me and a player named Haha got banned for the reason "insulting" by GM1 after he killed me for "camping" when he camped too,he insulted us and he did !kill on me when i was activator,what kind of trusted player would do that? next map he threatend us if we wrote anything he ban us but we didn't accept that also we didn't insult anyone he called us kids when my friend (Haha) replied "You're the kid" he banned him,tell me is that a real reason for a ban?even though he insulted us as well that doesn't give him the right to ban us he was just raging cuz i killed him

- Erledigt
First of all, it was a Tempban, you can play again.
2nd. What you say is kinda right. YOU insulted him too. Read the Chatlog again and you know what I mean
To be fair. The first Insult (fag) came from gm1.
next map he threatend us if we wrote anything he ban
That's a lie. He didn't say that,
1st of all,really hd? me? lie? well yeah i do sometimes lie xD,but not this time he did say that to Haha and banned him
me? lie? well yeah i do sometimes lie xD,but not this time he did say that to Haha and banned him
Maybe look at that sentence from our point of view and ask yourself if you'd really believe when someone said that.
No? What a coincidence! Me neither.(Our stats page didnt do mistakes once in terms of logging chat as far as i know)
aha right , he is saying the truth and I was there when Gm1 said : say one more word and I will ban you . but he didn't say it at me he said it to dark pro so yeah what ever , since who cares friends can just come join the game ruin it for "players" , just because he was mad doesn't mean he have the right to ban us .... EVEN it was only for a day the point is why trusted and friends use their power for shit stuff it just make players rage few weeks ago SIMPSON used a bugg to kill me and i did make a report about him and no one gave a fuck so yeah guys this is so fun... whats the point of making a section to report trusted players when you will not do anything about it so just remove it ..
I would like to see at least one Player understand what any Trusted / Admin write. Is it really so hard to read it AND understand it?
Just for YOU -=Crazy=-, here is what I wrote (again). Read it AND understand it.
To be fair. The first Insult (fag) came from gm1.
DARKPRO schrieb:
next map he threatend us if we wrote anything he banTHAT was a lie.
Thank you. I hope now you understand it? I hope / know at least one Admin will talk to Gm1.
AND that is what i am saying the part of GM1 said that he will ban him is NOT a lie cause he kept talking CAUSE WHY? ofc he raged at him when he used !kill at him plus he flamed first .. so that's it they both were mistaken so he got a ban and GM1 must have something too as a punishment cause it doesn't sound fair to me , if it does to you then simply What Ever and CLOSE this thread.
Edite :
AND I did flame him too cause Dark Pro is my brother so I too didn't like what GM1 did , AND I am sorry for the flaming ( it was mostly tolololing)
and some just shit talk .... so ye I think that what we all did was just not right . -
1) You wrote OLD ,and i made you a pleasure going into that room .
2) The first insult was becouse you were camping .
3) I was joking , you know me and my personality .
4) I tb you becouse you were insulting me .
5) I tb only ,not ban .
6) You and your friend are two children . Is not the first time you insult me.HD thanks for support:P
Dark and friend cry more cmon... -
LOL it didn't look like you were joking when you called him faggot maybe you could say " I am just kidding pro " so he know that cause you know he can't read your mind , cause if someone said that to me I would be insulted not take it as joking even if I was "camping" take it easy well you ? he was joking too by camping ...cry about what ? I already said sorry cause i know it was all wrong not just pro not just you or me WE ALL WERE WRONG . and this thread is useless cause as you see they go for the "friend" side don't use something called brain to judge . AND know that THE three of us were wrong . now thank you for reading . if you don't think you were wrong too then I don't know some people just don't like to be wrong so they deny it and yeah this shit ends here and please THIS is giving me a headache just do what you want and feel what the fuck you want you be you and we be us just don't joke with us again to avoid problems ,thank you .
Note: I didn't read everything you wrote Crazy because you just write block of texts badly formulated and it's very annoying to read that.
I have several things to say:
1) I don't know your "relationship" (Gm1 and Darkpro), so idk if you're used to called each other "fag"; however it looks like you don't like being insulted Gm1, as you kicked Darkpro. If you don't like being insulted by him, why would you insult him? It's completely against our rules.
2) As you can see on our rules ( 3xP' CoD4 server rules ), there is absolutely no rule against camping, and certainly not in deathrun.
Also IMO banning for a whole day for an insult which was not "heavy" is too much; however if the punishment was justified I'd be OK with that, but from what I've read in the chat logs, our rules, and the explanations different people wrote in this thread, it was not justified.
I won't give you any punishment because as far as I can remember it's the first time someone reports you. I'll just ask you to change your behavior and take a look at our rules once again, and I'd advise you to read this thread as well: You've been accepted as Trusted player/Trial member - Read.
I don't know if they really deserved being banned; maybe they are often insulting people on the servers, idk. But that's irrelevant here anyway, because from what I've seen and read, you acted in a wrong way as a trusted player / Friend.
As said above, it's okay, it's the first time I see you acting like that. But please change your behaviour on our servers now.I'll let this thread open for now in case someone has something to add, but - no flaming, thank you.
pfff but I spent allot of time writing this and its all about that we three were wrong and i even said sorry :I
anyway I think what you said is good enough , and don't have a bad look at us we don't flame just in bad times when rage because I know its not fair . Maaan I spammed allot there !!! -
pfff but I spent allot of time writing this and its all about that we three were wrong and i even said sorry :I
anyway I think what you said is good enough , and don't have a bad look at us we don't flame just in bad times when rage because I know its not fair . Maaan I spammed allot there !!!Hmm okay, actually I read it now and it's not so badly formulated, the problem is that you make too long sentences and write just a big block of text. Try using more dots and write a few paragraphs instead of just one block and it will be a lot easier to read.
Anyway, nice to hear that apparently you guys are getting along again.
lol I understand what you mean , thanks for the advice
tl;dr (all of it)
This situation seems to have stirred more commotion than it should have. IMO The ban has lifted and everyone should be happy. If you're not satisfied, you must learn to forgive and forget- one of the most important life lessons ever. Sorry to make this philosophical, but there is a lot more to stress over than a mere game. -
I hear you bro , and thanks for your opinion .
but Its already solvedZitatyou must learn to forgive and forget- one of the most important life lessons ever
I agree with you , but you know rage times do come and then regret after .... I don't need to forgive cause I was mistaken too but I did forget .
maybe I should stop commenting after every post
but I like to say what I have -
1) I don't know your "relationship" (Gm1 and Darkpro), so idk if you're used to called each other "fag"; however it looks like you don't like being insulted Gm1, as you kicked Darkpro. If you don't like being insulted by him, why would you insult him? It's completely against our rules.
1) I don't know your "relationship" (Gm1 and Darkpro), so idk if you're used to called each other "fag"; however it looks like you don't like being insulted Gm1, as you kicked Darkpro. If you don't like being insulted by him, why would you insult him? It's completely against our rules.
the thing between us and gm1 is old and trust me it will happen again and no i am not ok of being called a fag but i'll let it go