Beiträge von Rickster

    Yep, as I said it would be rather easy for you to dispute everything that I have said due to my lack of proof.

    This doesn't need to be happening, no one had anything against you, this pretty much all started because I was "camping" as an activator. We had a little bit of a disagreement as to why "camping" doesn't matter, yet you persisted to say it's for "noobs."

    P.S lack of proof, no one cares about what I say.

    //Also, you complain about "racism" and how it's offensive (I didn't say anything racist, as far as I am aware), but your picture could be seen as offensive, think about it.

    Well the fact is, you join the server with the intention of provoking and annoying us and yet you're surprised at what you get called/ what people say. I know you're a trusted player, but this doesn't make you super special.

    The other day (unfortunately I didn't take screens, but now I wish I did) you admitted that you "just joined the server because you saw members of FeZe were playing". Although you could easily just say no you didn't and no one would even take note of this, due to lack of 'proof'.

    Sorry, but you are simply trying to get someone to "do something with these ragers." But maybe we wouldn't be "ragers" if you didn't constantly aggravate us.

    Also, I'm not a trusted player, so I haven't agreed to this.