Beiträge von Headdy

    Thank you. We try to put as much effort as we can. I hope you like it and we worked with the whole clan on this.

    I am glad you like it and many others of this clan will as well. If you want to contribute, just donate to us.

    For further things, just contact us and we'll be there

    Kind regards,



    At first, nice to meet you.

    You're application isn't that long, but please, don't compare an application to my application.. ;)

    On topic: I've never seen you anywhere, but I would love to see you some time on a server or teamspeak..

    Good luck & I hope the best for you!

    Kind regards,

    Thimo - Headdy


    Ah that explains a lot! I was thinking wtf non-native english speaker and already that good at speaking english at 14...

    Anyway I love this kind of applications, well written, no spelling mistakes/typos, very well presented... And moreover looks like you got some skills in interesting fields.

    My comment came a bit late though sry

    Thanks man, I'd love to improve myself on all different aspects.

    No problem on the late response, thanks for posting :)

    Sure! I would love to get back on BF3, i've been inactive on it some time due to more important things.. ;)
    What's your origin or xfire if I may ask? :squint_1:

    Kind regards,

    Thimo / Headdy

    Hello Ons / Dominik.

    Thanks for your reply. I'll try to be active this week in teamspeak a little more. :)

    About sunday, the day is perfect, only about the time I am not sure yet due to I mostly eat at 6pm. I'll just try to be there at 6, but if I can't make it, i'll PM you or send borrow a message of anything like that. It'll become around 7 pm then, but that's for later.

    Anyways, see you sunday and have a good time this week, have fun!

    Kind regards,

    Thimo / Headdy

    ich konnte mit 14 nichtmal so viele sprachen aufzählen oO

    youre listening to drake -1... :D

    Oh well, thanks. Haha, I've been doing bilingual education, so that means I have subjects like Biology, History, Geography, Physical Education, Philosophy of Religion all in English..

    And yeah, about that drake. I do like listening to his shit while I am feeling depressive XD. :bitchpls:

    Hello All.

    I am having a suggestion for the server. I've been looking at this for a few days, and it's really annoying.

    It might be that you guys like blue really much, but with all the different blue's in the Deathrun server, it's really confusing to see what is what.

    Haha, it's not a really big problem, but it's just a little annoying.

    And the second thing, are the HUDs in the server. The hud of: the amount of coins you have, is on the lower left side of the screen, but the rest of the HUDs are on the right top. It might be handy to move them together to let it make more sense.

    Here is an image of the color problem:

    And here is the HUD problem:

    I know, both are not a real big problem, it's just the 'Finish in touch.'

    This was just a suggestion, do what you want with it. :whistling_1:


    Headdy :love_1:

    Thanks for the positive comments guys.

    Updates: I've talked with Borrow about my application. He said they did not come to an agreement (yesterday - new rules) about the minimum age, will there be exceptions or not?

    He told me the delay for me will be around 1 or 2 weeks. After that I will be the first to be discussed.

    #removed was verifying me while Borrow joined our Chat, so he could directly ask some questions. I'll be in the teamspeak hanging some time every day. Hit me up there or on Xfire.

    So yeah, it's just waiting for the final decision.

    Anyways, thanks guys.

    So.. This is going to be my apply. It's a little long.

    -- Me.
    I am Thimo. My ingame name is Headdy. I love playing games, I play games around 2-3 hours a day. I am 14 years old. I know, I am too young. I still want to give it a shot, due to I am pretty mature for my age. Most people say I am sometimes more mature then older gamers. I love talking while gaming (ts3, chat, xfire). I am born on: 15-01-1999. As my sport, I play (field) Hockey. I really like the sport & how it is to play w/ a team.

    -- Age
    So, Yes. I am too young. I would love to talk about this if you want to know if I am mature enough. I won't be very surprised when this apply is denied. I just want to try because I know 3xP' for a pretty long time, but I started playing yesterday. (Addicted already.. :wink_1: ). I've spoken to #removed about this, he said it would be better to wait. I am turning 15 on 15-01-2014. That's almost (!!)

    -- Why?
    Well, I love playing Deathrun, Kill the King, Hardcore. Games I play: Minecraft, BF3.

    Why do I want to join? I love 3xp, it's different to all other clans I've seen in my lifetime. I love how the servers are, the population, the admins, the people in the clan. I want to contribute in the clan as a nice, funny, well-known guy. I want to participate in things that clans do. I would love to help out 3xp. I want to get better at certain things, such as Scripting & Mapping. I can script & map on regular-beginner level. I will contribute in the clan as a guy that helps with the servers, admins, website & such things. I want to learn more here about scripting & mapping, coding etc etc etc. I hope this is enough about; Why do I want to join.

    -- Aim
    I am kinda aiming at Modder / scripter. I would be pleased to share my skills, my ideas & creativity. I've made some maps (which I think sucked.. :thumbdown_1: ) and scripts. I never release my scripts due to I don't think it's needed. I like fixing old stuff, making more out of 2 plugins and combine them in 1. Using great stuff from other people (w/ permission) and add it to my own things. Helping other people / clans / communities. Those things, are the greatest things. Helping setting up hosted game servers, dedicated servers, fixing syntaxes, installing mods, configuring the servers etc etc etc....

    -- Coding
    Programming Languages:

    • QuakeC > Known on beginner / regular level,
    • PHP > beginner / learning,
    • HTML > beginner / regular,
    • Obj-C > learning / known on beginner level,
    • C & C++ > Learning,
    • Python beginner / learning (Used for B3, I am excited work with PHP & Manu :w00t_1: ).

    -- Some of my work:
    My website: HTML > PHP > CSS. Thimo Hagen | Home < I've made this website together with i.NiNJA. I know nothing about CSS. I will not learn it in the future as well due to it doesn't interest me.
    Xcode Projects: iPAWiND (Design) iPAWiND < Not owned by me, I am currently helping with the design of the app.
    Xcode Projects: iFlame (xFire for iPhone / iPad) < Probably not continuing this project.
    Maps ( I am not proud of these. Sorry.. I quit mapping. I'll probably restart :love_1: ) > mp_deathrun_smooth (The design sucked, gameplay was OK).

    -- BS
    I love to get to know more about a game, such as finding bugs and modifications. I love to see how the code of something looks like, to get to know about how it all works. "Looking into the inside of something, dirty eh!" :Gusta: The thing I think gaming is about, is having fun. It's meant to have fun, be together with people & talk with them. It's not about all the other shit. You need to have fun or make it fun! I am a very active person on forums (I'll be one), I will be active in the server & other clan activities / requirements.

    -- Computer
    Haha, why.. Ok. It's the time to say this, I AM A MAC USER. I do not want to start a war on thus... but I love how OS X is build, it's userfriendly & it's just great. I am not saying I hate windows, but I prefer using OS X & iOS. Don't worry, I run windows on my mac as well. I love how those two are combined together, great. I play CoD4 mostly on Mac and sometimes on Windows. > Same GUID & IP. <

    I am a happy owner of the iMac 21.5 inch > i5, 2.5GHz, 500GB + Ext. HDD 2tb, 8gb ram
    I got some old things from my broken PC.. i5 processor, 3.20ghz, 1tb HDD, 8gb ram, motherboard.. < Which is broken.

    -- My nationality
    Haha, yeah! I am dutch. Thanks to #removed that he brought me here. Haha. Blame him okay? :bitchpls:
    Nah, just a joke. I am dutch, but don't blame #removed. I can understand some words in german, so I can get the base out of a sentence. I can speak English on a regular/high level. My grammar is not the best, but enough to understand :whistling_1:

    -- Languages:

    • Dutch
    • English regular
    • German: I can understand it while reading, but I can not write it.

    -- Stats
    Here are my stats:

    -- Old clans / communities

    • -=RiP=- > Admin of 4 servers
    • #FNRP# - Scripter / Modder of Deathrun & Admin 40&60 & Sub-Gral Deathrun

    -- Music

    I don't know why I mention this, but maybe it's handy to know..
    I love:

    • Hardstyle
    • Dance
    • Little bit of dubstep
    • Rap / Hiphop (Macklemore, Drake, such shit..)
    • 'Dutch top 40 songs..'

    -- Contact
    You can contact me on different methods. You can add me on xfire: headdygaming, you can talk to me ingame (if I am online), you can send a PM on the board.
    If you have any questions (about anything, coding, mapping blablbalba) just contact me and I will see what I can do for you.

    -- The end

    Alright, I really want to thank you for reading this. I hope I can become a member of this great clan, but it's not guaranteed. I know my age is a problem here, but I would love to prove my maturity if you want. :squint_1:.

    Vielen dank im Voraus für Ihre Mühe. <If it is correct, hehe :biggrin_1: >

    Kind regards,

    Thimo. :love_1:

    Oh well.. I've played it, I don't really like it.. It's not bad, but I don't like the gameplay itself *yet*

    I've been slender a few times, I hate it to be slender.. haha..