New Adminmod [Improvement Thread]

  • !commands and !cmdlist don't do anything.
    The console doesn't even return a message saying "unrecognized command", it just does nothing at all.

    Hidenames aren't working anymore (I tried one of the 2 names in the list; the others have been removed whyyy ^^ )

    !vote doesn't do anything (doesn't say what are the subcommands).

    !vote map works, but !cancel and !pass don't.

    !avote is unrecognized.


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

    3xP' TS3 IP: | Click here to directly join it.

  • #KTK

    So, personally I think that these server messages about killstreaks/killstreaks ends are simply not needed and there're doing spam on chat (check attachment). I don't know how others players think about that and this is a good time to ask (or if u don't want spam, i can make another thread with it).

    Solution: I think, that the best clue, when everybody will be happy (when there will be players, who want to keep them) is disabling all this stuff, except these on highest killstreaks like 30/35 and above. I think we can do the same thing with killstreak end messages - only above 30/35 killstreak.

    Ofc if everybody will agree with dis idea we can disable all this stuff.


    !a command doesn't work for all trusted players (dunno how it's working with members and above). Server says "no permissions".
    !cmdlist server is returing "no permission"
    !hey server is returning "no permission"
    !rules command on dr and ktk is saying only one - Do not camp. On cj doesn't work completly, but I think there wasn't any cmd like that there.


    when joining, server is pming me a rules (check attachment). It happens only on dr, i don't know if it was intentional.

  • Some of those things you mentioned like the Killstreak-Spam happened when KtK partially crashed, to be more precisely the Admin Mod did. Thats why some Trusted were wondering why i didnt get kicked first for not having the Tag. After an attempt to reconnect I had to add the Tag too to not get kicked again. I would guess some configs were reset to default by that, but as i have no clue its just a guess. :)

  • #KTK

    So, personally I think that these server messages about killstreaks/killstreaks ends are simply not needed and there're doing spam on chat (check attachment). I don't know how others players think about that and this is a good time to ask (or if u don't want spam, i can make another thread with it).

    I increaded the Killmessages count to 10. This means that you have to make 10 kills in under 3 seconds to see this message.
    I also changed the Streakmessages to 30, 60, 90, 120. This means that you have to kill, 30, 60, 90, 120 people without a death to see this message

    !a command doesn't work for all trusted players (dunno how it's working with members and above). Server says "no permissions".
    !cmdlist server is returing "no permission"
    !hey server is returning "no permission"
    !rules command on dr and ktk is saying only one - Do not camp. On cj doesn't work completly, but I think there wasn't any cmd like that there.

    Some commands where renamed and I forgot to create the aliases/ add the permissions for them

    Also the GSM has a new rules plugin which isn't configured correctly atm. I know that Ufaced implemented like this with the funmessages but I haven't found time to convert them to the rules plugin. Same for deathrun. The one message you saw is the default rule of the rules plugin. This plugin is disabled on cj because you can't do much wrong on this server

  • I increaded the Killmessages count to 10. This means that you have to make 10 kills in under 3 seconds to see this message.
    I also changed the Streakmessages to 30, 60, 90, 120. This means that you have to kill, 30, 60, 90, 120 people without a death to see this message

    Some commands where renamed and I forgot to create the aliases/ add the permissions for them

    Also the GSM has a new rules plugin which isn't configured correctly atm. I know that Ufaced implemented like this with the funmessages but I haven't found time to convert them to the rules plugin. Same for deathrun. The one message you saw is the default rule of the rules plugin. This plugin is disabled on cj because you can't do much wrong on this server

    About the killstreak messages, I was just waiting for mirko to be done with the GSM update before changing them. I know on KTK they need to be for higher killstreaks, and I had already changed them in the past (special ones for KTK :P ).

    I can put whatever I want in the "Rules" plugin?
    And the PM'd rules when we join a server is another plugin?


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

    3xP' TS3 IP: | Click here to directly join it.

  • I was wondering, is the "browserkey" feature still working? Or would it be possible to make it work again? It was a really great thing. But last time I was able to use it was like 2 years ago I think x)


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

    3xP' TS3 IP: | Click here to directly join it.