Great job guys, I am sure that this will be a very helpful additive to a lot of futured Cj-projects!
Right here I summed up the ideas which were called out in a previous topic so new ideas beside these can now be called out in this topic instead:
non-italic-typ is the actual idea.
italic-typ contains an idea on how it could be realised.
1. having a shop with a 3xP currency where you can buy certain skins, maybe also where you can buy something where you can send in a skin? (make that a very high price ofcourse so the mod won't get spammed with hundreds of skins) and where you can buy more stuff.
2. An acceleration measuredisplay. There is already a speed measuredisplay and a max speed measuredisplay but I think it would be very helpful to see your acceleration as a number than estimating how fast the speed measuredisplay is escalating. The way it could work out as I (as someone who only had physics on school and knows nothing about scripts) imagine is:
let a script check the speed at a t1 (time 1) and let it check it a second later on t2 and then let it do t2-t1 and display the result of that sum. Let the script repeat that progress each second, so when the progress starts again t2 becomes t1 and let the script measure the new t2 and do t2-t1 again. Now doing it this way I think this would mean that the accelerationdisplay would only refresh every second. You can make it more frequent by letting the script measure t1 at 0 seconds and t2 at 0.1 seconds, then let it do t2-t1 and multiply the result times 10.
3. a measurementdisplay which shows how well your rpg was expressed in timedifference:
The way this could be done is to let the game start a timer the moment your Y-coordinate is going positive and let is stop when a rpg has been shot (I know that descent_v3 has a rpgshotdetecter so maybe that could be usefull?). Let it reset when a position has been loaded or when the y-coordinate is decreasing again (in case you're doing a bhop and you want to measure the 2nd(+) bounce or so)
4. a measurementdisplay which shows your max Y-coordinate expressed in either 1. the cordinate, 2. the timedifference from the moment the y-coordinate started increasing, or 3. the unitdifference of the Y-cordinate when it started increasing. I personally would go for option 2 since you will always have a positive number which is easier to read and understandquickly then seeing a negative Y-cordinate as max cordinate you reached before you started to fall down again. The way this could be done is pretty much similar as by idea 5 but instead of letting it stop when a rpg has been shot, let it stop when the Y-coordinate decreases again. And reset it when a positon is getting loaded again.
Something worth to note for idea 3 and 4: you might want to add the amount of time between 2 measurementmoments by the final measurement, this is why:
5. A simple measurement tool would be a nice addition too for a future update maybe, I remember styx cj had one. It lets players check gapsize easily
I understand that those ideas are very timeconsuming to realise them, but the beautiful thing about ideas is that they don't neccesarely need to be realised, it's also okay if it stays by just pointing them out. :>