Umban me please

  • Ok here is a long story. I was banned for 500 min from "friend" SheepWizard for abuse.

    All started when map switched to drangonball and he did !vote 1st time and made mam crash. Me and gm1 told him the command !vote make mam crash and he did about 7/8 times replying "shh" to us.
    So I warned him to stop this because we need mam up.

    Then 2 players died as activator, but for a mistake and I told him not to warn them because it wasn't their intention to do that but they got warned.

    SheepWizard died too as activator but I didn't warn him.

    When a player (Spicy Weiner if I'm not wrong) died too as acti I warned him too and they both started trolling and accusing me of abuse.

    They keep annoying me and when a new round started Sheep did !kill rockk, I got killed and I kicked him with reason "don't annoy admins"

    He reconnected and temp banned me for 500 minutes. So I'm here to ask you unban and to remove him from friend.

    Cheers, rockky

    People that can confirm my version and were online: @gianmario @Shuzk @Trojan786

    If he want to reply: @Sheep_Wizard

  • Unbanned.

    Trusted players shouldn't tempban each other for any reason.

    For the rest, let's wait for Sheep Wizard and other admins .


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

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  • sheepy <3

    you can not just die without doing anything ( in the ufo )
    you can only collide out ON PURPOSE!

    vouch: sheepy doesnt do anything without a legitimate reason, he is known for quite some time around here.

  • if sheep dont replies, things are clear for me and i would be for a demote

  • 1) about the mam thing I may have crashed it 4 times at max, this was not intentional i did not not realise it was from me doing with vote cmd + i was not reading the chat i time so i didnt see what they were saying

    2)when i died as acti i was just messing about in the thing and did fall out, it was my fault and i could of been fine with being warned

    3)when i killed you i did it when the round was counting down, which mean you instantly respawn, i was just doing it as i joke, not to actually kill you

    4)with the tempban i fought it was in seconds

    5)im very sorry this happened, as some of you may know i have been friend for maybe 2 years now (?) and have never abused my commands and only used them to help admin the server at time when admins where not on. It would be a shame if felt like you could not trust me because of this 1 minor mistake, I promise this wont happen again, as iv said simply i stupid mistake

  • #closed

    As sheep never abused his trusted rank in past and i see his apologize is really serious, he wont get demoted.

