Beiträge von Viking

    2) The problem is that a few hardpoints are not working at all. No one was able to get: Predator, Sentry gun, Heli. We tried as King and guard, no one ever got one of these.
    3) Second problem, no one ever got the automatic weapon hardpoint as King. I never had the "Press [F] to update weapon" msg, or whatever it is
    4) Also, shouldn't the king get only poison airstrike and mortars? Seems like in this version, we simply get what we picked in Hardpoints. Idk if it was intentional from you or if it's a bug.
    5) And last bug, a weird one. I had picked Heli, predator, sentry gun, and I didn't get any but I got AC130 x) I was king I think. Dunno how the hell that happened

    Note: Several times, the "waiting match to begin" message (or whatever it is, I got it in French ) appeared at the beginning of a round (we were 3 to 5 people on the server), and I was afraid we would get stuck on it, but no, it went away quickly (0.5 to 1.5 seconds I'd say ).

    2. Fixed, i'm not sure why but i pasted the code in the wrong section of the if statement... meh ^^
    3./4. If the new system is used the king will get the selected hardpoints (as a guard) and not the weapon upgrade etc.
    In case you want to handle the king as before i'll add a new dvar
    5. No idea as well lol

    I was wondering, how come mods like RotU, RoZo can actually work? It looks to me that they have a huge amount of custom models/weapons. A lot more than what there is is KTK. Or maybe it's just an impression. Isn't there a way to bypass CoD4 models restrictions?

    Custom maps with low amount of custom models (or no custom models at all)

    edit: i think the help menu is ready

    KTK test server (Showdown care package bug):

    I played yesterday with K.O. and when I got a cp it hovered 30 ft above the main statue. This happened twice (as assassin and King) and the cp was not even close to being reachable.
    It is a minor bug, but I just want to put it out there in case this becomes an issue in the future.

    Where was the marker (red smoke) thrown at?

    Hardpoint descriptions are now visible in the box to the right.

    I think it's no problem. Just create the dvar like this:
    set scr_playedMapWontShowUp 0 //Any number from 0 to ?? (0 = disabled; 1 = The map just played won't show up next vote (which means the vote at the end of the map); 2 = The map just played won't show up in the next 2 votes; etc) (default 0)
    And anyway, I think with the huge amount of maps existing for CoD4 now, no decent server has less than 20 maps in rotation ^^ Even with stock maps only, I think it would be around 15 maps?

    The problems is that I don't know (yet) how to store:
    - how many maps were played between the map, which is currently blocked, and the map currently playing
    - which of the blocked map has to be re-enabled then
    I don't think it's a big deal when it's only one map (= dvar set to 1), but for any higher value it will.

    Added the script (dvar controlled) so a map which was just played will not appear in the votes at the end of the maps (for how long depends on the value the dvar is set to).
    Added the text to tell the players how to vote.
    Added the feature that a random map will be picked from the vote table if no vote was cast. (Before the first in the list was taken)

    edit 2:
    The improvement not to pick "new" players and players with low ranks as assassin, slave/dog or king is really a pain, i don't think it will find it's way into the mod.

    edit 3:
    For the help menu it would be cool if you could send me a text, i'll remove htt and ctc (they won't be added to the mod so there is no point in keeping the explanation)

    1. I personally love the weapons in ktk, especially the mg42 (awesome memories with the mg3)
    2. Except the ump45 there is no weapon with a worldmodel which uses an attachment
    3. Sure the reload time can be changed within the weaponfile

    Hey I noticed a little bug in the newest version of the mod...
    When a new round starts you can walk away from spawn until the first assasin gets chosen...

    I have already fixed that, should be gone with the next version.

    1. Kinda hard to realize, imagine you have 5 maps in the rotation and you set the dvar to 3.
    There won't be much maps left for the vote.
    But i'll think about a solution, because i like that idea.

    2. Yea sure, that's no problem to pick a random then.

    3. Hack the terminals and Contain the code will never be finished because ktk has changed in so many ways that it would be a way to big effort to change all scripts again to make them work with htt and ctc.
    Good news is that i already started to make htt a stand alone mod (sadly the testserver was empty all the time), but let's finish ktk first before we step to htt.

    That's a great idea, i'll see how i can add it.

    @UFaced New version is up, check your PM ;)

    So yeah, we have 2 models less now.
    Better then nothing :/

    The arrow of the explosive crossbow and the throwing knives are handled like grenades, so to specify my statement:
    The explosive crossbow, the throwing knives and the grenades will damage the helicopters when they explode in the air (close to it).

    I'm not 100 percent sure when exactly the round start bug happens, but it does not happen with bots, that's why i can't reproduce the bug local on my computer. :/
    If it's okay i would like to upload a new mod.ff tomorrow with some messages on the screen which help me to locate the problem.
    It will be annoying for players to have the message on the screen but will help me a lot.

    The menu with the unlockables is full, i can not add any further buttons to it.
    I like the idea but i don't think it's good for the gameplay because a lot of players (especially new players) will be confused when they do not spawn as guard after they get killed.

    With the new locktime dvar i have fucked up the javelin because i forgot to change getDvarInt() to getDvarFloat() so when it's lower then 1 it doesn't work and the log is spammed with an error saying unable to divide by 0.
    I have already fixed it and will add it to the next update.
    With the next update there will also come a little change for the javelin so players can not shoot a vehicle (the destructible cars) which has already been destroyed.
    Also the message telling the vehicle is out of range will not be spammed anymore.

    Little update:
    Explosive crossbow will now damage helicopters.
    No gore effect playing when the player survives the explosive crossbow.
    I'm still trying to find out why the game is not starting when there are exactly 4 players on the server (it were 4 weren't it?)

    1- Hardpoints. Still really weird, most of the time I get no hardpoints at all. Actually, it looks like I was only getting hardpoints the first round of a map. As a king, I never got the auto-weapon I should have earned (actually I can't remember if I got it the first round). I was king the first round and got RC-car, then the carepackage, but then didn't earn the Predator. These were the 3 things I had picked. Though, except if you changed it, I think king should only earn airstrike and mortars, no matter what he has picked, right?
    Note: On lolzor carepackage should have been disabled and I still got it; but I think it's because I hadn't exec the cfg so it wasn't disabled the first round, when I got it.

    5) Aaaand last thing, is knife inflicting the same amount of damage as throwing knife now? 2 knifes cuts and the king has almost no HP left (I set the throwing knife dmg to 134, but the regular knife should inflict 100).

    Somehow it deletes the selected hardpoints every round start, i guess it's due to the new button i have added to the menu, should be fixed pretty fast.
    Knife and throwing knife do not share the damage, the knife uses the damage set in the weaponfile and the throwing knife the damage from a dvar.

    sry for the double post, forgot to copy and past after quoting.

    @Viking I noticed a typo, it's Mosin Nagant not Mosin Nagat, not sure if you care as I don't think it shows up in game ^^
    Also what is marker_mp? Never seen it in any config before.
    And m40a3_acog_mp? Is it simply M40A3 with ACOG? :D

    1. oh lol, i'll change that with the next update ;)
    2. marker_mp is the smoke grenade you need to call the carepackage
    3. Ehrm, i think it's the scope from black ops

    1. Have to check that, maybe the if statement has a bad boolean statement which causes the script to use it and not so pass to the correct one
    2. Final killcam hasn't been changed since it's in, i could be wrong, i'll compare the script with the old one
    3. I'll change it to "currently disabled hardpoints", it's shorter :P
    4. You can keep them empty, makes no difference, only important thing is you separate maps with an semicolon
    5. Hmm strange, damage of knife and throwing knives shouldn't be the same, but maybe it was like that all the time (that sucks, i'll take a look and change it)

    Darn how come there are still so many bugs and problems.
    As always, thanks for the feedback!

    Currenty playing and the following settings are reset after a map change:
    Fullbright, Laser, Fovscale and Knife stabbing.
    I'm not sure but i think it's the game which has default values somewhere in a script, gonna have to search deeper.
    Settings do persist within the rounds.

    Here's a list of things i have done so far:

    1. - Added an ammocounter for the javelin so you can see how many ammo you have left
    2. - Added a new dvar for the javelin so admins can set the needed time to lock a target
    3. - Added a message when the javelin is out of ammo
    4. - Added a button to choose between dog and slave (player settings menu)
    5. - Added a button to check the MOTD & Rules again (class menu (the one you see when you press 'esc' ingame))
    6. - Added dvars to control the radius and damage of the tripwires
    7. - Fixed the carepackage landing on an RC-XD
    8. - Reduced the needed amount of players for the gamestart to 2

    Upload in progress :)

    @UFaced, the change of the minplayer amount was a pain :D

    1. The spoiler contains every model "I have added to the mod/game", so yeah, I can remove any of them.
    2. You're right and i dislike this solution too.
    3. By removing the crossbow the explosive crossbow would also be gone, that's right because they use (obviously) the same models.
    4. The reason is a limitation in the engine again, i'm not sure about the amount, but i can only load a few weapons with "new" names.
    By removing a custom weapon, e.g. the minigun, which replaces the saw_acog_mp the saw_acog_mp can be used again.

    he can modify the values of default weapons (ammo, damage, reload time). Also he can rename the weapons. But a renamed AK47 still looks like an AK47.
    He can maybe change the looking of an AK to P90 Look, but not to (what's the last gun in ktk is called?)

    If you check the weapons folder within the iwd file, or the weapons.txt within the readme folder you will notice that nearly every custom weapon replaces a default cod4 weapon file.
    Again the example of the minigun, which is the saw_acog_mp weaponfile with changed values, a new weapon model and animations.

    I think we should cancel the vote at this point.
    From what i can see do the weapons belong to ktk like the kennedy model ;)
    They were in from the beginning and should not be removed.
    I'll think about an other solution, currently i got the following in my mind:

    1. Joining the head and the body of the assassin types (makes 3 instead of 6 models)
    2. Removing either the terminator or the juggernaut model (1 model less)
    3. Replacing the throwing knife with the default knife (again 1 model less)
    4. Removing the 2 easter eggs - tbh the dog shit is not as funny as i thought, and the tire on death sucks too (2 models less)
    - Would save 7 models here -

    Not sure if possible:
    1. Replacing the box of the carepackage with a box which is already in the game (again 1 model less)
    2. Joining all models needed for the gore effect (makes 1 model instead of 4)
    - Would save 4 models here -

    Not sure if i should do it:
    1. Removing the worldmodel of the silenced UMP45 (i'm not sure if it's such a big deal if we see a silenced or a non-silenced weapon) (again 1 model less)
    - Would save 1 model here -

    In total i could save 12 models if everything works as it does currently in my mind :D
    But realizing this would take some time :/

    Assassins can Climb Guards and vice versa

    Cod has player collisions which i can't change within a mod.
    To disable it you will need the 1.7a files.

    I would like to see the option to choose between dog or slave. I really hate being dog to be honest. Should this be possible? Or not allowed because of the rules.

    Can you specify it?
    Do you mean a player should be allowed to choose if he wants to be a dog or a slave?
    The mod already chooses a slave if the dog is disabled on the map, that's why the minplayers can't be lower than 3 players.

    I can't remove weapons coming with cod4, i can only remove the custom weapons i have added.
    Overwriting an existing weapon (like i did with e.g. saw_acog_mp (minigun)) won't help because the game still loads the model of the saw.
    The models of the weapons coming with cod4 are compiled in a basic ff file of the game (i think its the common_mp.ff) and this is unchangeable.

    To give you an impression of the amount of custom models i have added to the mod: