Beiträge von Jayme


    Seems to me that it's been a copy/paste from a previous application to a clan; Vistic.

    I have checked through your GUID on the stats page... and it looks as you've only recently started playing at the 3xP' CodJumper server?
    3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details

    At this moment of time, you do not meet the requirements to have a place in the 3xP' Clan, Sorry.

    For the future, you may want to check out the Application Process for 3xP' Codjumper-Team [Read Before Apply]

    It's a No from me.

    125 fps only stagox? I would dislike that tbh as i think 125 only maps take out basicly the whole complexity of cj :P and for me 125 takes the fun ^^, 250 only would be cool :P

    Anyways nice that u do a map :P

    I'm not certain although I think he meant there is going to be a 125 only way which is separate from the others so they'll still be easy/inter/hard and then 125 only.

    Jayme <3

    My OCD is blessed, the 2D grid screenshot is 10/10 well aligned.

    Good Luck, welcome back to mapping! :D

    Jayme <3

    I haven't checked the mod out for myself on the server... although from what others have said, I really don't think it'll be any close to source games such as: CS:GO and CS:S.
    If I wanted to play surf, I'd personally go on CS:GO.

    From what I've seen, it looks okay I guess.
    Nice work AtriX.

    Jayme <3

    So I don't get how you bought it for 29.99, since on both links you provide price is 39.99 :D

    (I have to know before I buy the game :P )

    I am from the UK so it was £29.99,

    £29.99 in the UK (EU Store) ='s 37.99€


    £29.99 in the UK (EU Store) ='s $42.75

    What do you mean, you used a code to get a 10€ discount?
    If there is any way I could get one, I would be grateful if you told me how :D

    Noo, I was going to purchase a copy of the game and post the key code here :P

    If there was a code for 10€ off, of-course I would have posted already.

    Congratulations on releasing mp_race!

    As @Funk said, It's been awesome to be apart of the process to see the final product being built from scratch, great job!

    Can't wait to see what you make next, if this isn't going to be your only've came a long way :saint:

    Jayme <3

    Nice blankscar, some suggestions: can u make gaps from like 280-400 so more beginner jumpers can fap? And can u not make it like mystic v3? Make it so u can see each other


    I was the one who had created the gaps room for @blankscar, I can certainly change the gap range from 300-400 to 280-400, I wasn't too sure what to start at so I went for 300.

    I am thinking of creating a few prefabs or a .map file which includes a few gap room templates so those who're mapping don't have to spend time creating one themselves as I know it can be tedious and that time can be spent improving the jumps or design overall.

    Here are a few of the ideas I had in mind for this:
    1. Floating platforms much like mp_galaxy
    2. Regular platforms as seen in most CJ maps with a gaps room, take mp_palm as an example
    3. With walls surrounding + Without walls surrounding the gaps room - this can allow the map creators to add their own walls/design so it suits their map theme

    Please let me know if you'd like something like this, I thought it would be something to give back to the community and those who're mapping :)

    Jayme <3

    So much hate/negativity against one another... :whistling:
    I personally think when maps have a theme for example a few maps listed below -

    • mp_mars
    • mp_zone
    • mp_atlantis

    they're more enjoyable to play compared to those with a room with a platform/bounce and landing, nothing else.

    Although this doesn't mean all the CodJumper maps which have been created/upcoming releases are bad/boring,
    the amount of time/effort creating a map even those with a simple layout/feel to them... is huge, it isn't as simple as people imagine until they experience mapping themselves and realize what goes in to a map.

    Keep up the good work guys, don't get demotivated by negative feedback... there is always going to be one.
    I have learnt this over the numerous maps I have half completed, and even one which I had completed which only one or two people knew about who said it wasn't 'Enjoyable' because it was too hard, so I gave up.

    You may even see me upload here soon, you never know ;)

    Jayme <3

    Nice script & changes to the rank system.

    Adding on from Hawks suggestions, I am hoping/guessing that it will not be possible for somebody to adjust/change the values or boost their hours in anyway to get the heighest rank?

    I know on Styx you could adjust the values of connections to get Regular+ rank, I am hoping this isn't the case.

    Jayme <3