Beiträge von Noob

    .rp does not work any more (!rp does not work either), .restoreposition does however (as does !restoreposition)
    Some of the .fun cmd's do not work (.beer works - .deleted User doesn't) Yes I know this is not very important haha.
    .geo doesn't work any more.
    .time isn't working currently.
    .tphere isn't showing any confirmation if it works (.tpto is)
    .pm now shows two lines if you receive a pm (too much text imo), one line says ''...whispers to you'', which I think should be left for .whisper!

    (as of this post all cmd's are down except .pm on the CJ server)

    Two days ago the saving time for CJ was increased (after you load, it takes ~1 second to save your position, previously it was instant) but I believe it was needed to change rpg bug. Some people have complained about this.


    Thanks for the nice words guys. :)
    I added in some contact details to the original post, I left them out because I actually rarely use steam / xfire, but I will happily use them if needs be. Now I am going to go practice the test run!

    Thanks again,

    Hello 3xP' community, my name is Noob and this is my 3xP' CodJumper application!

    About me:

    Why I'd like to join:
    I would like to join 3xP' CJ Team because I really enjoy playing on the server and I really like how nice and friendly everyone is! I think 3xP' is the most friendly and enjoyable CJ community and I find everyone very helpful.

    Me as a player:
    I will admit I am not the most amazing CJ player however I am always trying to improve and have got a lot better recently! When playing codjumper I usually do Inter ways, I have finished every inter way I've tried including the longer / harder ones (mp_galaxy) however I have also finished a few Hard maps (eg descent 1 + 2, dark, blu3, blue_2, moon adv, boxes_v2, nevada, etc). My gap record is 368 rpg and 310 no rpg (sorry - I hate gaps!). I am able to do mp_galaxy test way in under two minutes. Here is my stats page 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details

    I would really like to join 3xP' CodJumper team as I get along well with almost everyone and would like to be a part of the team, I of course fully agree to all of the rules, thank you for taking the time to read! :)


    Contact Details:
    You can also probably find me in the 3xP' CJ server!