost) every day I visited 3xP' Nuketown server today. I met there one of 3xP' members - leech. I would like to ask you guys, if there is any rule about camping on Nuketown server? I visited following threads:

    You've been accepted as Trusted player/Trial member - Read.
    3xP' CoD4 server rules
    CoD4 - Punishments for rule breakers

    But.. There is nothing about camping rule as far as I know. leech without any warn on chat just kicked out one guy from server with reason "move". I'm wondering if it's ok or not.

    My thread is not intended to make confusion. I only want to know if it's good decision from leech and I would like to know what do you think about that behaviour?

    Some proofs on screenshots, if anyone would need it.

    About camping on server - I think kick for the hard camping is ok, but only after some warns on chat or by !warn command, but before anyone would be even warned I think Member should spectate him first to be sure.

    I don't know what leech wanted to do by posting this on shoutbox, provoke? I don't know. I know we don't like each other, but come on.. Board and server chat is public. Everyone see that and after all 3xP' can only get worse reputation by situations like that.

    Now is time for you guys, I would like to see some opinions, but please, stay calm and honest. ;)


  • I'll agree on that. Members and Trusted Players have to SPECTATE , FOLLOW and REACT to the behaviour of the player in question.
    Camping is not allowed,there's a rule,perhaps rule 7 not sure. But, not for small-amounted camping like 5 sec step-back to reload or to dodge bullets/regenerate. That's not a reason to be kicked or to kick for. Hard Camping? A yes for sure. We have legs for a reason.

  • Leech,honestly, that's not the way any player should treat another. You dissed him in the shoutbox and at the servers, alright,but come on.
    " Kick me from clan and ban me on all servers im so sry... " That's not the way to react to a player asking for some acceptance and a solution to your behaviour. I know, you'd say I'm just a trusted player, but I'm writting this to all the members (WHO HAVE DONE THIS/ARE DOING THIS,please don't get offended,not talking to everyone), members and trusted players are there to help, and if they can't help,well,dis-helping would be appreciated,too. :> ♥

  • My personal opinion: I don't really like your behavior on this thread Leech. You're acting like this just because you know you won't get kicked out of the clan anyway. But I don't think it fits to a member's behavior on the public board, especially after you teased myst in the shoutbox. You tell him you're waiting for him and then you don't even give him a proper answer.

    For now there isn't even a rule about camping. However it was being discussed in a recent past, and it's most likely that a rule will be added (only about heavy camping, and maybe only in S&D for campers in "attack"). Because otherwise I don't see why camping should be forbidden. Campers are not really hard to kill. They kill you once, you know where they are, you kill them. Well, that's not the current topic. But it should be discussed more here to know exactly what the rule should be: 3xP' CoD4 server rules - Discussion. I myself basically never play on HC or Nuketown so I'm surely not the best to decide (but I still like to give my opinion :P ).

    As there is nothing about camping written in the rules, it's normal that myst doesn't agree with your kick. He's not obliged to know everything that is going on on the board.
    So, thank you myst for writing this post and doing it in a nice way without flaming or anything.

    It's indeed not a big issue, but it would be so much easier if everyone was answering each other nicely, especially members/admins on the servers. It's not hard to say: "There is a discussion about camping on the board, you can check it, and kicking for camping is tolerated". Or if you don't know about that, smth like: "Okay, I'll check the rules to see what's up with this".
    There wouldn't even be a need to spend time to write stuff on such a thread.
    And I assure you writing this sentence will take you less time than having a whole argument with another player.

    So, yeah, I think it can be closed now.


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

    3xP' TS3 IP: ts.3xP-Clan.com | Click here to directly join it.

  • You're acting like this just because you know you won't get kicked out of the clan anyway.

    Kick me! i really dont care about anything atm.
    myst is bitching around about any piece of shit he knows of isnt allowed, so he feels cool.
    i do what i think saves the fun on the current server im on.
    take away my rights than i wont get in such a fucking situation like this again were we have to discuss a "kick" and no its is not about my behaviour. i act like this when random ppl think i abuse my rights, its me you cant change me.

    its the first time since weeks i played for real again on our servers and one fucking random makes me remind of why i avoided them.
    if you cant trust a full member at his decision to kick a player who might pull down the fun on the server then i dont know why i am still full member.
    i rly like our members but our respectless community fucks me up.
    BB im out
    wont join any 3xP server as member again.

  • wtf leech wasch los bei dir :P, scheiss ma auf die randoms? warum sollten wir dir die rechte wegnehmen.

    Zementa komm runter :D.

  • xD

  • @DaftLeech

    Just to clear something up: I never said I wanted your rights to be removed, anyway no one would have his rights removed for just a kick.

    Just saying myst's reaction can be understandable. If no one gave a single fuck about rules, it would a lot more shit on the servers.

    Once again I don't care that you kicked this guy for this reason. I know you're not a regular CoD4 player and you're not aware of every rule.

    In my eyes, the problem is that you're getting "mad" about a situation that you partly created yourself. You don't like people complaining about everything all the time, yeah I totally get that as well (I haven't checked what happened on the server, and I don't know everyone's behavior). But if someone complains, as I said, you could as well just say "okay I'll check this to be sure". Or anything else that doesn't make the situation worse...

    Seriously, I'm 99% sure you say a sentence like that, and you can play in peace for the rest of the game.

    Teasing the people who annoy you doesn't make things better. Well, IMO. That was just my point.


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

    3xP' TS3 IP: ts.3xP-Clan.com | Click here to directly join it.

  • UFaced like always concluded everything in one post ;) From me (if I can say anyting ofc, because I'm only tp 1st) - ye, that's sad that some ppl (not many ofc) abusing their power. But this isn't a extremly accident - if any admin kicks players for NO reason - that is abusing power. So I think, that kick from the clan meybe it's not needed, just he have to promise, that he won't do that again, because kickng players for reason, that isn't in rules is not right. Hmmm ... But meybe that's reason to change rules on Nuketown server ? ;)

  • He never did something like this, he always stayed calm.

    And i know "no camping" isnt a rule on nuketown.
    But i also know that its annoying if someone is camping behind the op car.

    Surly he could have warned.
    But not doing that isnt that hard abusement.

    No need for this discussion like he would do this everyday @ everytime.
