Beiträge von N00bSlondermon

    I never insulted anyone or disrespected anyone u just say No cuz u never saw me in-game,genz says i insult and disrespect all say i disrespect here's a tip OPEN UR EYES ,Each time i i say bitch or nigga is just kidding with my friends,if u don't believe me go ahead and ask other ppl instead of going to the world's biggest lair ,Now u have a good reason that i can't be trusted ,and when i said i get insulted i meant insulted by other people ,people like u and genz ,if u say No i won't get trusted well here's the thing I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ,here's another thing USE UR BRAIN,wanna ban me ? I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ,wanna warn/report me I ALSO DON'T GIVE A FUCK ,and don't judge the book from it's cover

    dood you need some special pills


    I never disrespected anyone


    I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ,wanna warn/report me I ALSO DON'T GIVE A FUCK

    very strong pills :D

    and next time, try to use spacebar, ",", ".", "!" and "?" propertly if you want to use them
    if you dont, then dont even touch these keys, actually, its pretty annoying to see someone trying to use it without any knowledge

    you wont be trusted and your thread is one of the most important reasons why

    I ve been on hc seconds ago and i catched a hacker.
    Wallhack+ No spread
    I have a demo if you want.
    He had a lot of guids

    Nickname GUID Server
    =A-R-F= 3734b5e33xP' Hardcore I 10x HIGHXP MIXED
    =A-R-F= e9ccf7ae3xP' Hardcore I 10x HIGHXP MIXED
    =A-R-F= 5f8d920d3xP' Hardcore I 10x HIGHXP MIXED
    =A-R-F= 7252d68a3xP' Hardcore I 10x HIGHXP MIXED
    =A-R-F= 61dbf6843xP' Hardcore I 10x HIGHXP MIXED
    =A-R-F= aa7a9ee63xP' Hardcore I 10x HIGHXP MIXED

    have a demo if you need something else than my words.
    cant tempban him because actually mam doesnt work

    Are you trying to ban genz with one video showing lucky shot?
    He never hacked when i was playing, and well, i saw him a lot of times and a lot of hours.
    Show me these "trusted players" and "proofs" which you are trying to put at reasons of this ban.
    You are accousing him for hacks because he hit his 5th or 6th shot in head, what the fuck?
    I can prove that its not the best shot in the world and on promod ive made lots of better ones (with luck of course) also i can prove that there are people on promod which can beat your ass without putting their fingers out of their asses, will you accouse them for hacks? or if i will have luck next time shooting noscope from 200m you will send the record and ban me? can you prove he is hacking then with something else than few "trusted players" words and one 30 sec video showing his lucky 5/6th shot??


    what if some people accoused me that im hacking only because i headshotted them through the wall? XxX69ProSlonDeRMLG69XxX, luck or just hack?

    and by the way screenshot shows nothing, happened to me a lot of times on promod with sniper + few other guns

    why not put a thumbsup and thumbsdown cmd for maps

    manu will generate your output and everybody can vote up or down

    this way you have the perfect overview which maps are preferred and which are not.

    3/4 of players are voting like "pff i cant do easy on this map i will vote for no this map sucks so hard lemme play to the moon easy" when actually this map is pretty cool

    I'm completely not against players/trusted players or whoever else giving their opinion on a matter, I actually think it's a good thing, but when said the way you do it, I hate it, and I'm sure everyone hates it. It's a not a proper way to talk to anyone, be it on the Internet on IRL. So stop acting like a spoiled child who thinks he is the boss.

    1. Sure, it is not the best way to do it, but after all these discussions and stupid argues it feels like this is the only way which will work on threads like this.
    2. I am still not sure to this post, if I read his post wrong then sorry, for blaming.
    Atleast you SHOULD (not ordering anything again) take care about hebuno and you know which trusted abusing their rights.

    1) Luna isn't a member.
    2) Stop giving orders you're definitely not in the position to.

    1) im talking about hebuno and also few other trusted players clearly abusing their powers
    2) if no one does that well someone have to (btw. it just pissed me off when i saw something like this instead of message about taking care of this member and his abusing)


    And if you're talking about Hebuno and not Luna, then try to understand what people are actually saying before answering bullshit.


    Yesterday i got a perm ban from 3xp Hebuno for insult at deathrunI was mad because he was changing map and changing gravity of deathrun so i just said to him not to do that and after a while he just perm banned me! A kick i could understand but a perm ban not really!!!! and hes just abusing his admin rights!!!!


    #2 - Respect each other.
    => No swearing or racism of any kind is tolerated on our servers. Also no flaming/spamming.
    => 1) Warn; 2) Kick; 3) 1 day ban; 4) 1 week ban.
    even if u had done this 4 times you would just get a 1week ban..

    I clearly do understand that since i know english on this level ;)