Should we accept Sasuke in the 3xP' CJ Team? 14
No (8) 57%
Yes (6) 43%
Sup peeps I'm Sasuke and this is my Application for the 3xP' CodJumper Team, Enjoy.
- My in-game name: Sasuke
- Date of Birth: 23/11/1999 I'm 16 years old
- Hardest map completed: The hardest map I've completed was mp_descent_v2 (HARD) my personal best time on that map is currently 10:54
Here is a link were you can view my PB time: 20161023164508_1.jpg - Google Drive
- My gaprecord with and without RPG: No RPG = 310 (125 only) With RPG = 369 (125 only)
- Country & Language: I live in England, London and I speak English
- 3xP' Statistics: 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
- About me: My real name is Andrew Kyriakides I'm Cypriot, Jamaican and English. I currently live in London and I am a college student. I'm doing a ICT, ART and Business course as those are the subjects which I enjoy and i'm passionate about. I have quite a big gaming history. At first my dad bought me the PS1 and I was playing that since I was 4-5 years old. I used to play spyro and crash bandicoot. On from there my dad then got me the PS2 and I loved it!! . I had over 60+ games for the PS2 nearly purchased all the games out there . some of the games I had on the PS2 were like Simpsons hit&run, Red faction, Medal of Honor and many more games. I was around 7-8 at this time. Then in 2008 my dad bought me COD4 for my PC and I became addicted to it. sometimes i'd skip school for that game (no lie
). I fell in love with that game so much that I decided that I wanted to become the best. so I practised and practised and eventually 100+ kills or so was easy for me every domination game. I was still 8 years old at this time. This is were MW2 came into my life and I bought a xbox360 to became a quicksoper I wasn't very good. From this point I have purchased every Call of Duty since CoD4 Including Black ops 3 for my XB1. in 2015 I was given a Laptop for "Homework"
. However I used it to install CoD4 again and then Fell in love with Deathrun. eventually late 2015 around November I came across CodJumper and I've improved ever since. I have a YouTube channel were I used to upload speedruns of Deathrun and now sometimes I upload Videos of some bhops or some bounces on CJ. Feel free to check out my channel.
My YouTube channel:
- Why I am applying: I'm applying for the 3xP' Codjumper Team because I would like to keep the server monitored when no other admin is around. Sometimes when I'm playing on the 3xP' Codjumper server there wouldn't be an admin to keep watch of what people are doing on the server. I do play on the 3xP' CJ server often so it would be great help for the team. Furthermore, since I have a YouTube channel maybe I can contribute to the 3xP' Team videos like bhop of the week or YWD. However I can't do any amazing edit as you know I play on a laptop . I am also willing to Kick/ban/warn or tempban when it is necessary. On top of that I think it would be pretty cool if I was the only guy in the Team who plays on a laptop if i'm not already.
I have read the terms and agreements. And i've seen and agree to the rules.
How to contact me:
My Skype: [removed to avoid ip resolving]
My Steam name: Lord AJK - Link to my profile:
(I can't add anyone on steam because I haven't purchased any games, but i'm sure you can add me)
My Email: [removed to avoid spamming]
Thank you very much for reading my application
Many thanks,
- Sasuke