Auch wenn ich seit ewigkeiten nicht mehr wirklich aktiv hier war, tut es mir doch weh das zu hören.
Ich danke ihm für die mega guten Jahre die man zusammen hatte. Wir werden dich vermissen.
Rest in Piece Mirko
Auch wenn ich seit ewigkeiten nicht mehr wirklich aktiv hier war, tut es mir doch weh das zu hören.
Ich danke ihm für die mega guten Jahre die man zusammen hatte. Wir werden dich vermissen.
Rest in Piece Mirko
Revive KtK then :p
Swifty how you doing bro
I'm Online at least once a day, well I try
Wb Mate and ofc we know and love myst.
But sadly, I don't think he will ever come back
Is it maybe VR?
Another one on Humble Bundle:
Rising Storm Game of the Year Edition (Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer included):
The Humble Store: Great games. Fantastic prices. Support charity.
pffff Trabant nubs xD
und @dertom du Hund
Ok last answer from me.
- No Stats Page Link
- Play to reach the 60 hours (again?)
- A lot of People who said No
- You SEEM arrogant, maybe it's just me
These are MY 2 useless Cents. Last words will come from an Admin anyway.
Actually I do remember + 80% of "our" old Players. Almost everyone was a good friend and if I see a Name, I know if it's someone "special". But you are not 1 of them. Aaaaaaaaaaand I still remember ALL my Names, even the wierd ones
I don't remember you Chris and I was a Trusted -> Member -> now Trusted again.
Here since 2013. Please don't fool us
Display MoreCan confirm, pre-load for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare & Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is available.
You can also download them separate.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Campaign
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Multiplayer
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Zombies
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered - Multiplayer
If it doesn't show for pre-load, restart your steam client.
Sweet, Thanks Jayme
Already bought it about a Month ago ;D
Sadly it's not a Standalone yet, or did I miss anything
Uhm, is it me?
That's why we have a Shoutbox. There you can write when you / other peoples have a problem.
Just say on what Server the problem is and what your problem is (insulting, cheater, ect). Try to make it short tho and don't spam any useless stuff
Most of the time we have Trusted players Online or Admins, they can help.
EDIT: What you did wasn't wrong and it's good to see you made Screenshots too + the Stats Page. Very nice
Jayme, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex has anything to do with the anime ? :O
No not really. People say it's like "CoD" or "CSGO". It's just another shooter, nothing special at all. BUT you can play as your fav Character
Can we keep you in our friendslist then? Added you. xSeppel my name
This map ;D CSGO Beginner Surf Map.
Surfing is actually extremely fun, at first it's kinda hard. As soon as you understand how it works, it's fun.