Member Application

  • Hey guys,

    I've played 3xP' for over 1.5 Years and I mostly play DR(Deathrun) but I've had 2 different keys that's why I don't know exactly how long.
    I want member because people abusing really gets on my nerves and I want to stop that since there is barely ever a member on.
    You should trust me because I play a lot and I like to help others.
    Some members know me like Acti, Skalli and UFaced(Not much though.)But I know a lot of Trusted players like FeZe's and hebuno etc.
    I hope you reply positively, Thanks for your feedback. :D


  • Seems like he wants to be a member for rights, not for a good suciety. NO from my side

  • That's not what Viruz means. He means you only want to be a member to have the "powers" it brings, like !k etc, you're not interested in the community, in playing with us, stuff like that. If this is true, I suggest you wait for the trusted player applications to reopen (if you meet the requirements), which should be pretty soon.
    If you are actually interested in this community though, you can come to our TS3 server and talk with members and admins, so we can get to know you.


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

    3xP' TS3 IP: | Click here to directly join it.

  • I wouldn't really !k I am lenient I would always warn first and I don't even care If I have powers I just want to be able to put 3xP' in front of my name(without getting kicked(lel)).

  • So you just want to use the 3xp' Tag? I thought you were complaining about that there are barely any admins on DR? (which isn't true like i said)
    If you want to belong to our community, you have to communicate alot of with other members on Teamspeak. (Weren't you the guy who told me he hates talking online?)
    And noone really knows you here.. You have to be active on CoD4 and Teamspeak and be respectful and helpful with other players/members, to get a good reputation. But that takes a while..

    Anyways, a NO from me unitl we know you better.

  • OBV NO ! XD , :)


    nononononononononononono, I'm not banned or busted :D


  • Hi SkiLLz,

    thank you for your interest in our clan. unfortunatly I have to say that you do not fullfil our clanmember requirements.
    We are not just a clan, we are a group of friends, who is playing together, drinking together, sleeping together =D.
    That is why we are high skilled in trust and loyality.
    You are new in our community and nobody knows you.
    Please join our teamspeak, play games with us and give us, you and us, the chance to get to know each other.
    After that you have the chance to apply again and we can decide, if you have the soft skill we are looking for.

    kind regards,