3xP/cj Memes
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Fuck off haukka
Arkani, is there something up with VC codjumper server? Like do you guys have the sv_fps changed or something? Any console commands that arent on defualt? Because codjumper on that server is way fucking easier, and if you guys made CJ easier on that server, than that deserves to be a meme.
maybe its only u being fucking pro, heat :^)
Go die.
This is what I saw when I pressed on 'next post':
By the way: what did you do Heat what 'woke' everybody up? did you farted really loud during a long silence on teamspeak or so?
Some attempts even though i know nothing about cj
This one doesnt even make sense
Look how long that bitches fingers are holy shit. is that a hand or a fucking raptor claw
Look how long that bitches fingers are holy shit. is that a hand or a fucking raptor claw
Wait a minute.. now you let me pay more attention to that picture:
ain't that device on the picture a device they use by pregnant women to check out the state of the fetus?...
Then why the fuck is there a man laying on the bed???!
new meta m9
She's checking if the man used sv_fps. @fris
You vs. the guy she tells you not to worry about
oh lol