Hi there!
My name is Joel, but in-game I'm known as Funk Attack. I'm from Finland and I just turned 18 last September. I first played CoD4 on PS3 when it first came out. I got hooked on glitching out of maps and such. I played for about a year and then quit. Many years later in mid 2012 I built my first proper PC and bought CoD4 from the Steam sales. I've since then played codjumper on and off and later in 2013 I decided to stick on your server and so far I have clocked over 400 hours in it. See stats here: 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
I'm applying for a trusted player rank because with my time on the server and my average skill I think I've earned that. I may apply for the codjumping team in the future but as of now I feel I'm not ready to take on some of the responsibilities that the proper codjumping team application requires (forum activity, 3xP' tag, etc). Still, I somehow want to be a part of the community so I thought applying for trusted player was a good idea.
I'm usually pretty quiet in the server, but I have made some friends such as Noob and HawK. I also tend to always help new players on the server.
I've read the rules and agree on them 100%
I have xfire but I rarely use it so the best way to talk to me is through Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198069356501
Thank you for reading!