Hey Jaymee
First of all nice application, i enjoyed reading it.
Although you fullfill all the requirements i would still like to get to know you a bit more.
I saw you playing sometimes but we didnt conversate at all so far.
Have you been conversating with any of the active members so far?
if yes then i would like to hear what they think of you.
Im sure once the ice is broken we will get along well
Best regards
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Thank you, i'm glad you enjoyed reading my application,
I have had conversations with deleted User, Noobaim,NoNam3e and moug (when he was a member) whilst on the server & on steam/xf, I'd like to be able to conversate with more members but i'm kinda quiet when getting to know people for the first time
I'm sure once iv'e got to know more of the members it'll be easier to get along; it'll try to speak up more often when being on the server
Nice player, and helpful, i have talked ro him a few Times which were before I joined, after I joined I haven't seen him ithink, if not used another name
I've been on many aliases whilst being on 3xP' CodJumper server along with a separate key when on an alternative machine, maybe along the way i'll be able to speak with you more often to get to you you,
Thank you for your compliment/feedback, i appreciate it.
Nice app, as Drizz says. Like he says though, I haven't really seen you in game, and certainly haven't spoke to you.
Just say Hi when any of us are online, we don't bite
Again, nice app though!
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Hello jack,
I've been around the server for a while now and I have to say iv'e neither of seen you around, maybe time-zones i'm not sure aha
I'll try and speak up more often to get to know you guys more often, I hope you don't bite
Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it.