FeZe Clan members report

  • Hi.Today i want to report FeZe Clan members for tons of insults, being a racists and also swearing, calling others shits/gays etc.

    Here is one screen on which buster is insulting Aurel and me (calling us "same shit")
    Also dench "attention whore"
    View image: shot0028

    Here is the second screen on which buster is being a racist
    View image: shot0031

    In continuation of this, mike said "polish faggot"
    View image: shot0033

    After i kicked him for being a racist
    View image: shot0034
    He came back and tempbanned me for 1440 with reason: SURE

    Buster calling me a dog
    View image: shot0030

    Not sure?Lemme show you more.

    i think i dont have to comment it
    View image: shot0035

    Buster calls me a gay
    View image: shot0038

    Buster swearing
    View image: shot0045

    Buster calls me a faggot (not 1st time and not 2nd/3th time but i dont have screens, it is in logs)
    View image: shot0046

    (if someone dont knows buster that day on which mike said "polish faggot" to me he said "polish cancer")
    View image: shot0050

    Buster insulting me in his own language (portugese i think)
    View image: shot0052

    Buster again insulting me in his own language, calling me a whore ( "puta" )
    View image: shot0053

    dench admitting about buster's insults
    View image: shot0055

    Hope you will do something with these ragers.Also i dont think its a good idea to have a racist in trusted players list (mike).

  • Just saying, before it goes into a rage war... We're talking about swearing, insulting, talking in disallowed languages, basically disrespecting the in-game server rules, moreover as a trusted player, which means you particularly agreed to this.

    I don't care what Slondermon may have done, if you want to report his actions, feel free to create another thread about him.
    This thread is about the currently reported guys. Now tell me, why good reason could there be for excusing this behavior?


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

    3xP' TS3 IP: ts.3xP-Clan.com | Click here to directly join it.

    #sxXje und N00bSlondermon gefällt das.
  • Well the fact is, you join the server with the intention of provoking and annoying us and yet you're surprised at what you get called/ what people say. I know you're a trusted player, but this doesn't make you super special.

    The other day (unfortunately I didn't take screens, but now I wish I did) you admitted that you "just joined the server because you saw members of FeZe were playing". Although you could easily just say no you didn't and no one would even take note of this, due to lack of 'proof'.

    Sorry, but you are simply trying to get someone to "do something with these ragers." But maybe we wouldn't be "ragers" if you didn't constantly aggravate us.

    Also, I'm not a trusted player, so I haven't agreed to this.

  • you admitted that you "just joined the server because you saw members of FeZe were playing".

    sure, after you started to insult and swear me i did it
    b4 you will hate me for that
    buster, mike and the third one (dont remember his nickname) from feze did the same but on their fake accounts

    But maybe we wouldn't be "ragers" if you didn't constantly aggravate us.

    really? couple of weeks ago when buster mike and third one from feze got kicked for provoking, trolling and swearing me i wasnt aggravate you, so please do not lie

    but this doesn't make you super special.

    you should say that to mike

    Well the fact is, you join the server with the intention of provoking and annoying us and yet you're surprised at what you get called/ what people say.

    i am not, i joined to play the deathrun mod, but when i joined and buster started to provokate me i just went to spectate and was talking with them (or being insulted and trying to defend)

  • Yep, as I said it would be rather easy for you to dispute everything that I have said due to my lack of proof.

    This doesn't need to be happening, no one had anything against you, this pretty much all started because I was "camping" as an activator. We had a little bit of a disagreement as to why "camping" doesn't matter, yet you persisted to say it's for "noobs."

    P.S lack of proof, no one cares about what I say.

    //Also, you complain about "racism" and how it's offensive (I didn't say anything racist, as far as I am aware), but your picture could be seen as offensive, think about it.

  • Okay, so first, Slonder I'm pretty sure that's it's a possibility that you actually "aggravated" things. Instead of not caring about them and just play, as you said you joined spectators and talked with them. Obviously wasn't the best thing to do to arrange things. I'm not saying that you broke any rule, but that you could have acted in a better way to encourage other trusted players not to break rules as well, instead of pushing them to break them. I don't know if that's what happened but I think your actions may have resulted in this, be it volontary from you or not.

    Anyway that doesn't excuse anything that you "FeZe" guys have said, insulting or swearing is never tolerated no matter the reason (especially using the words "fag" or "gay" as an insult? Really? How mature is that?).

    So now I will ask you all to read those threads again (or maybe for the first time for some of you):
    - 3xP' CoD4 server rules
    - You've been accepted as Trusted player/Trial member - Read.
    You can also read that one in the meantime, it cannot hurt :P : Premade kick/ban reasons

    And after you've read them, either you wish to remain trusted players, and you'll have to agree with those threads and rules, and never use insults/talk in disallowed languages/etc on the servers, or you can decide that you don't want to comply with those conditions and quit the trusted player position. It's up to you (at least it's up to you now, if you break rules again in the future, it won't be up to you anymore).
    Btw in the case you decide to quit the trusted player role, you'll indeed still have to comply with our CoD4 server rules.

    I would like each of you to answer on this thread with your decision, and if you decide to remain trusted player, I want you to write that you agree to comply with the rules.

    Also if you don't like someone on the server, just don't talk to him. No "jokes" or shit like that, when you know it won't be perceived as a joke by the person you're talking to.

    Hoping I won't have to deal with this kind of issue in the future.


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

    3xP' TS3 IP: ts.3xP-Clan.com | Click here to directly join it.

    Viruz gefällt das.
  • ... im happy that im admin of the codjumper =D, jumpin 4 peace

  • Sorry for the late message.

    I would like to remain trusted, I read the rules again and I will make sure that i stick to them this time and will not get provoked by other people into braking them.
    And I have read the premade kicks/bans to use them next time

    I hope everything is alright now.

  • Buster was not racist as the USA is not a race

    Mike was not racist as Polish is not a race so you shouldnt of kicked him for racism

    Anyway i don't know if i part of this(?) but if i am ufaced, yes i have read the rules and yes i will stick to them :Þ

  • Yeah they seem to be rule breakers but you should'nt have kicked him like how @Sheep_Wizard Stated because USA is not a race, but he was refering that must americans are fat/bad by saying from "From USA :D" that is totally untoleratable behavior from trusted players.

    Adding a :D to "from USA" is a totally untoleratable behavior? Are you serious?
    You said that "most americans are fat/bad", not him (ik that you're joking here though).

  • <p>


    <p>Adding a :D to &quot;from USA&quot; is a totally untoleratable behavior? Are you serious?<br />
    You said that &quot;most americans are fat/bad&quot;, not him (ik that you're joking here though).


    <p>I know but since he said From USA he means that USA is full of bad people and stuff, but it is true since there is mcdonald/ KFC most people eat food that have high colarioes in USA and i'm not sort of meaning that the entire USA is bad, nah&nbsp;</p>

  • Still waiting for Buster to read my post (This one: FeZe Clan members report - Post #8) and answer here.
    If any of you guys see him in-game, please let him know he needs to come here and answer.

    Thanks Mike for the answer, and Sheep too but I don't think you were included :P


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

    3xP' TS3 IP: ts.3xP-Clan.com | Click here to directly join it.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von UFaced ()

    Mike gefällt das.
  • For some reasons Buster can't see this thread.
    Anyways, I've showed him screenshots and sent him links of the other threads, he has read it and he accepts it.

    Okay thanks Amesia :)


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

    3xP' TS3 IP: ts.3xP-Clan.com | Click here to directly join it.