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    I would say don't disable it.
    On free run you get only 1, you can't do much with that. It's easier to kill with regular knifing.
    On normal run you can get a lot of those but anyway it will always be a lot less powerful than guns so again no need to disable them.

    And moreover I find it fun to try killing people with it, it often happens that I launch a bunch of them and people pick it up and throw it back and well... I find it fun :biggrin_1: It changes from just knifing.

    Overall I think it doesn't harm anyone and just adds fun to the server :Gusta:

    aPO_o if you don't like zom_db (which is the best mod ever though :P) you may like the "afterlife" or "EHD" zombie mod. Both servers are empty now, it's a mod where there are multiple rounds per map, each round the last hunter alive was first zombie, and all zombies kill in 1 hit. Hunters have to try to survive, usually by doing headshots, or using sniper rifles, otherwise it takes forever to kill a zombie.
    When you get killed you instantly become a zombie without respawning.
    Even though I like it less than zom_db, it's still an awesome mod.

    Exemple: Call of Duty 4 AfterLife Zombies - YouTube

    Yeah, admins make the rules, I agree with that. Though there are a LOT more members and regular players than admins playing on the deathrun server, and I think their opinions should be taken into consideration to make the server better for the majority, but that's my opinion.

    About people registering to vote, well I don't think many people registered just to vote. I think most votes come from people already active on forums, hence mostly members and admins.
    Moreover there are both opinions out there, so if there are people who registered to vote for the rules, I don't see why there wouldn't be people who registered to vote against those rules, so it should be balanced.
    #removedther thing, I think people who care, who are active, are those who are the most part of the community. So yeah, I would say the majority of the community voted yes. And even though a lot of players playing on the servers are not registered on these forums, I assume these votes are representatives from the whole. It's the way all survey are led, you take a representative sample of the population and see. It's obviously impossible to have everyone's opinion, unless you have a way to make everyone register on these forums, then that would be great :P
    Furthermore, I think the vote on facebook shows more regular players' opinion than admins or members opinion.

    So I don't think there is a better way to know people's opinion.
    I would also say people who cared have voted, that's representative from the whole, if you don't think that's the case please let me know a better way to know people's opinion (that's not sarcastic, I'm pretty sure there would be a way to do that through mam, but I think there is no need to do that).
    Now if admins could take that into consideration, I think that would be the best.

    remember, its for fun, rules ruin fun

    Tell me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you've thought that through. No offense, but that's one of the stupidest thing I've heard.

    Anyway, I think it's kinda clear what people want. 50% of the votes went to only 1 answer, which is to apply respecting turns and 1v1 all the time.

    21% are for Respecting turns except in Old. I think that's where went the vote of people who think it's fairer to respect but think it's sometimes to hard to control.

    13% want no concrete rule and let the in-game admins decide to do what they want.

    And 17% think the game would be better with no rules at all.

    If you think it's not enough to make those rules apply on the server, we can regroup the rules that looks similar together, and then we would have 71% for rules, and 30% for no rules (yeah that gives 101% :blink_1: ).

    If that doesn't convince you I can make a last poll with only two answers: "Respect turns and 1v1" and "No rules".

    But if we take a look at the answers on facebook where mirko added the poll, we can see that 13 people voted for "respect all the time", and only 1 person voted for each other answer. I suppose those votes come more from players and not members since it is on facebook (just an assumption).

    So I would say overall it's pretty clear and people want these rules.

    "Respect turns and Respect 1v1" (Apply all the time) (5)" I have no idea how you want to manage to controll this. Iam curious, but i dont think that this is a final solution. Anyway, i guess i'll try to do my best than. If this is how its gonna end, we have to make sure that people who dont follow our forum also know, how things went. Many people think that they dont have to respect 1v1 or turns.

    The thing is, I don't think members are obliged to manage this, even if it's a rule. If you think for instance that this will ruin your game because that will take too much time, which is totally understandable, then just punish people you see disrespeting, without looking for them all the time.
    I think rules are there to make the game better for everyone, but obviously some people will always break them. It's the same everywhere. Do you know of any country where laws are all the time applied, where everytime someone breaks one, he is punished? I don't think that's possible. But still, it makes citizens' life better (in most cases...), because people tend to respect it anyway. And I think it would be the same on the server. If the rule is there, most people will respect it. And if admins punish rules breakers, even just sometimes, it will make even more people respect, because they know they can be kicked, and I think it also makes them aware of what is fair.

    But take off those rules, and 3/4 of the people won't respect anymore. And even if there are 4 people in line waiting for their turns and someone just steal everyone's turn, we won't be able to do anything against that, because if we kick him, there will always be people to whine at us because "we don't have the right to kick him, there is no rule" (that's why I think there should be defined rules).

    I think we all agree (at least a huge majority) that it's fairer if everyone respects turns and 1v1. The only thing that makes some of you not wanting these rules, is that you think we won't be able to 100% apply it. Well to me that's not a valuable reason. What is fair is fair, and again it's my opinion, but I think it will be better to make the game fair sometimes, when we can, than never, even when we can.
    And I actually think we will often be able to make the game fairer and better, because there are often multiple members/admins on deathrun.

    Aurel004 Then it cant be a rule if it isn't always applied, i think it should just stay as it is, and people respect the line then good, if not then oh well i mean there is 15 rounds.

    Then answer this for me:

    If you tell me: "We can't manage it so it can't be a rule", I will tell you that it's better to kick noobs sometimes than never. And I will again make this comparison: We can't manage all hackers. So "Don't hack" cannot be a rule? It's sometimes really hard to tell if someone is wallhacking, but it's not because sometimes you don't ban them because you aren't sure, that you won't ban them when you are sure. And I would say it's better this way.
    If you think this comparison is dumb, please explain to me why, in clear terms. If you demonstrates to me that it's stupid, I'll accept it.

    Do you really think what cannot always be applied cannot be a rule?

    I was thinking of putting overall XP x4 instead of the current x3 + doubling xp for a kill as it was on 3xP on 2.08
    (before XP was 20 for a kill 50 for protecting king, now it's 30 for a kill 150 for protecting king)
    That would give 80 for a kill, 200 for protecting king, 400 for hardpoints.

    I understand you guys' opinion.

    And #removed I said you don't care, because you followed only what you thought was good for everyone. It shows you actually care since you wanna make the game experience better for everyone, but the fact is some people (like me) think that in this case what you did didn't make it better, and you didn't care about them. That's what I meant. I know you are doing good stuff for the servers and people of 3xP.

    So, regarding what Skalli said, maybe we could change these rules to something like: "Respect turns when there are endrooms" or "Respect the line before endrooms". That would mean taking away the 1v1 rule, which is surely the hardest to manage. Also there is the special case of some bounce rooms where eveyone can go in at the same time, but I would say there, first person reaching the activator can kill him, because it's like continuing the map.

    #removedther solution would be to make this rule instead: "Respect turns (and 1v1) when there are less than 20 jumpers". So when there would be too many people online for us to manage everything correctly, the rule wouldn't apply.
    Or "You are not obliged to respect turns (and 1v1) on very small maps", those maps being the only real problem, since it's easy to manage turns on big maps. But the problem is that whether a map is small or not is subjective.

    I still think it would be fairer to simply keep the "Respect turns" and "Respect 1v1" rules but I understand you guys find it problematic, so I'm trying to find a compromise^^

    If you still think there should be no rule at all, please at least don't widely tell people on the server that they don't have to respect, it causes a lot of problem, let it be some kind of implicit rule like it was for respecting turns, this way people won't cry because we kicked a noob "for no reason" because "there is no rule".
    Especially you #removed since you are very influent on DR and people will take everything you say as granted ^^

    I will edit my first post with a poll later so everyone could vote for those suggestions, unless you guys think that would be totally useless, in the meantime feel free to post your own suggestions of maybe better rules.

    Well, is it HIS server, is it not? I'm pretty sure he has the right to modify it to his liking.

    I assume you are talking about #removed, well it's not his server, he joined 3xP a few months ago.
    And even if it was, I would find it nice to ask the whole community, but I agree that admins paying for the servers can do whatever they want to it, that's normal.



    Just wanted to tell everyone the way I feel about what's going on on our Deathrun server.

    It looks like #removed (maybe other admins too, but if so, they haven't shared their thoughts... but I don't think so) don't care at all about all members opinions (that's the only thing I can blame him for, other than that he is friendly and fun to play with).

    Some time ago there was a vote going on about adding a rule : "Respect turns". It actually was already an implicit rule on the server, admins/members were kicking for that. The vote got a lot more "yes's" than "noes". But it wasn't added.
    And now, #removed removes the 1v1 rule, a rule that has been there for quite a long time, without asking anyone. I know he is a CoD4 admin, but IMHO it would be nice to look for every member opinion before doing things like that, because I think that's how a community works.
    It doesn't work well when one admin goes on the server, tells people the rule is removed, without notifying the members, and then players insult us because we kick them for a wrong reason because "the rule is removed, #removed said it".
    A rule which, actually, is liked by a wide majority on the server. And beginners who don't understand such a rule won't most of the time even reach the end of the map.

    If you tell me: "We can't manage it so it can't be a rule", I will tell you that it's better to kick noobs sometimes than never. And I will again make this comparison: We can't manage all hackers. So "Don't hack" cannot be a rule? It's sometimes really hard to tell if someone is wallhacking, but it's not because sometimes you don't ban them because you aren't sure, that you won't ban them when you are sure. And I would say it's better this way.
    If you think this comparison is dumb, please explain to me why, in clear terms. If you demonstrates to me that it's stupid, I'll accept it. But please don't just say "Your comparaison doesn't make sense". If you say that you must know why.

    Also I remember #removed saying multiple times that he dislikes those rules because it makes people whine/cry.
    From my personnal experience it's the complete opposite. Everytime people get their turns stolen, they whine. If admins don't do anything about it, they whine more. If admins take care of it, they are grateful and thank you. And I think it's good for a server to have respected and fair admins.
    And when there are too many people on the server, and we are playing on a small map, well most of the time the players are intelligent enough to understand we cannot see everything.

    So that's the 2 arguments I've heard against those rules.
    To me they are both wrong.
    If you think they aren't, or if you have other arguments against those 2 rules, please let us know in this thread. I would be glad to have a lot of different opinions here; I will indeed also be glad to hear people in favor of those rules.

    For all these reasons, I will simply ask you to reconsider the viability of those rules, and would be very pleased to see a poll added to this thread, or opened in another.

    Maybe I'm making too big of a deal about this.
    But I like being part of 3xP' community. People are nice, fun, friendly, and servers are great.
    Please don't let it be spoiled by not paying attention to its members' thoughts.

    Thanks for reading and giving your opinion.

    Have a great night everybody.

    Well mp_naout_n is still on the vote and it actually gives an error each round and disconnects everyone. Server got emptied 1 hour ago because of that.

    :attention_1: Please please please do all the changes I asked in the first post as soon as you have some time :attention_1:

    It would finally bring some new stuff on the server which really needs some fresh air since a long time. And it will also avoid those errors because of a wrong map still on the vote.

    We multiplied all XP earned (kill, assist, hardpoints, staying near king) by 3 about a week ago on the KTK server. Is it still way harder to level than it was on 2.08? Since I was last prestige before mod changed I cannot really know, but I thought x3 was good.

    And i found 2 last ones : mp_caen and mp_crossfire_hl

    I don't remember these 2 good enough... But I remember they are big and I think we have enough big maps for now I don't want only huge maps on the server :P
    We already have a lot of new maps to add IMO, maybe we'll add those ones in some months if we need some fresh air again :)

    Oh yeah so long time I haven't played that one!
    Dude you are full of ressources :biggrin_1:

    Edit: Do you know the exact name? I'm not sure to find the right one... apparently there is a lolzor2 and a lolzorv2...
    Edit2: Nvm I only have lolzor2 in my maps folder so it gotta be that one :P

    Oh yeah thanks Sunriize aosta valley is the one map name I couldn't remember for months xD
    I find it fun to play as assassin but boring as guard... Will add it anyway along with southpark we really need new maps :D

    #Edited first post

    Yeah firingrange is not that good for the mod, but I played it on another ktk server and I had fun, I guess if it's too bad we could remove it later^^

    Yeah waldcamp is not bad, but way too big, especially when you consider that it's not a popular map and a lot of people leave when it comes to this map :/

    Aaaaaaaaah yes Compact is good :D Thanks for the description xD I add it to the list of maps to add in the vote (if it's not added yet).

    And broadcast still is in the map list I think but I never played ktk on it^^

    And no shipment in NOT better than poolday :biggrin_1:

    Hi everyone,

    I thought there was already a thread about that, but either I dreamed or the thread was deleted (maybe because of the "attack"). Anyway, maps played on the Kill the King server are often the same and this has been like that for quite a long time now.

    First, here are the maps I think would be nice to add :
    - mp_lpost : mp_lpost
    - mp_firingrange_v2 : COD4BANANA: mp_firingrange_v2 (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare > Maps > Other/Misc)
    - mp_beta : COD4BANANA: mp_beta (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare > Maps > Other/Misc)
    - mp_4t4scrap : Team [4T4] : Sur tous les fronts...
    - lolzor2 : - Downloads -

    There are also other maps that would be great, but they are big/huge so please make them show up on the vote only when there are 20+ people on the server:
    - mp_southpark : Index of /cod4/usermaps/mp_southpark (not sure if that's the right one there is no picture)
    - mp_aosta_valley : COD4BANANA: mp_aosta_valley (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare > Maps > Other/Misc)
    - mp_burgundy_bulls : COD4BANANA: mp_burgundy_bulls (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare > Maps > Other/Misc)
    - mp_luna : COD4BANANA: mp_luna (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare > Maps > Other/Misc)
    - mp_ctan : COD4BANANA: carentan (updated) (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare > Maps > Other/Misc)

    Note: On Aosta valley and burgundy bulls if I remember well Heli was not working, so please disable it if possible if that's the case.
    Also I played most of those maps on 2.08 so check if they are working on 2.09 before putting them on the list :biggrin_1:
    Note2: Put a lower percentage of appearance on the vote list for the maps in a darker green, they are a bit less good than the others for the mod.
    Note3: Would also be nice if you could make mp_legotown only appear on the vote when 20+ people are online, it's a huge map (already on the server's maps list).

    Also it would be nice to add mp_shipment to the maps list, but not in the rotation. Because the map is not good enough for the mod, but members could vote for it every now and then and it would be fun to play on it, especially when there are only a few people left on the server and it's a pain to play on big maps.
    Same for maze1.

    Also if mp_compact is not in the vote please add it it's a nice map (already on the maps list).

    Feel free to point out other great maps for the mod, I'll edit my post. Give the link if possible.

    Second, there are some maps that suck for ktk. It would be nice to remove them from the voting system, because they take room and sometimes there is only 1 or 2 good maps that we can vote for and the rest is garbage. That really reduce the number of possibilities of the vote.
    These maps are, IMO:
    - mp_naout_n
    - mp_waldcamp
    - mp_fabrika
    - mp_highrise (some people like it, but it's total crap for ktk... so if no one disagrees here please remove it too)

    Maybe naout was already removed, I'm not sure. Edit: Wasn't removed + doesn't work with latest version of the mod.

    Last thing, I see there are maps in the maps list that aren't on the votes, well keep it this way, I think they would be crap for the mod (mp_creek, mp_backlot_2 (makes server crash), mp_broadcast (also makes the server crash)). I'm not sure about mp_bacalao, I don't remember this map.
