-Your Ingame Name: Skorpiik
-Your Birthdate: 22nd March 1999
-Your hardest Map you finished out of this list: mp_dark_v3
-Your gaprecord with and without rpg: with rpg 381, without 319
-The Languages u are able to talk & The country in which you live: I live in Czech Repuiblic and I can speak Czech, English, and some basic German
-Why you want to join 3xP' Codjumper-Team: Members seem like nice people
-Your 3xP' Statistics page profile link (3xP' Statistics ~ Home Search your name; click on your name): https://stats.3xp-clan.com/client/b9795383
-Your Steam Profile link (if u use steam) so admins can stay in close contact with you: it's Skorpiik iirc
-And some more text where u introduce yourself a bit: Hey, I'm new to this game and I wanna get good enough to finish mp_bounce_builder.
Not really, most of you probably know me. I was in the clan for over a year. I stopped playing cj and left 3xP' due to inactivity. Now I'm back though. I wanna play this game some more, hang out with other clan members on the server, etc.
-Write something about your gaming past (Other Clans u were in, games u played etc.): Started playing cod4 in 2011 and codjumper in 2013. Had been in multiple cj clans over the time: Styx, 110 and 3xP'. As for other games, I've played osu!, Minecraft, Geometry Dash, metin2, etc.. Pretty much any type of game really.
-Write an Agreement that you will follow this rules and agree with them and that u read them: I have read them and i will follow them

Member Application
- Accepted
- Skorp