Player Behaviour + Baddy Unban

  • Because of my expierience while playing in the past 2 days and a conversation I had with 3xP' Funk yesterday i decided to write down this thread. Within this thread im gonna talk about player behaviour overall and a potential unban test on Baddy. So lets get right into it.

    Past 2 days ive seen 3xP Noob playing a lot on 3xP server. Trying new maps aswell to try and get better. But.. besides being active the past 2 days he has also been kind of passive aggressive. Im not talking about him joking about someone's skill or having fun with a player by saying wierd things to them in chat because im fine with that.. Ill give an example. Yesterday i was on the server with some jh guys. After Noob realised Sardonyx was on the server he asked him: Is jh down or what? Thats not really what u would call welcoming behaviour is it? To me it felt like u didnt want Sard to play on 3xP at all.. If thats the case why dont u just ban him? Oh yea right coz there has never been any actual reason to ban Sard. Since Sard hasnt really done anything to 3xP why is 3xP' Noob being agressive to him. Now of course u would say that JH guys do the same when a 3xP member joins the server right?..

    There is only one time that ive seen this happening. One time that 3xP' Noob joined a JH server guys were renaming him to V2 (because of the meme with Noob and Noobaim) Noob got so pissed of that he actually ragequit the server. So.. a namechange about a meme.. doesnt seem really aggressive to me.. to me it just seems like having fun. Another case i wanna point out is that recently on JH my map is being frequently tested on private servers of JH. One day that we were playing 3xP' Funk came to play aswell. What did they say to Funk? "Hey Funk" And thats it. Nothing aggressive and nothing towards him. He was welcome to play on the server. So yea i know there is obviously ''beef'' between 3xP lead and JH members but.. you can just let that pass.. just let it pass.. we are a community.. we play this game to have fun. There is no need for that kind of stuff.
    On a side note I wanna say sth to 3xP Noob. I know you are joking most of the time but there are a lot of instances that u are joking about autism.. and u are acting as if noone in this world has autism.. In my eyes thats douchy as hell. You cant just joke about things like autism or lets say that i joked about cancer as if nobody in the world has cancer... Im not talking about yesterday's thing. Because u said thats a fact.. idk if its a fact and because u told me i didnt continue. But 2 days ago u showed a guy on i think fun way on mp_race it was.. He asked you how u get so much speed and u answered. /Autism 0. No mate.. thats not funny.. stop it. Please think before typing. There are a lot more things that are funny in life than autism.

    And now that the side note has passed its time to get into the reason this thread is on the Unban Requests. Im pretty sure we are all aware about what is going on with baddy but ill remind the whole thing just in case.

    Baddy was involved in a lot of drama while being in 3xP. And because he was in 3xP he was bringing that drama on the chat of 3xP servers. 3xP CJ-Lead agreed to ban him and remove him from the team. After a while a conversation took place about baddy's incident where the admins agreed to unban baddy as long as he wouldnt bring drama over to the server. And Baddy got banned again because he was having fun by saying stupid things in the chat to Goddess. Here is a screenshot of what baddy said.

    Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

    The highlighted messages are baddy "harassing" Goddess. "I will shit on your bird" "I will rape your bird". Harassment. Yes thats what i call harassment.. Totally.. Harassment is not someone that will say that they will kill u,slaughter you,telling you to kill yourself,etc etc

    Goddess sent the screenshot to funk and after that funk shared his info with 3xP Lead. And because baddy already had a bad reputation with the 3xP Cj Lead that was lead to a permaban. But. For real.. Do u think that is a deserved ban?

    This was the only incident that baddy got involved in after the ban. He didnt do anything really. He used the server only on a time that people from JH would use the server so he can play with them. And thats the reason he asked for an unban from a member. He only wanted to play with other JH people when they would choose the 3xP server to play on instead of JH once in a while.

    In conclusion this thread was made to try and achieve two things. First is 3xP members to not be aggressive towards JH members just like JH members do when a 3xP member join their server and to give baddy another chance of unban because the only thing he wants to do on 3xP is actually play when JH members are playing there. He has no intentions of getting into any drama. We all just want to have fun playing a game that is 10 years old.

    I wanna thank who stayed to read the entire post. I know its pretty long but it had to be like this :D

    Thank you for devoting time into reading this post

    Best Regards, Moug

  • Small preface:
    I hate CJ-drama and find it pretty embarrassing for the most part.
    I'm writing this response primarily because you called me out and you are also stating things that are simply false, which is unfair.

    [...]Noob realised Sardonyx was on the server he asked him: Is jh down or what? [...] To me it felt like u didnt want Sard to play on 3xP at all.. If thats the case why dont u just ban him?

    That's ridiculous. I don't really know Sard well but I have absolutely nothing against him and have no problem at all with him playing on the server. We sometimes talk on Steam too, I don't know why you think I don't want him to play or why you think I would want him banned. I asked that because there were a lot of the usual JH players (Sard Kev etc) on the server at the time.

    [...]why is 3xP' Noob being agressive to him


    Noob got so pissed of that he actually ragequit the server.

    I left the server to play on 3xP'. I can assure you I was not "so pissed off", I like that kinda banter. Again this is you misreading a situation and jumping to conclusions.

    So yea i know there is obviously ''beef'' between 3xP lead and JH members

    No there is not. Definitely not from me at least. I have no problem with JH at all.

    I know you are joking most of the time but there are a lot of instances that u are joking about autism.. and u are acting as if noone in this world has autism.. In my eyes thats douchy as hell.

    That's fair enough, I like dark humour, I realise some people don't.
    I won't apologise that you're offended but I'll stop with the darker jokes if it makes the server seem hostile to you.

    No mate.. thats not funny.. stop it.

    Again, I'll stop, but humour is subjective; Some people find it funny, others do not. That's life.

    [...]the admins agreed to unban baddy as long as he wouldnt bring drama over to the server. And Baddy got banned again because he was having fun

    If 'having fun' means insulting other players, causing pointless drama, and trying to cause reactions you can 'have fun' on a different server.
    Friendly joking between friends? No problem.
    Insulting both non-members and members in chat or through PM? Not welcome on our server.

    This was the only incident that baddy got involved in after the ban. He didnt do anything really.

    Not true. If you really need I'm sure I can find examples and can send you proof of this on Steam, but I assure you it's not true.

    First is 3xP members to not be aggressive towards JH members

    I have never seen this.
    Please privately message me examples of this happening, as this kinda behaviour is not welcome from any member.
    I have clarified the two instances you spoke of above that you misinterpreted.
    I do not care what server/clan a player is from as long as they respect other players.

    and to give baddy another chance of unban

    I'll talk to the other leads about this but I think this is very unlikely.
    He was given many, many chances. We even un-banned him after he promised not to cause more drama. Then he did it again.

    He has no intentions of getting into any drama

    I don't believe that for a second.

    Again, I have no desire to participate in CJ-drama, please do not try to cause more drama / revive drama just for the sake of it.
    Thank you.

  • There is only one time that ive seen this happening. One time that 3xP' Noob joined a JH server guys were renaming him to V2 (because of the meme with Noob and Noobaim) Noob got so pissed of that he actually ragequit the server.

    I'm sure he didn't "ragequit" because of this, since the real playername never gets modified.

    So yea i know there is obviously ''beef'' between 3xP lead and JH members but..

    You actually named the whole 3xP' Lead and JH here. With 3xP' Noob's reply we're already two who are not involved in this, please clarify.

  • Okay so for thing with sard. Its kinda hard to know what another player is thinking with only seeing what he types. "Is JH down or what" make the player feels unwanted on the server
    About Baddy and drama. Why do u think Baddy was actually asking an unban when we were playing on 3xP? To get involved into more drama? Dont think so.

    We even un-banned him after he promised not to cause more drama. Then he did it again.

    ?? He did not. Only thing was that thing with Goddess thats not freaking drama..

    If you really need I'm sure I can find examples and can send you proof

    Yes please i wanna see. Because i spoke to Funk aswell about this incident.

    I left the server to play on 3xP'. I can assure you I was not "so pissed off"

    This is from what I've heard from people that were present when this happened. You were keep changing to your name and then they made it imposs for you to change back and u left.

    Insulting both non-members and members

    Havent seen that from him either.
    Also remember cloudz? I was checking his accounts the other day and on one account he told viruz to suck his 42nd testicle. If thats what u call insulting i think there is something wrong... I want to see real insulting from baddy to other players from the day after the unban till the day he got banned again. If there are actually cases then my point is actually false and u are correct

  • mougkos14 wrote:
    So yea i know there is obviously ''beef'' between 3xP lead and JH members

    No there is not

    Seems like there is not... my bad i suppose.. it just seemed like that. Remember my pov is always neutral ive never been included in cj drama and i never got interesting in learning things about it but.. idk this seemed a bit wierd to me

  • You need to look at the bigger picture mate. It's not like he was previously innocent.
    He lost some freedoms after acting like an asshole to members of the community.
    Consider all of the shit Baddy has caused. Of course he is not going to be treated as well as players who occasionally get in small drama.

    He has shown that he cannot be trusted and has shown time and time again that he will resort to trolling when he gets bored, even if he says he won't.
    When we un-banned him we told him he would be banned if he ever trolled anyone again. He agreed to this. He started trolling again. He was banned.

    Those were the conditions that he agreed to. It does not matter if you don't consider it 'real trolling' or whatever words you use to justify it.
    He agreed to not troll or annoy anyone or he'd be banned.

    He was on thin ice, and decided to push his luck. That's why he was banned.

  • When I talked to Baddy for the first time he seemed super nice, it's sad to see him so this shit now. Owell just keep him banned <3

    Same goes for me, I remember going into 3xP' Teamspeak with him and helping him with both CJ and his 3xP' Trusted Application etc

    To be honest, though.. Baddy isn't all to blame, With all the recent drama on both the forums and in-game I have noticed there has been a few people recently that have been idiots.

    "But Jayme you aren't active enough so don't get involved." - I am on the forums daily, without a doubt so I see and read all the bs drama.

    By all means I am not taking sides on who is and isn't in the wrong, at all.