Beiträge von frisbeesky

    Great job guys, I am sure that this will be a very helpful additive to a lot of futured Cj-projects!

    Right here I summed up the ideas which were called out in a previous topic so new ideas beside these can now be called out in this topic instead:
    non-italic-typ is the actual idea.
    italic-typ contains an idea on how it could be realised.

    1. having a shop with a 3xP currency where you can buy certain skins, maybe also where you can buy something where you can send in a skin? (make that a very high price ofcourse so the mod won't get spammed with hundreds of skins) and where you can buy more stuff.

    2. An acceleration measuredisplay. There is already a speed measuredisplay and a max speed measuredisplay but I think it would be very helpful to see your acceleration as a number than estimating how fast the speed measuredisplay is escalating. The way it could work out as I (as someone who only had physics on school and knows nothing about scripts) imagine is:

    let a script check the speed at a t1 (time 1) and let it check it a second later on t2 and then let it do t2-t1 and display the result of that sum. Let the script repeat that progress each second, so when the progress starts again t2 becomes t1 and let the script measure the new t2 and do t2-t1 again. Now doing it this way I think this would mean that the accelerationdisplay would only refresh every second. You can make it more frequent by letting the script measure t1 at 0 seconds and t2 at 0.1 seconds, then let it do t2-t1 and multiply the result times 10.

    3. a measurementdisplay which shows how well your rpg was expressed in timedifference:

    The way this could be done is to let the game start a timer the moment your Y-coordinate is going positive and let is stop when a rpg has been shot (I know that descent_v3 has a rpgshotdetecter so maybe that could be usefull?). Let it reset when a position has been loaded or when the y-coordinate is decreasing again (in case you're doing a bhop and you want to measure the 2nd(+) bounce or so)

    4. a measurementdisplay which shows your max Y-coordinate expressed in either 1. the cordinate, 2. the timedifference from the moment the y-coordinate started increasing, or 3. the unitdifference of the Y-cordinate when it started increasing. I personally would go for option 2 since you will always have a positive number which is easier to read and understandquickly then seeing a negative Y-cordinate as max cordinate you reached before you started to fall down again. The way this could be done is pretty much similar as by idea 5 but instead of letting it stop when a rpg has been shot, let it stop when the Y-coordinate decreases again. And reset it when a positon is getting loaded again.

    Something worth to note for idea 3 and 4: you might want to add the amount of time between 2 measurementmoments by the final measurement, this is why:

    5. A simple measurement tool would be a nice addition too for a future update maybe, I remember styx cj had one. It lets players check gapsize easily

    I understand that those ideas are very timeconsuming to realise them, but the beautiful thing about ideas is that they don't neccesarely need to be realised, it's also okay if it stays by just pointing them out. :>

    I understand i do not have a great chance but Moug told me i should try , the hardest map ive finished isnt that hard cause i dont go for finishing maps . Codjumper to me is not a mission to complete its a sandbox . I enjoy going for hard bounces and making no rpg's possible no rpg , im not the most skilled player but i dont like bugging people for help and stuff like that . i have been in 3xp for over a year now and i have always helped lower skilled players to complete easy on maps . Im fully aware my hours on 3xp does not sound true since ive changed my statemeant alot but i have 4 days 2 or 3 hours on server , overall about 140 hours on cj because i used to play on MSG and Nh alot .

    Regardless who encouraged you that you should try to apply or finish certain maps or whatever your pov is about the 'mission' of playing codjump or whether you enjoy doing no rpgs on jumps which you can do no rpg or whether you're the most skilled player or not at the moment or whether you ask people for cj-help or not or whether you claimed something different then the statspage says because you've played on other codjumpservers too or whether you have always helped helping lower skilled players or what ever other details you could point out about your cj-carrier, that all doesn't matter because the point remains that, like I have said, you don't succeed the requierments at this moment and in order to succeed in that, like I have said already you should take the second chance which in my opinion you may get if the other 3xP' leaders agree meaning "From now on play often on the 3xP' Codjumper server, show a good behaviour by continuing helping people and if you get stuck in helping others or you're stuck at a jump yourself then ask a member and when you manage to maintain that process for a few months then I garuntee that you'll succeed in the requirements to join 3xP'."

    Emphasising: ONLY then you will succeed in joining the 3xP' Cj-Team and maybe I should explain something more about what I underlined and thickened:
    if you show a good behaviour we (members and leaders of 3xP') will notice that and will have nice talks with you which makes you show that you can be friends with the 3xP' community, but you have to show it!

    Edit: In the end we (members and leaders of 3xP') tell you whether you're good enough to join the 3xP' Cj-Team, you don't tell us, you should show us

    No exceptions, no excuses.

    Just want to point out my opinion:

    I feel like you currently don't have much potential to get accepted in joining 3xP' : it seems that members don't know you that well and you have a lower skill than the average 3xP' Cj-member since the hardest maps you've finished are 8,5/20 and 11/20 (looking at the maps you pointed out).
    At this moment you haven't left a good impression for example looking at what Viruz had to say in his post.
    Then you replied claiming and explaining his misunderstandings about, as what was pointed out, your bad behaviour at this moment and in the past, still, you apologize for that.
    In conclusion we (all the members and leaders of 3xP') don't know what's true: either Viruz's post or what you claim to be truely the case as in explaining his misunderstanding.

    So how does this continue?
    I think it's logical to say that as it looks now you won't get into 3xP'.
    But I think you should still get a second chance to show us what's really true;
    If you truely claim that "Ive wanted to join 3xP when i very first started codjumping on pc" and "ive been helping people with bounces as soon as i learned codjumper even if i couldnt do them i would try my best" and "its the best clan and community that i want to do more things with" then I say show it:

    From now on play often on the 3xP' Codjumper server, show a good behaviour by continuing helping people and if you get stuck in helping others or you're stuck at a jump yourself then ask a member and when you manage to maintain that process for a few months then I garuntee that you'll succeed in the requirements to join 3xP'.



    Currently I am searching for videos which possible might get included in the spreadsheet.
    What I've done is I looked through all the videos of different youtubechannels which possibly had one or more videos which could be included in the spreadsheet.
    My question to you guys is:

    Could you please think of and look up videos and channels which possibly might have one or more videos, which, possibly could be montageworthful enough to get included in the spreadsheet, then check them by url or channelname whether they are already in the sheet linked below and if they're not, please let me know via a post in this topic or steam?

    (or in other words: did I miss any channel/video in this list?:)…ref=2&pli=1#gid=127147035

    If you doubt whether a video is worthful enough to include into the spreadsheet, please just send the link. It's better that I see the video than if I would not see the video anyway.
    It's also worth knowing that montages which are already included in the spreadsheet are not listed in the sheet which I just linked above, so please also check whether a video which came to your mind isn't already in that list.


    Hey, another 2 ideas came to my mind;

    5. a measurementdisplay which shows how well your rpg was expressed in timedifference:
    The way this could be done is to let the game start a timer the moment your Y-coordinate is going positive and let is stop when a rpg has been shot (I know that descent_v3 has a rpgshotdetecter so maybe that could be usefull?). Let it reset when a position has been loaded or when the y-coordinate is decreasing again (in case you're doing a bhop and you want to measure the 2nd(+) bounce or so)

    6. a measurementdisplay which shows your max Y-coordinate expressed in either 1. the cordinate, 2. the timedifference from the moment the y-coordinate started increasing, or 3. the unitdifference of the Y-cordinate when it started increasing. I personally would go for option 2 since you will always have a positive number which is easier to read and understand quickly then seeing a negative Y-cordinate as max cordinate you reached before you started to fall down again. The way this could be done is pretty much similar as by idea 5 but instead of letting it stop when a rpg has been shot, let it stop when the Y-coordinate decreases again. And reset it when a positon is getting loaded again.

    Something worth to note for idea 5 and 6: you might want to add the amount of time between 2 measurementmoments by the final measurement, this is why:

    Reminder: "the beautiful thing about ideas is that they don't neccesarely need to be realised, it's also okay if it stays by just pointing them out. :>"


    I feel like there is a mistaken assumation going around about the deadline for sending in demos. So to let me clear that up:

    As long you don't see any deadline for sending in demos for the montage here in this topic, you can be assure that you have plenty of time left to send in demos because I will announce the deadline far before the date.

    This indeed means that the progress for the montage is going very slow, but that's because of qualitypreparation reasons regarding the actual content and edit.

    To still give you an idea of when the montage will be released: I promise that it will be released this year.
    A more accurate date will follow. (also within this year ;P)

    Do you only need a normal acceleration or the max. acceleration of a jump

    I don't know if that question was pointed to me but I would say 'a normal acceleration' which just shows your acceleration as I described when I gave the idea. having a max acceleration measuredisplay doesn't really seem useful in my pov.

    one main problem, i also use speedometer sometimes, but it doesnt work that u could say u need 1900 speed for getting the jump, i found myself getting the jump with sometimes lower speed and sometimers higher speed not getting it, also it doesnt rly say anything about correct 333 usage, as it give u height, and velocity is just xy. dunno acceleration is something we can do but not before release

    The reason why it doesn't work all the time even when you reached a higher speed and you still didn't make it or using a lower speed and you do still make it depends on how long you got that speed during your jumpattempt and that is depended on how well you accelerated. Also, talking about a '1900 speed jump' where the 1900 is based on the speed you probably got when you landed the jump is indeed not a very accurate way of making a jump with a specific difficulty. It's better to estimate the average speed you get, but that's really hard to tell since you can only figure that out by paying attention to how long you have let's say about 500 speed, how long you have about 1000 speed, how long you have about 1500 speed and then take the average of those (in relation on how long you got those speeds). Well.. that's not even worth to try to figure out since that goes way too fast to see. However, that all has to do with acceleration, so having an accelerationdisplay which shows your acceleration which will also increase during a jump, just like the speedmeter does, will also be a situation similar to when you would figure out the average speed you got during a jump as when you want to figure out the average acceleration you got during a jump BUT, figuring out the average acceleration would probably be way easier to estimate than figuring out the average speed since the number of the acceleration won't change as much as the number of the speed which means you could figure out an estimation of the average acceleration you got during a jump to relate a more presize difficulty (x/20) of a jump. Could you follow what I am trying to say? ^^

    Edit: oh ye, and as for the height, for when you do a distance or a distance-height jump it's rougly the same and I don't think it doesn't make it impossible to determine the difficulty of a jump. As a jumper you can have way more influence in the distance of a jump than the height of it.

    But i dont really think that this is nessecary tbh. But i also use the speedometer very rarely so might have no clue about how an acceleration measurement can be usefull or not. Speedometer for me is only to see if i hit a bounce correctly or if i did the strafe angles correctly.

    I know a few codjumpers, me included, who use the speedometer for some extreme (distance) jumps. We often use it to test jumps in bouncebuilder or to try to perform some hard montagejumps.. I've had some chats in bouncebuilder where we talked about 'this is a 1900 jump', meaning that you need to reach 1900 speed as maxspeed to do the jump, therefore a specific acceleration is required to reach that 1900 speed and having a display which shows your acceleration could help a lot making those jumps more presizely. Also, this means that when it comes to difficulty in the distance of jumps we could figure out some exact accelerationnumbers to relate it to a jumpdifficulty (x/20 scale) since a big part of codjumpskill lies into how well you can accelerate in the game aka how well you can strafe. (to strafe=to accelerate)

    eeeh, weird that you suddenly got kicked for aimbot while, as you said, you don't have it.
    Beside that aimbot would only give disadvantages in codjump esspecially when you want to shoot a rpg straight down and not to someone random when you bounce.

    Anyway, is there any leader who can finish this thread maybe? (it's been a day since scruffs made this request and would be nice if he could play on the cj-server again)

    you could watch one of our youtube walkthroughs. Afaik the shown fps there is just an ingame overlay (HUD Element)

    Alright, if that's the only feature of a walkthrough overlay then I see what such a walkthrough overlay means.

    I also got another idea for the mod, if poss ofcourse:
    4. An acceleration measuredisplay. There is already a speed measuredisplay and a max speed measuredisplay but I think it would be very helpful to see your acceleration as a number than estimating how fast the speed measuredisplay is escalating. The way it could work out as I (as someone who only had physics on school and knows nothing about scripts) imagine is:

    let a script check the speed at a t1 (time 1) and let it check it a second later on t2 and then let it do t2-t1 and display the result of that sum. Let the script repeat that progress each second, so when the progress starts again t2 becomes t1 and let the script measure the new t2 and do t2-t1 again. Now doing it this way I think this would mean that the accelerationdisplay would only refresh every second. You can make it more frequent by letting the script measure t1 at 0 seconds and t2 at 0.1 seconds, then let it do t2-t1 and multiply the result times 10.

    The only thing to do now is translate what I just described into the cod4 scriptlanguage which I personally understand as well as why you would go to the toilet while keeping your pants up.

    Afaik the walkthrough overlays will be in the menus too. Ill talk with viruz today and make some overlays. Anyone is free to bring up own overlays which we can choose from then cuz the more stuff we have to choose from, the sexier the overlays will look like. About the maprotation stuff i agree with viruz in that point. The cooldown of 5 maps is enough.

    Can you show an example of an overlay? (or the features of an overlay)

    1. I don't know if it's a bug or that you put it to see more information on what's happening but on the left buttom corner of the screen where you see the save position and load position etc. I can also see other peoples loads (and saved?). Anyway, I know you ever put that there just to see extra information on what's happening during actions when the mod is used during a test but I think I'll just point it out.
    2. the sustain ammo has a delay but the animation looks weird (not very bothering imo, just pointing out)

    1. having a mode where you can enable the 3xp-walkthroughfps-layout for when making a walkthrough. I know Drizzjeh had a '3xP walkthroughmod' but maybe you can add that into this one.
    2. having a shop with a 3xP currency where you can buy certain skins, maybe also where you can buy something where you can send in a skin? (make that a very high price ofcourse so the mod won't get spammed with hundreds of skins) (We both talked about this on Steam before but maybe worth to point the idea-outcome of that conversation out here plus some extra ideas), where you can buy more stuff.
    3. a votingsystem to prevent overplayed maps, as pointed out in a recent other topic. (I know, I don't give a lot of detail, but just worth to think about a system, I don't know if it's possible but is the server able to track how much time a map has been on/played? that could help thinking about a system)

    I understand that those ideas are very timeconsuming to realise them, but the beautiful thing about ideas is that they don't neccesarely need to be realised, it's also okay if it stays by just pointing them out. :>
    Those are the ideas that just came up my mind.

    I was about to write another long post where I share my point of view on this situation, but noticed that the questions we gotta ask ourselves first are:

    Are the following questions correctly asked? :
    Why do we prefer playing overplayed maps on a server more than playing it on devmap?
    Why do we mind playing a not-overplayed map, less when playing it on devmap, but more when we would play it on a server?
    How can we balance/solve the problem with the help of the answers of the previous 2 questions?

    Edit: I feel like this post isn't gonna help at all but maybe I'm wrong xD
    It's mainly meant to let you think about the problem in a specific way which could make your opinion more logical.. or maybe not, idk xd

    Basically they can be whatever. Shortcuts, norpgs, bunnyhops and some random creative jumps. I guess a few old ones here and there wouldn't really matter atleast in my opinion. As long as the jumps aren't normal jumps its fine. They don't need to be anything super hard either. The goal of this series is to let the lesser known editors get a chance to practice their editing skills on some interesting bounces, while at the same time trying to get the youtube channel appear more active with weekly videos. Obviously the more sick the demos are, the better. But don't be afraid to send them if you think they aren't good enough. I hope this cleared things up. Also the fellow WCD editors feel free to correct me if I got anything wrong. :)

    +1 Agreed

    What I would like to add to this is that everyone is allowed to send in demos, being a member of 3xp is not required.
    Mainly so there is a good variety of jumpers going into the series.
    Saving 'Community Specials' would bother more than actually adding some nice variety to the series, I mean, it would but I think the series will get variety enough with specific specials.
    And like Funk said; the fellow WCD editors feel free to correct me if I got anything wrong.