As you can tell I'm FrisbeeSky, which is also my ingame name, you can just call me 'fris' like most people do.
I live in The Netherlands and was born on Januari the 14th 1998 so I'm 18 years old at the moment I'm writing this.
Also at this very moment I am writing this I'm in my exams of high school.
After this I'm going to study biotechnology on a school which is between the rank of 'high school' and 'university', though when the school introduces itself in English it just says 'university', probably because there isn't a word in English for the way we call it..
Anyway, about my gamehistory: (copied and pasted from my cj-application, feel free to read more information about me there (FrisbeeSky's Application for the 3xP' Codjumper-Team) to prevent a novelsized text here in this app. ;P)
Quote8-9 years ago I started playing my first First-Person-Shooter James Bond 007 xDD, I don't know for how long I played that but later on I started playing Call of Duty 1 United Offensive which I played for 6 years, and since almost 3 years I have been playing Call of Duty 4 including 2.5 years of Codjumping. Ofcourse I have played more games, 90% of those other games are also first-person-shooters but I just wanted to point out the games I was most active on in the last 8-9 years.
The reason I want to join the 3xP clan is because I'm already in the codjumper team and from that position in the clan I am doing my best to improve the things here like you can probably already tell by some (novelsized) posts I've made in some threads.
My skills are mostly focussed video-editing, increasing my cj-skill so I can provide demos for videos and listerning to other people.
More detail about that will follow after the purpose of a recently made thread has been reached: Let's talk about the activities in 3xP' CJ Team
If you want you can check out my playerstats here:
3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
And in case you want to contact me, here is a link to my Steamprofle:
Feel free to ask any questions, like I said you can find a lot information on the 3xp application I made.
if given: gfx, sfx, coding, modding, mapping skills
if given: electronic sports experience