Ummm. I have such a problem .
Like 4-3 days ago on Kill the King server started to play russian players .( Sakh.Vitya and Sakh.Hanter) These guys always speak russian.I warned them ,kicked them ,even tempbanned them (max 5 min) They still break the rule (Eng/Germ) and i really don't know what to do .They also insulted and maybe one of them wallhacked not sure. And that's kinda annoying ,and well what should i do ? Thanks for attention.

Russian players.
- xxAlexx
- Erledigt
If they keep doing it and you already warned them multiple times etc, you can tempban them for a day (1440 min) everytime they do it again.
lol, you talk bout those guys and i saw Sakh.Hanter 5 minutes ago with Wallhack.
But before i could tempban him, he quit.EDIT:
Please Update the Kick / Ban list:, even new players dont show up -
Russians everywhere !!
tell me about it....
sakh hanter and sakh vitya always come in ktk and insult me and speak only russian and maybe i banned them like 6 or 7 times both i mean one 3 other 4 and so many warns and kicks but nothing