Beiträge von frisbeesky

    doesnt make sens, seems like anyways noone of the editors participating. seems like we need to deal with unfrequent wcds... idc.

    I think it's practically a better idea indeed to adjust the deadlines to the availability of videos for ywcd than attempting to adjust the availability of videos for the deadlines.
    Would be a lot more relaxing for the editors too and would probably increase the quality of futured videos.

    Wew, much quoting, much explanation:


    Back up episodes?

    I assume by asking that question you don't know what it is: a back up episode is an episode without a deadline which can be used in case an editor won't make it in time to release his episode for a certain deadline, an example is episode 7 (by X-ploz) which was made a week before it was eventually released and thus saved as a back up episode, unfortunately it already had to be used a week later it was made, but I think you get the idea. It's good if they are there to keep the series as consistently active as possible.


    Also... Why do you need to do something so 'big' ?

    eeh.. I assume with 'to do something so big' you mean 'making a montage' which leads to the question 'Why do you need to make a montage?' and the answer is really simple:
    because I want to make a montage.


    but it seems to me you're trying to out do everyone else.

    No, nobody would make a montagevideo only to 'out do' (all the) other montages, so me neither. I see my montageproject as a challenge on different aspects, not just a simple compilation of demos edited and cutted together as you would by a let's say a walkthrough or so.


    I was simply asking why he has to do something big rather than work on regular YWCD episodes just like everyone else, 'big' montages etc. aren't always that great.

    I feel like it's an old tradition in codjump that montagejumps where people have put a lot of effort into performing it should be distinguished from the 'easy montagejumps'.
    And I think that's a fair tradition to keep the amazing experience in codjump alive once you have found and performed an amazing montagejump, because that makes the amount of time someone has put into codjump to reach the ability to find and perform something like that, worth it.
    If I would include the demos which are worthful enough for my montage in YWCD then I feel like that tradition would be neglected.
    That's basically my main reason why I am against including very good montagejumps in YWCD in general anyway...
    And you know I agree with you; there are some montages which could have been a better job at keeping that tradition up, some montages aren't in that sense indeed that great.


    the "Trainjumping Special" wasn't all great, it was rather boring to watch.

    9 minutes of slow motion and majority of which was 3rd person view.

    You're not the only one who said that, and you know, on my part mistakes were made:
    I focussed way too much on the editeffects rather than the actual content, fortunately we all learn from mistakes.


    My point is, something doesn't have to be all big and fancy for it to succeed, Funk's, Viruz's, Drizz's and others edits are all great and they're just a minute or two long

    I 100% agree with you: they made the jumps they have edited really entertaining to watch! They definitely succeeded on the entertainingpart.


    - to me it seems he's doing it to better off himself.

    As I pointed out and explained earlier in this post: No.


    P.S. I feel like these posts are getting offtopic by now...

    I might be able to make some back-up episodes since my montageproject might be a too big thing at the moment due to reallifestuff, and the fact that I have an idea in my mind on how I want to realise that montage I need some more editknownledge and skill for that, therefor making some ywcd episodes could help me.
    The main reason why I won't vote for an episode releasedate where I want to have my episode to be released is simply because I am bad at deadlines when it comes to getting a video done in time (without having editmistakes included). :3


    Can't you just make a new folder with a clean install and have a folder with 1.7 and one with 1.8 (yes it might take some space but i guess that's not a problem)

    To cleanly install cod4 I think I first need to uninstall some cod4files (for example the ones in appdate or so?) idk.. and like I said I don't want to lose important shit from cod4 xD

    Have you tried installing CoD4X on a clean install of CoD4?

    Nah.. I am afraid that even when I first would back up all the things I want to keep such as demos and cjmods etc. that I will lose certain things which I didn't back up because I don't know in what file(s) it was/they were.. I will ever try that though, just trying to reinstall my cod4 cleanly again, but not while I am working on cj-projects.. :P

    Alright, I have no idea why it happends to me.. but whenever I just explained a problem publically or to someone I very often seem to find the solution shortly after.. the problem is fixed (for as long as nothing happends on my pc which is gonna destroy cod4 x18 on my pc *cough* windows 10 update *cough*...)
    anyway, this is how I fixed it:

    I deleted the files from x18 in my cod4 folder (by comparing the files in the cod4 x18 zipfile) and made sure I had a ms32.dll and a miles32.dll in my cod4 folder so I had cod4 1.7 again.
    Then I started cod4 to check wether I indeed had cod4 1.7 again.
    Then I closed cod4.
    Then I made a back up of my ms32.dll and miles32.dll file into a folder I named '1.7 dll'.
    Then I started cod4 1.7 again and joined a server which would offer me the option to install cod4 x18 (MSG cj server has that for example, no play advertisement meant...)
    Then I accepted the offer to install cod4 x18, that made my cod4 download something in the loadingscreen, then it closed my cod4 with the message that I should restart my cod4.
    Then I started my cod4 again and it immediately made me join the server.
    Then I quited the game.
    Then I made a back up of my ms32.dll and miles32.dll file into a folder I named '1.8 dll'.

    And with that I am able again to replace the files from either the '1.7 dll'-folder or the '1.8 dll'-folder to start either 1.7 or 1.8.
    I don't know if it's a 'healthy' method but it works.. at least.. for now.. because cod4 x18 is just shit..


    P.S. cod4 x18 really is shit..


    I don't know how people like cod4 x18, but for me it gives a shitton of problems all the time when it comes to playing other people's demos who recorded them with cod4 x18.
    Anyway, I recently tried to play some demos which have been recorded with 1.8 and therefor I normally could switch easily from 1.7 to 1.8 by replacing the mss32.dll file with the 1.8 one, same method would work when switching back to 1.7.. however.. since a windows update (for the record, I have windows 10) I can't even start cod4 with 1.8 at all, getting this error:

    And at this point I really don't know how to solve it, even after googling for 45 minutes..
    Anyone having an idea?




    but ofc here and there there will be an insane demo

    YWCD was promised to not harm the big montages... check Axle's post in the discussiontopic where nobody spoke against him on that, mainly because that's just an obvious statement, if you really don't want to harm the big montages by still including insane jumps that 'here and there' should be limited to I think 5 insane jumps per year which means 5 insane demos per 52 episodes, ofcourse you can discuss at what an 'insane' jump means but let's say an 'insane jump' is a jump which took 45+ minutes to perform, looking at the current YWCD episodes there is at least 2 which I dare to point as 'an insane jump'... Sure, it's not 5 yet but since editors try to higher up their episodes each time I think those 5 demos are getting hit up very soon...


    (even this will probably take at least 1 month right :P?)

    I hope I will have that done within 2 weeks from now.


    But as long as this is not the case, its obvious that they dont want to wait years (and yes i think it gonna take over a year all in all to get that montage out) to see their demos.
    Especially if u say that only 40 of 160 send in demos will get in.

    Oh hell nah that ain't gonna take a year, somewhere in the next months I really hope I have that montageproject finished.
    And saying 'esspecially if u say that only 40 of 160 emos will get in' is something which ain't my fault; I hope it's obvious that I have to put higher standards for my montage than the demos which are getting send to ywcd... but when the editors are having the same pov as you have in terms of 'As an editor of wcd i try to take the best looking and hardest jumps i can get.' then obviously it's gonna take longer before the montage is out...

    As mentioned in the main post here in this topic I would appreciate it if you guys would use the demos from the dropboxfolder, because those are the demos which I for sure won't use in the montage, and as long as the editors would respect that, the montage will be out earlier and not about a year..

    Anyway.. I hope it's clear that insane jumps in small videos will be less appreciated than when they would appear in a big montage, I mean, for the respect of effort of those jumps I would rather see them in a big montage than a small video.

    I think my point is clear:
    Don't put an insane jump, which gives a codjumperdose of a month, in a video meant for a one week codjumperdose...
    That's like having an incredible historical object somewhere in the attic instead of a museum: just a disgrace for the art of codjump.
    (<--- couldn't find lighter words to describe :p)


    Lethalbeasts idea of kind of multiplying ratio with minutes the map runs is rly nice and im in in implementing this also.

    I actually thought a bit more about that idea once lethal came up with that and maybe it's worth thinking about wether you want to apply a lineair way ('Y=aX'-based) on that idea which is probably the first logical way when realising that idea, or apply a rooted way ('Y=X^(0<a<1)'-based) on that idea which actually might be a better idea, to explain shortly what I mean:

    With a lineair increasing ratio you would eventually get the situation where 1 'no' vote will be enough to cancel out the vote, after let's say for example 6 time extentions, versus perhaps 4 'yes' votes, where the ratio, if I 'calculated' that correctly, got inceased to >0.8
    I personally think that it's not fair that when there are for example 5 people in the server and there is one person who votes 'no' that that one person has the dominant descision, regardless how many time extentions there have been. I mean.. if 4 people are still having fun playing the map and there is just 1 person who doesn't, or if 8 people are still having fun and there are 2 people who doesn't... you get what I'm saying?

    I think it's important to ask the question:
    What is the maximum amount of people who vote 'yes', to call it still fair that 1 person votes 'no' and still give the benifit of the vote to that 1 person, regarding the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, (etc.) extented time vote?

    Also worth thinking about which of the 2 possible ways is the best way to realise this idea:
    1. By increasing the ratio in a lineair effect until a certain value. (where a maximum value needs to be set)
    2. By increasing the ratio in a rooted way. (no maximum value needed)


    Why are you setting such a high standard for yourself, I don't mind if there are some jumps that are less hard than others in a montage.
    But then again it's your montage and your opinion.

    I'm glad you asked that question, here is what I have to say about that:
    In the current ywcd episodes I have seen some demos performed by people who have also sent those same demos to me for the montage.
    This is something which kind of astonished me because I thought I was clear that I will only include new montagejumps into the montage, which is also one of the main reasons I made that 'All cod4 montagejumps of custom maps' spreadsheet which I can use to figure out which jumps are new and which are old.
    Once a montagejump has been in a montageworthful video (or series) I consider that as an old montagejump, so sending a demo to ywcd makes the jump old and thus it automatically won't get included into my montage.
    Beside that I am not afraid to say that it kind of is also a bit disrespectful when you send a demo to multiple editors without letting them know.
    Anyway, I figured that the reason those people also sent those demos to ywcd is because they would like to be as soon as possible in a video, regardless it being in one of the many episodes of ywcd or it being in a big montage.
    So to reduce the problem that I continuously see demos in ywcd which have also been sent to me for the montage I gonna have to higher the standards of the demos so I will only receive demos from people who truely want their demos to be in a big montage, rather than it being in one of the many episodes of ywcd.

    Maybe a bit long answer, but I felt like your question was a perfect oppertunity for me to point this out.



    As most of you know there has been a democall running for my upcoming montage TIME.
    At the same time there is also a consistent democall going for each 'Your Weekly Codjumper Dose'-episode.
    Before YWCD started I thought the series would show montagejumps which are not worthful enough to be in the big montages.
    I noticed that I underestimated the standards for that when I look at what kind of jumps there are in the current ywcd episodes.
    This is going to have consequences for the standards I will apply to the demos which I have received to select wether they are going to be worthful enough to get into my montage:

    Soon I will start selecting all the demos I have received.
    Therefor I will message every current participant which of their demos came through the selection.
    In that same message I will ask wether the demos which didn't make it through the selection may go to the Your Weekly Codjumper Dose series.
    When I got their permission I will send those demos to the dropboxfolder of YWCD where editors could choose demos for their episodes.

    Once I have send those demos to the dropboxfolder I would highly appreciate it if the YWCD-editors would only use the demos from the dropboxfolder for the next episodes until the montage TIME has been released, for so far there are enough demos in the dropboxfolder to provide that.

    Because I have to apply a higher standard than the kind of demos which I currently see in the YWCD series, I can kind of estimate that from the nearly 200 demos I have received, around 160 demos will not make it into the montage!! Wether this estimation is going to be very accurate or not is something I don't know.
    At the moment there are also a few montagejumps which I would like to have some specific people to perform, those montagejumps could be montagejumps those people have told me somewhere in the past months and which they would like to perform for the montage but it could also be montagejumps I have seen and which I would like some other people to perform.
    Nevertheless, those montagejumps are really hard to perform and take a lot of time and motivation.
    This means I will move the deadline for sending in the demos for the montage, in the democall topic of my montage you will find another post about that:

    DEMOCALL For FrisbeeSky's First Codjumping Montage

    I hope this clarified some information around my montage TIME.


    P.S. for the record, this indeed means that the standards of the jumps in the montage will be quite high, and yes, this also means that the montage will sort of get delayed due to the fact that the democall process has been slowed down.

    +1 for the size of the text. makes me feel less lonely by knowing that I am not the only one who could go beserk with writing a post. <insert your facepalm here>

    Anyway, ontopic:
    I recognise all the things you have pointed out, throughout the 3,5 years I have played cj I have experienced those things too.

    I think there are 3 main problems which causes the situations you mentioned:
    1. When a map is on for lets say at least 2 hours you have different kind of people who are in the server: if we take an example of 24 people you got around 8 people who have been since the beginning (having a playtime of 120 minutes), around 8 people who have joined halfway through (having a playtime between 30-100 minutes) and around 8 people who have just joined (having a playtime of 0-30 minutes).
    2. The hard ways of the maps which are getting played very often are either very timeconsuming to finish for the current advanced players, or are either not enjoyable to do (anymore), or are either a combination of those 2 things. Sometimes advanced players feel like playing the hard way in the most challenging way, so not using the haxfpsses and rpg'ing every jump but instead doing the no rpgs no rpg, and just using the 123 fpsses. When doing a hard way in the challenging way a hardway can take around 2-4 hours to finish.
    3. The End Map vote system is sometimes bugged: sometimes you cannot vote a map even though you would like to.. (mp_beast is a very common example)

    With those 3 things in mind, what happends when time starts to run out?
    There is always someone who will vote an extended time.
    Now, let's see what happends with the vote when a map has been on for 2 hours:
    There are around 8 people who have been on since the beginning, 120 minutes.
    They all care about voting since they have been on for 120 minutes, around 5 people vote yes, those are the people who play (an in their opinion) hard way and are probably 60-70% done.
    Around 3 people of those 8 vote no, those are the people who patiently are waiting for the map to finaly fucking end.....
    Then we have another around 8 people who joined halfway through who are on for lets say 30-100 minutes.
    Around 6 of those people care about voting, 4 of them vote yes because regardless what way they are in: they are probably all still trying to finish it and 2 of them are already stuck at a jump or so and they cba doing anything else on the map; they want to do another map.
    And last but not least we have another 8 people who just joined and who have been playing since 0-30 minutes.
    Around 4 of those people care about voting, around 4 of those vote yes because they just joined.

    Vote result: around 13 yes, around 5 no.

    For the record; the people who 'don't care voting' are people who either are tired of consistently voting, truely don't care voting or don't even know how to vote.
    No matter how long the map is on or how many players there are on, this is pretty much how the picture looks like regarding an extended vote when a map has been on for 2 hours.

    So how can we fix this? Well, by looking at each of those 3 things I mentioned:
    1. I think it's worth thinking about who has the 'justified interest' in voting when an extended time has been voted. I think that for the people who have been on for 2 hours have the most justified interest in voting since they have experienced the map being on for 2 hours. The people who just joined have the least justified interest in voting since they have just experienced the map being online for a few minutes.. And the people who have been online between 30-100 minutes are somewhere in between that. What I am trying to say is that I think that the people who have a playtime of around 2 hours should have more weight in voting than the people who just joined. Now, there are some mathmatical ways where you could determine the weight of the vote related to the playtime but I think it's worth discussing what exact system works best for that.
    2. Doing a hard way in the most challenging way takes a lot of time. You could ask if there is room for that in an online server or whether that's something you should do on devmap? Now, a solution for this problem is to make speedrunning on an online server interesting. But that's hard. When people feel like speedrunning a hard way they often would do that on devmap because there you don't have Connection Interuptions. Also, seeing that the number one person did the route in a time you cba to attempt to beat is often quite demotivating to speedrun anyway.. It would be more interesting if there would be a system where speedrunimprovement is more interesting than the actual time someone finished a way. At this moment I am sometimes thinking about this could practically work out but I have to say that that is pretty hard to realise..
    3. The only way to solve this problem is to tap Viruz and Fr33git on the shoulder, it's simply a bug which needs to get fixed.

    I might not have given a direct solution, but that's because this is one of those cj-problems which is really hard to solve.
    It's a problem which has always occured on every popular cj-server in the past.

    At least I hoped I brought up a useful pov to think about it..


    ALLRIGHT! I don't know how, but apperently copying a working iwd. skyskin and replacing the files in 'images' with the 50 times copied and renamed pripyat sky does work!

    This makes me wonder why you can't just create an 'images' folder and put 50 times the same skyskinfiles with different names and then make a zipfile of it but well, I guess what I just said works..

    Anyway, thanks for the help and thinking.

    Problem Solved.