Beiträge von Rhoyder

    Good day,

    I would to request the Promotion to the Trusted3 Rank with this application.

    The Requirements, as stated by the Website were the following:

    Some things i want to say besides the stiff answering on some requirements.
    I dont judge people as Cheaters easily. Some people got angry in the past that i take my time watching people with caution to be sure of that.
    After i made this Mistake once in Minecraft with a Certain Person on which i later came to conclusion he was just lucky at mining when i met him again on a Server he had been a Administrator on, I try to spot completly obvious cases of Cheating as well as trying to get another Trusted/Member to check for their Opinion. Im better off letting someone get away then banning/tempbanning someone by mistake. I just wanted to make sure this is again clearly mentioned.
    Another Reason is, what i first stated in my Trusted Application, I dont want to bother other people all the time about Cheaters. Recently this hasnt been much of an issue as Rockky or Siwy were really active on Kill the King and If i had enough proof of a Person the Ban could be executed instantly. I know those two guys cant be online all the time, Real Life is such a bother (:P) and i want to give it a shot by being able to Permanently Ban myself. As well I would be then able to be a spokesperson for other Trusted-Players for the same. Repaying my Superiors for their time would only little I could give back to them.
    So far im mostly active on Kill the King besides some little gamesessions on the 24/7 Nuketown Server where i preferably only play Teamdeathmatch due being to hasty and careless to stay alive on SnD and some peeks on CJ.

    About the Tempbans i got so you dont need to check for my First Application, the first two ones executed by Grvty were some kind of mistake that got fixed on the same day. The other two were tests by myself because I had some issues with Tempbanning and kicking some people and i wanted to confirm that is was just an temporary issue. Before i start kicking people randomly just to confirm that, I did that to myself.

    Some Links for convenience.
    Statistic-Page: 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details Just for Kill the King, as im active there the most.
    My first Trusted Application
    About the thing regarding Hoscakal I mentioned earlier, If youre curious

    I hope I didnt forget anything.
    Im grateful for making me experience such a joy in Cod4 and I really want to pass this on to Players on our Servers.

    Another Thanks for reading through my whole Post and I await your Opinions, no matter if they might be Positive or Negative.
    Some Grammar/Spelling mistakes are possible, I went through the Post twice while correcting the obvious ones.

    Kind regards/Einen schönen Gruß,

    EDIT: Color change for Expert :P

    Another Issue came up to me Yesterday.

    Killstreaks which had been caried over from the previous Round count, when used, to the new Round's Killstreak Count. Players often abuse this to call in Choppers and ACs all the time because they manage to kill enough people on Crowded Maps like Uprise or Rust.
    As an example, i gained a Turret and an AC on Round 2.
    When Round 3 starts im either able to use the Turret to build up the Killstreak-Count in Conjunction with my AC to earn both Killstreaks again for the next Round or for reuse in the same Round.
    If this gets added up, reaching the AC takes 23 Kills (not sure, but one less with the Perk). If someone manages to get those Killstreaks starting from Round 1/2 he approximatly can accumulate about over 200 Kills with this alone. I dont think thats how it should work. :(

    Is it possible to add something that stops Killstreaks which had been gained Rounds before to not Count towards the Killstreak-Counter anymore? Ive seen this on several People intentionally abusing this to get a heavy load of Kills or up to 3 ACs in one Round which is kind of frustrating as an Assassin to endure.

    Sounds like a good idea

    Completly agree. The learning curve is quite low given he had some chances to read the rules he broke so far.

    I warned him first verbally then with the command for using his Script again which he was told not to use anymore. Then he went nuts like this again.

    Oh god and I thought my Link to the Demo was right in the post and would finally resolve the issue :/

    Hoscakal, you really don't seem to be interested in a solution of your tempban and rather start to try and get your own Racism through this matter. Yet again you tell me and Rockky being 'citizens of Israel'. Don't you start being racist yourself by trying to Link ourselves with grudges between Israel and Turkey? As Toxic Potato said in the Shoutbox,
    "I just saw the Hoscakal thing and I have to ask, What do I have to do with this? Why are you including Israel and racism? That has nothing to do with anything concerning your ban."

    You should've read what Ufaced said in the last Thread but I'm guessing you skipped the most important Parts.

    @UFaced , I think you are yet again needed here.

    Completly Topic relevant Question after all that Off-Topic talk: What are you trying to say with those posts?

    Rockky and i Uploaded our Demos, what else do you want? This isnt a discussion Thread to accuse people of all the bad things that go around the world. This Thread is entirely only for discussing either this tempban had been justified or not. Youre straying off the Topic and trying to prove your Point with totally useless Information that arent helping the matter.

    Im seriously starting to wonder what your point is. Let an Admin decide whether this was a valid Tempban or not. Your spamming wont be useful in any way.

    And just for your statement about ME and rockky appearently starting to insult you.

    You did start insulting Players especially Kings as "noobs" for not playing as you see fit. After some time i thought, "lets see how he likes it to be called that himself for messing up!".
    Well, calling you a "nab" seemed to have its effect. You dont like it, obviously. Looks like my thought succeeded. No one likes to be called noob for having bad luck or just getting overwhelmed by better Players. Make sure you remember that Phrase: "Treat others like you want to be treated yourself" That might not go along the rules and I deeply apologize for that but sending out warnings/kicks arent always the best solution for some Individuals.

    But now comes your exaggeration. I never, ever called someone an Idiot especially not your Clan. I dont even care about your Clan's Server. I had there been once and thats it. I wasnt pleased with some things and Ill leave it at that. Im completly statisfied with the 3XP Kill the King Server. You in the other hand did insult me in the first 5 Posts of this Threads and even the title and by that you meant me. Stop twisting the facts. There is nothing i hate more than liars... well Cheater might be an exception.

    As an addition you just admitted, by what I had been able to understand, you're using an Script to pull off your shots and said that you follow the rules. Did you read the Rules or just the part you agree with?
    They clearly state that "Don't use any kind of mouse macro or script to shoot faster."
    You did, Cpt. Sahink did and Emanet did, period. I even asked for advice here about how to handle the rule and in the end people were saying Scripts/Makros are not allowed. No exceptions. Theyre unfiar towards other Players and thats good as it is. Hearing a Mouse enhancing the Ability to Quicken up the Firerate is one of the funniest things i heard besides the one thing i wrote below.
    If i understood that part wrong with your confession I apologize at that part.

    Read only if interested, no relevance to Topic
    //Random Fact without relevance start
    You wouldnt believe what i heard in my one Year of being a Moderator (probably the Member Rank here is most comparable with it) on a Beginners Minecraft-Server why people disputed their Bans.
    We were in the Teamspeak at that day and the Guy who got banned for using the "Minecraft-Wallhack" called X-ray to find the valuable things while mining. Would you believe this guy plainly and totally serious stated he was using this Headset while playing Minecraft and he "would be able to hear Ores with the Headset". The Minecraft Players who are reading this should get the Part. (This isnt meant to be advertising some Headsets, this one sucks btw) We were laughing so hard while we shouldnt, that made me laugh for the entire week even mentioning the word Triton.
    //Random Facts without relevance end

    Having said that, stop spamming the Thread with those non-relevant Facts and stay at the Topic. They wont prove anything, to me at least. I cant and wont speak for others.

    Edit: Cleaned up some Errors and Spelling mistakes, added some things to make my point clear.

    Jesus god, now you've done it.

    Normally im able to keep my mouth shut but you seriously are the MOST annoying Person i ever encountered in any Game I've played so far.
    Just because its not going anywhere how you'd like it, its instantly a lie, racism, genocide or whatever you already accused me. Im pissed off now. Its only a TEMPORARY Ban. I can understand you if its without any Reason but there was!

    Im honest, when i wouldve the Rights and the Permission from the higher Ups your little ridiculous comparisions to the things that happen or happened between Turkeys and Syrians with my decision would certainly end here. As im not having both of it, Ill leave this decision up to others. You keep spamming this entire Thread with insults towards me (and others if I got those scraps right) and demand a Demo. Patience, thats what you need more of. Im now sitting here in the scorching heat of the day with my already bad mood about the fact the Weather is incredibly tiring, having to argue with a Child throwing insults around like bullets in Call of Duty. People have lives besides this too and I wanted one god damn day off because im sweating like a pig.
    I really hope this constant insults are going to be reviewed as well, not only the fact he is seen as a long time player.

    Here is your fucking demo, I hope you feel better now. CLICK ME (Link should work, hopefully)

    I apologize for my harsh words, me snapping isnt happening pretty often. Reasons were written, i can only pledge on your understanding.

    @UFaced I checked the Internet about your Question about Auto Knife-Scripts or whatever they are. There are those kinds of things, they are mostly linked together with bigger packs of Hacks. I stumbled across a Bug/Glitch as well explaining how people made this Knife Jump with the Stab on people, which I dont want to explain here as its considered a Bug in the Game. If you want, i can send you a message about it through a Private Message.

    Im now out... need to get a shower while hoping not to melt away.
    Kind regards even though still pissed,

    Sorry, I can't make it today. With 40 degrees its impossible to even think about starting up the PC to even heat up the Room more.

    I apologize for the inconvenience.

    The Reason for the ban was the following: (even though rockky executed it, I asked him to review this matter after spectating him myself)

    I kind of got suspicious about his knifing behavior. In the Round of the Demo I made he had been King on Uprise and was sitting in the First Floor of the House only accessible through the Window.
    It's needless to mention even there he already started insulting me in an completely ununderstandable way.

    Back to the Main thing.
    He waited for Assassins to climb through the Windows. Suddenly two Assassins spawned next to him, as we all know CoD4 hasn't the best spawning System. The moment he got attacked and moved his cursor over that poor lad the instantly went for that Leap Knife attack.
    At that moment I need to specifically mention it had only been a vague suspicion. I continued to spectate him and asked Rockky to review his Gameplay, as its better to have a second Opinion on those kinds of matters.

    At that time the suspicion got more and more plausible. I can't tell how Rockky saw this, It would be better to let himself share his thoughts about this matter.
    Besides that, I already warned him several times verbally to stop using his Mouse script. I also recorded that one, Its way too fast and way to consistent in frequency to be scrolling or a quick finger.

    Me and Rockky weren't completely sure about the Autoknife, so we decided to, or well he asked me about how to handle that and I said that I think Autoknifing is an unfair advantage and declared it therefore as cheating, that's the final Reason about the Tempban.

    I need to mention some things about Hoscakal regarding himself as a Person.
    He keeps provoking and insulting especially me, I don't know what made him start with that but it's quite annoying. My best guess would be the harsh punishment for not paying heed to the English\German-only rule towards him and his pals whom which he also mentioned in the shoutbox while accusing me of rasicm.
    I apologize If its really true that he doesn't understand a single scrap of English, but making exceptions for certain players results in other people also claiming to be exceptions either because they simply don't want to follow the rule or any invalid other Reasons. That's why I strictly go against Rulebreakers speaking foreign languages in Chat. As a Side note, English isn't my native Language as well. Even though that it's German I decided to rely on my humble English Knowledge so everyone is able understand me.

    Lastly, I don't have a grudge against him as long as he follows the rules. It's just so god damn annoying having to warn the same Person over and over and this having no appearent effect at all. At times even I snap when People just plainly ignore warnings or the !lang command every day and start to chose rasicm as the Reason for that or insulting me.

    That said, I'm writing this on my heating up tablet right now. I can deliver my part of the Demo about today, unless something happens like the heat peaking and making it quite unpleasant to sit at the PC or a Thunderstorm which was supposed to arrive for some time but still didn't happen.

    Grammar or Spelling mistakes are most likely, my tablet sucks :P

    Just ignore him, even if he would apply how its supposed to be there is nothing good to say about him.

    Continuesly ignores Warnings of the Language Rule, uses a Mouse Macro even If hes being told to not to and even used the Name of a Trusted Player (Fake) on KtK.
    I was even told he advertised his own KtK Server, unfortunatly I didnt see it myself.

    That guy is a prime example of someone who should not be given Permissions. Who could tell what he is up to if he ignores simple commands?

    Edit: Actually, we could modify the weapon files in the mod so it wouldn't be possible to shoot too fast anymore. Like deagle in promod. But I can't do that myself, or at least I won't take the time to find out how to do it even if it's surely rather easy. Maybe once the mod on the server is in its final version I'll ask someone if he can modify the files once and for all for all the pistols.

    Just came up with an Idea. The G3 is normaly an Semi-Automatic Rifle too, right?
    How about adding this kind of behaviour to the pistols too? Then no one wouldve an Advantage over others anymore. The only thing is that Assassins would get more problems in the early Rounds. In the other Hand higher Fire rates are never a gurantee if someone doesnt know how to aim.

    I just had in mind adding a perk for that, making Pistols automatic after skilling it, but I dont want to bother Viking with more Feature Requests.
    Just a sudden thought, just Ignore it if it makes Guards too OP.

    Edit: Typos and grammar fixes.



    #7 - Don't use any kind of scripts/macro to shoot faster.
    => Using binds/scripts or a mouse macro is forbidden.

    Im yet again uncertain how to handle that rule. My last state had been Scrolling by the Mousewheel is allowed but Scripts and/or Macros that quicken up the Fire-Rate are not. I cant really tell why people need to make use of those kinds of things, but its up to each Persons own liking.
    Some days ago a Member/Trusted, not sure who again, said he doesnt allow both. I didnt ask why exactly but a good Reason should be that both are quite hard to distinguish, which is the main issue about that. While i have sometimes my problems telling If its a Script or Makro, i felt like not paying that much attention to that rule anymore unless its quite obvious. Some people showed me that Scrolling can become quite fast too and is really easily mistaken for Scripts.

    @UFaced stated to me about that, its most likely not allowed if someone empties a Magazine of Pistols or any Single-Shooting Weapon in under half a second or in that time window.

    So now im asking you Guys:
    Are Scripts/Macros allowed?
    Is Scrolling allowed?

    Maybe we can call up a Poll and finally decide that and maybe change the wording of the rule so its more clear.
    I checked for old threads about that topic, I couldnt find any specific comments on that, so i made a new one. I hope I just didnt miss it ^^

    deleted User said anything which needed to be said.

    Also there is already a high number of trusted around. Having stains like VAC Bans really makes it hard to call for an exception like some trusted before.
    As I believe in Toxic's judgement about spotting cheats used this needs to be resolved before considering this application for reviewing.

    The default group having the Vote-Permission isnt particulary bad. The only thing out there are a small group of players abusing it. Not every Player is like this and appearently all default-grouped Players seem to suffer from it.

    You could give it a try, adding the Vote Cancel command to trusted/Member groups and still let the default group whether decide if they want to take or waste the chance to being able to deal with "Bad People" themselves. You'll never know until you try, right? :)
    Removing it later shouldnt be a big problem, unless its annoying to change the Permissions daily just for testing Reasons. ;)
    A requirement to execute the command would and should be a valid Reason. For example Cheating or interrupting fair Gameplay, like Stuckrunning on KtK.

    I just cant tell if you were already attempting this and how well or bad this went.

    Would be nice If the Vote Cancel could be added to Members and/or Trusted.

    Calling Votes for Kicks for things like Stuck Running, Kings suiciding or different things isnt necessary when a Trusted/Member is online. If none is there, its fine as long as it isnt done repeatedly.
    But we already had one Person calling continuesly Votekicks against people who "appearently" were hacking for that person and as most persons blindly vote for Yes its sometimes pretty meh.

    As i play mostly on Kill the King, my Opinion is based on things that happened.

    Your apparently experience isnt a proof. Lets just take those Counter Strike League Players exposed as Cheaters as an example that the Title of a "Pro-Gamer" isnt something you can rely and put any trust on.

    Trusted Players are able to make their own decisions. Mistakes are possible as it is a part of being human. The only recommendation I can give you in this matter is request the Record and let someone else like UFaced or Viruz decide. Entirely for that Reason we have a Unbanning Section here. But be warned, disputing the tempbans is one thing but pretending to have a clean Vest is something else. Im just saying it as we already had a Case like this. :)

    I also point out the Sticky post in the Unbanning Section so you provide enough Information so its possible to process the Unban-Request

    Kind regards,

    You're the first Person I'll have to state some concerns.

    You were the first in abusing the wrongly set Permissions like the recently fixed !votemap command for voting Lolzor even after strictly telling to stop using it even though the map had been played several times before that. Also you keep drawing my attention for ignoring the English/German only rule.
    In addition your Application is missing some crucial Informations like the Link to your Statistic Page.
    As there is already a high amount of Trusted on KtK. There wouldnt be need to get even more except Outstanding Applications or People who are able to fill in times where rarely any trusted/member is able to get online.

    The only positive points I can tell about you is your high Online Time. Still a no from me. Maybe its only me, so more Opinions are necessary to finalize the process.

    EDIT: Typos fixed (the ones i found that is)