Moug Trusted App

  • Hello everyone

    Most of you probably already know me and have played with me for quite a long time. I would like to apply for trusted because i want to have the power to teleport to other people and help them out. After playing codjumper for so long the game has got boring and i have done basically every single map hundreds of times by now. The teleport command would really help me personally with that. Drizz had given me a trusted level 3 (if i am not mistaken) and it was taken away by 3xP Noob because i was refusing to ban players that have been banavoiding 3xP server. I have no intentions to kick or ban anyone. I just need a teleport command really badly for my own sake.

    I dont think applying for trusted will change the way people view me as a player and it really shouldnt.. but i really want to have access to the tp command because it would be a really big quality of life change not having to do over half of an easy/inter way to help someone that needs it if there are no admins to take me to the player that requested help at the time.

    I am aware that it says the account is from Czech Republic when its not. The first person that joined 3xP with the cracked key doesnt seem to have joined the server again since ive had this key so there shouldnt be any issues with that.

    Other than this here is some info about me. I am from Greece which is a terrible country and i am currently 20 years old. I am studying in a university and the subjects i am studying are mainly around probability and economics. I have plenty of games owned but in reality i only play 6 of these games. Call of duty 4, League of Legends, Trackmania Turbo, Rainbow Six: Siege, Dirt Rally and Dark souls 3 or Bloodborne.

    On Call of duty 4 I have already done a lot of things throughout the years that i have played. Including 3 codjumper maps where 2 of them have been a great success in my opinion and i am currently working on more maps including a giant 10-way map.

    I have completed every single jump and i have participated in a few montages the past 3 years including Get Funkier and Some bounces X, and currently i would say that i am one of the best jumpers out there.

    Overall i applied only because i have missed the ability to teleport to other people and help them since Noob took it away from me. It was a really big quality of life change and i would love to have it back. I hope u understand

    Sincerely, Wisp-.

  • Hey Moug,

    Being a trusted member on our server means that you have to have a certain level of respect towards the rules of the server and of course towards other people playing on it. This means that you shouldn't actively promote people to banavoid who have previously been banned from the server with good reason. I'm not saying you did this before, but you certainly didn't do anything to stop it. As a trusted player, we would expect you to do something about it if that were to happen again and by the look of your app, it seems that you are not keen into changing that approach.

    A trusted member is someone who we can trust, it's not just about having the TP ability and being good at CJ. It's a trusted member's job to keep the server clean from undesirable people and sometimes it happens that those people are your friends. Also your past with our clan has been rather complex and that is why this will be a difficult decision.

    Also just to clarify you had the obscure "friend" rank which included all normal member benefits except the requirement of having a clan tag on your name. That was removed from you because Drizz gave it to you without consulting me or Noob and we thought we didn't really get to discuss the decision thoroughly enough. Also at the time, there was a lot of discord between certain people in the community and we weren't comfortable enough to keep you with the Friend rank. Also the fact that you actively befriended people who are banned from the server made us uneasy. That is why your rank was removed and I hope you understand that it was nothing personal towards you. That being said I will discuss this with Noob and let you know our decision, maybe he can even pitch in himself and give his view of the situation.

    I hope you understand where we are coming from. A thing that would surely go a long way is if you could somehow reassure us that there wont be any problems in the future if you were to become a trusted player. I don’t know what that could be but maybe you can come up with an idea. From your app I get the sense that you only want the TP and don't want to have any other responsibilities in the server. I don't think that will be possible since those ingame abilities is a way for us to say thank you for our trusted players who have our server's best interest at heart. Just giving you the TP without any requirements would be pretty unfair in my opinion at least.



  • I'm pretty sure his rank got taken away because the biggest reason was that he didn't want to ban me whenever I joined. lmao

    FIFY mougkos14

    [2017-07-25 17:17:37] Funk Attack: bunny called u weak for only giving 30min ban
    [2017-07-25 17:17:46] 3xP' AlterEgo: can you ss it

    Edited once, last by Bunny ().

  • I'm pretty sure the reason his rank got taken away because the biggest reason was that he didn't want to ban me whenever I joined. lmao

    that is entirely true.. even though the english in that sentence is terrible xdd

    In the past i have kicked people who have shown toxic behaviour on the server.. and i have even banned bunny himself when he showed toxic behaviour on the server even though he was my friend. If a person didnt make another person on the server either uneasy or annoyed i would kick them or warn them about it pretty much instantly.. I just hope that i can avoid having to do that if i were given trusted. My friends that have been banned and arent allowed to play on the 3xP server anymore arent really able to play anymore anyway. Naming those 2: ShadowlinkX and Bunny, Shadow has no interest in joining anyway because he doesnt ban avoid and Bunny is completely unable to join anymore by any means, so i am pretty sure it will not be an issue anymore.

  • that is entirely true.. even though the english in that sentence is terrible xdd

    In the past i have kicked people who have shown toxic behaviour on the server.. and i have even banned bunny himself when he showed toxic behaviour on the server even though he was my friend. If a person didnt make another person on the server either uneasy or annoyed i would kick them or warn them about it pretty much instantly.. I just hope that i can avoid having to do that if i were given trusted. My friends that have been banned and arent allowed to play on the 3xP server anymore arent really able to play anymore anyway. Naming those 2: ShadowlinkX and Bunny, Shadow has no interest in joining anyway because he doesnt ban avoid and Bunny is completely unable to join anymore by any means, so i am pretty sure it will not be an issue anymore.

    And if they were able to join later down the line, how would you handle the situation?

  • As I did previously. If they are not causing trouble currently in the server when they are playing i will not do anything. But if they start talking to other people with the intention of trolling or something like that i am going to kick them.
    That is exactly what i told Noob aswell when he asked me about it before taking away my rank. I am sorry if thats not enough for you about them but thats how i am gonna handle the situation.

  • What is with this paranoia lmao, it's not like we're leaking any of your precious collected data, it's a fucking game server

    [2017-07-25 17:17:37] Funk Attack: bunny called u weak for only giving 30min ban
    [2017-07-25 17:17:46] 3xP' AlterEgo: can you ss it

  • Big whoop I'm such a threat to the community wow. DON'T LET SHADOW PLAY IN 3XP GUYS!!!

    Imagine already separating the community more than it is. NH has it's own playerbase, JH, then 3xP. It's not that serious, and I've already said what I had to say to you and noob previously. Why be this stuck up and strict? you guys don't even BOTHER giving another chance it's just auto perma ban. Meanwhile heat got a nice unban, aka 2nd chance. Hmm :thinking:

    Well, I don't really care whether or not I get unbanned. Just wanted to add my 2 cents in, how you guys like to pick and choose instead of being fair overall about specific situations. And oh no god forbid if I or Bunny join the server if Moug has trusted!! Guess whenever I join his immediate thought has to be "Must. Ban. AMERICAN!!! TOXIC!!!" LOL. I remember Drizz wouldn't even ban Bunny when he avoided. Neither did you funk with me. So at that point you're just contradicting your reasoning for not giving Moug trusted. :')

  • It's not that we are somehow afraid of the damage Shadow or Bunny could cause to the server, it's more so staying true to our principles and reinforcing the rules. If there are no consequences for trolling, if you can always just say "sorry", what is the point of banning anyone or having any rules on a server in the first place. I've done my fair share of mistakes, maybe I haven't been as strict as I should have been. Maybe I was too naive for actually believing people would change on their own and we wouldn't have to resort to drastic measures such as banning. When it come to Baddy and Heat, I learned a lot about that whole situation myself. You are either strict and instantly permaban or you give someone a second chance and are then labeled as a hypocrite no matter if the person actually changed. I don't expect you to understand. Since that whole incident we have resorted into the first option. We warned both Shadow and Bunny multiple times and they didn't listen. We have made up our mind and you did yours when we warned you.

  • Funk's comments are pretty much bang on.

    The point of trusted rank is to give people that have proved themselves some extra privileges.

    In exchange for this we expect trusted players to have some responsibilities (as Funk mentioned).

    Due to your history and the recent comments in this thread I don't think it's a great idea.

    The server has been friendly and drama free since enforcing the bans. I'd prefer it stays this way.


  • I didnt want this post to go this way at all i just asked you on the server if i could get the trusted rank back and your answer was: "the forums right there"

    If you think ill cause drama because my friends are toxic and clearly not friendly to you then that is fine. I do not have intentions to cause drama for a rank.

    Somehow all the drama really involves around me and that makes it so i am not allowed to get anything so im just gonna back off now

  • I think Moug is a pretty reasonable person.

    Maybe he should have acted differently in certain

    scenarios that are all god knows how long ago.

    But to use that as a basis for the present is pretty

    unfair, since it wasn't exactly him who caused any trouble.

    I'd say give him trusted and see how it goes.

    If you're right and server goes up in flames

    then you can always revoke it later and never

    give it back to him.
    I doubt this is gonna happen though.

    The server has been friendly and drama free since enforcing the bans. I'd prefer it stays this way.

    Giving Moug trusted isn't gonna turn the

    now friendly server into some toxic mess.


    Because Moug was actively playing there

    as well and i'd say he improved the overall

    experience players have on the server.

  • Let me give you guys my perspective.

    One of the main reasons I took a break was because the community looked like dying a year ago. When you joined the 3xP' Server (or any other) there were only 3 people playing and you knew none of them.

    Since then I nearly forgot about CJ. So as I joined 2 months ago servers were filling up again and are actually more alive than ever.

    Seeing all the people I used to meet every day again, I got some pretty nice chills and got me addicted again.

    As you can see community is the key factor for me about CJ. Keep this in mind for my personal view on this and such topics.

    Now back to topic.

    I will just work off argument by argument.

    1. Ignoring banavoids/Respecting rules

    -I personally never kicked nor banned Bunny when he tried to join BECAUSE I never really knew the exact reason he was banned in the first place. I talked to a bunch of people and all in all I did not get a similar or rather a specific answer I was 100% comfortable believing. And I'm pretty sure most members/trusted people are in the same exact dilemma of "shall I ban? idk the real issue tbh".

    2. Befriending "suspects"

    -The part with Moug befriending people that are banned, is imo invalid. You have to point out that these friendships didn't develop after the bans, but actually existed way before the drama.

    I'm "friends" or at least on a friendly basis with mostly everyone, and if you get to know people on a deeper level you will sometimes be surprised on how they actually are.

    3. Drama free environment

    -Given the fact that Moug is actively trying to help people while also improving the overall atmosphere, I think it's a good idea to give him "Trusted".

    I teleport Moug on a regular basis because he genuinely wants to help people. And so far I've never experienced someone being annoyed/pissed/bothered by him, rather the opposite.

    So in the sake of keeping the community alive, I'd like to address a general ongoing problem atm.

    I feel like people are starting drama way too quickly. Who cares if someone did something weird or even presumptuous?

    Maybe it's just me but I never felt true tension between players but if it really was the case, people would just continue playing as it's never been a disruptive problem.

    The only situation where there really is a problem, is when people make it bigger than it actually is. This has to stop.

    As I said earlier, I am friends with most of the people in this community. And if one behaved weird I went on and avoided him. That's it.

    The community of CJ is already small enough, so can we please build a harder shell by not getting offended too quickly and actively try to keep us together?

    Also a little side note:

    Moug is a well known mapper and still has some plans in mind. So I would prefer welcoming him in 3xP' rather then excluding him.

    Hence I feel positive about him applying to being promoted to trusted, similar to how I felt about his member application.