Beiträge von apo

    good one! maybe try to improve the observation of trial-time to reduce news like this. also since these news i guess we don't look for the skill of members but for their "relationship" to the clan being a "community" member - so the logical way would be soften the (hard and long) way of application and use the trial-time to sort out people who don't improve the community.

    well i had aliases for every game i played and they were all different, actually when i am thinking about it i don't know why.
    named myself "Apostel" which means "apostle" - ofc not dat boring - i was like : "aPo$T3L" - my first clan called me "apo" everytime -> there comes the cut.

    in cod black ops my name was "Hirntripper" ( = brain gonorrhea)

    in the big internet i am also known as Papst (Pope) and Ichi (from Ichi the Killer), wrote many film reviews and columns and other shit.

    nope i don't believe in god.

    Hey guys,

    just want to know if anyone is playing the new CCG "Hearthstone - Heroes of Warcraft" by Blizzard.

    Actually i am playing a Mage and a Hunter deck but i want to build up a badass Shaman deck soon. But i need some more cards for my deck idea.

    So.. anyone here with a beta-invite, too? :D

    schaue ziemlich viel gore und extreme filme - also nicht weinen. ich trage keine verantwortung für psychische schäden bei filmen die mit (+) gekennzeichnet sind. seid ihr zu schwach, dann seid ihr einfach zu schwach. badabum tssss.

    abseits davon ein paar Geheimtipps:

    In China essen sie Hunde

    To keep the board alive offside from application-, criticism- and server-suggestions-threads i want to start this thread about your favorite series or series you want to watch in time.
    Please no anime, please only "good" productions similar to movie productions, so i don't mean something like Scrubs or Big Bang Theory or for the rare old guys: no Xena or Buffy - only preventive. :D

    Well, here is my favorite list with my personal ranking:

    1. Californication
    2. Weeds
    3. Game of Thrones
    4. The Walking Dead
    5. Supernatural (first season sucks, but follo#removed seasons are just too funny, especially their irony about this "trash"-horror-series, which include Supernatural, too. I will just scream "Ghost Facers!" )
    6. Mad Men

    series i want to watch:

    House of Cards

    I watched the first season of Breaking Bad and didn't like it. Well, also i got a problem with the main protagonist because of "Malcom in the Middle". Maybe i will give it a chance in future, but at the moment i can't understand the hype.

    So which are your favorite series? And do you agree to my ranking? ;-)

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