Well.. In most cases it is :lol:
// I just realized, I have eyecancer now D:
Well.. In most cases it is :lol:
// I just realized, I have eyecancer now D:
Are they in your way? Inactive persons are mostly because of family issues, personal issues.
I think we're all allowed to be inactive and take a break and we're all welcome.
ZitatAnd in 2012 i dont know that it´s exist gcc
Uhm lol, so if we didn't had a statspage in 2014 you would've hacked the fack out of us?
That's like: I robbed the store and say: Oh I didn't know the police existed :bitchpls:
5.01.1998 looks to me kinda like fake.
I'm sorry if it's not fake but it looks so mainstream xd
For the rest, it's not the application template that we require you to use.
& The app looks not really trustful to me (Sorry if I'm wrong)
I've never seen you ingame nor anywhere else.
#banhammer :troll: :troll:
3x no..
Make out == kissing
pssst it's still open :lol:
Okay surry D:, you can delete my post but it's just a remind that it's still open.
Congratz Lifeszor. I hope you'll enjoy your time here and feel free to ask questions to anyone.
Yeah I'll do that. My other HDD is formatted for linux anyways so I need to reinstall windows anyways, so I can directly do it on my ssd.
EDIT: This verifies everything…ons/0/864974880547291801/
Gtx770, i5-650 etc.. :DDDDDD
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Haha yes, a 1tb one and a external one of 2tb
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I only need 60gb & it's over my 'budget'
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I think I'm buying these ones.
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Sounds super great. Thanks for the help everyone!
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Okay, this is a very useful post. Thanks.
So, if I'll get a beasty GPU my CPU will not bottleneck too much.
Thats great, so I can spend more on my gpu , psu and ssd xd
I'd rather get a 600 or 650watt due to I want to be more safe.
Okay, then I'll go with the r9 270x and the amd fx6300..
There are 3 options.
1: Keep current specs and get a new GPU (GTX760)&PSU&SSD
2: Keep current specs and get a new: CPU (Athlon II x4 750K) Mobo, GTX 760, PSU & cooler
3: Keep current specs and get a new: CPU (fx6300), Mobo, R9 270X, PSU & cooler.
Oh yeah, else I keep my mac for gaming (which is OK for Cod4, not for BF3)
Hmmhmm okay.. So I better spend my money on getting a really good GPU, PSU, SSD?
Are there no bottlenecks with 8gb ram, i5-650, gtx 760?
Nah, no athlon II.. You'll lose too much.. And grab a "known" PSU.. Never heard of Huntkey.. Unknown PSU's blow too easy..
Okay well I understand about the PSU.
But what's wrong with the athlon II x4 750k?
This one?
Seasonic S12II-Bronze 620W
How about this one?
AMD Athlon II X4 750k Boxed
MSI A78M-E45
MSI Geforce GTX 760 GAMING
Arctic Alpine 64 +
Huntkey HK700watt PSU (Same price range as other 600w)
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