Application - blEEEnd

  • And the last thing is that the edit function actually DOES exist. Yes, yes, I swear.


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  • The main thing here is that it's not me..
    It's that guy.
    Idk what do I do now , idk how do I fix this ...

    Guid checking clearly stated that it was not me using it at that time,but the ban in netherlands sure will be a problem.. :crying_1:

  • The main problem here is the hacking, did he or did he not?

    Wing,I didn't do it.My guid and the guid from the guy hacking did not match..
    About my age ? I know , 15 years old .. But you should know my birthday is coming up in november.

    I swear, I did not hack , at all. No hacking activities from me,what's the point of it ?
    It's the guy that I share a key with.
    I know , it's a big problem.
    Please, just 'hear me out' ..
    Here,my birthday is coming in 1st week of November,6th november to be exact.
    About the hacking thing. Bass has checked the GUIDs and it turned out as a non-match. So it can't be me.

    That's both of my 'negatives' shut down. Please, believe me.. It was not me , why would I hack ? No fun in that :/ :sad_1: