8/8 gr8 m8 would d8 no h8
Beiträge von Grvty
So... What's happen with the map? ._.
wont be realised for 3xP'
------- Grvty
2 things here:
- Why the hell would you kick for "abusing c4 fx"? You obviously know it's not in our rules. And I've never seen anyone else punishing for this.
I don't see how using a lot of C4 could cause any problem. I've already had fun with C4 before on CJ, and it doesn't cause any lag or anything as far as I'm aware.- Putting "..." as a warn reason is not acceptable. Then how can the guy even know what he's warned for. Except if you've warned him without command before, but then I don't see why you would warn him using the command. You can kick him if you've warned him before, and with an understandable reason.
Consistently blowing up c4 glitchs the map and makes it laggy. I warned him then asked him in the chat to stop as other players wanted to do this jump.
The ... was for the same thing. he knew what i was talking about.
I feel I shouldnt be demoted, as the incedent Viruz was talking about was, A player threatened another player, my first reaction to this was to protect the other player, I feel like Viruz saying I was kicking people left and right was not true, the players safety was my first instinct, and Viruz called me out on this and I corrected my mistake. If you don't like my justification for these incidents please let me know why, I Understand that now he was joking when he threatened him but there is no excuse for blowing up C4 at a jump and making everyone else suffer for it, you cant get past that jump at that point because it makes it laggy. You have to wait for the next map if you arnt at a higher skill level.
I feel like I should not be demoted.
If the green texture is the easy room, that doesnt look like something that most beginners would be able to do, IMO easy room should be something that most beginners should be able to do with mild practice and skill. Am I wrong?
It looks sick tho.
Maybe, or ill try something different with the ending, who knows. @RodneX
Are you planning on putting bounces in this map?
Im asking because most of the people use wrong angles which cause less frequent bounces.Edit: I dont know if you fixed it already but your skybox is also not completely closed. Coordinates: (-13988 15087 10516)
Since im not really into dr i can only judge by its look. Traps seem pretty normal to me, maybe try something weird but new.
Textures are pretty much the ones everyone uses when it comes to first contact with Radiant.
One thing that i seriously dislike is your light setting. You choose a dark skybox which does even have a moon in it,
yet your settings have way too much light. Maybe try to get it to a point where it looks like dawn.
This would also help you working with lights for better atmosphere and looks, because good light usage does make a serious difference.
Or you take another sky, thats your decision. But find a balance between world spawn settings and skybox.If you're planning on making a secret which contains harder bounces/jumps than you find in legit way,
you can ask me if you need help.thank you for telling me that it is not closed.
my plan is to still edit the visuals im just using those for the time being so it is not a complete eyesore.
I am planning on adding bounces and there already is some in the map but maybe u didn't make it that far
the bounces are on the right angle cause i haven't had a problem with them working.
Might change some of the traps but not completely sure yet.
There is going to be a secret which will be inside that big ass blue room that the map circles. But @Wingzor is doing the secret. It will be a codjumper secret.
Overall thank you for your feedback @deleted User
Finally a good app.
If your native language is german you should have no problem to be active in Ts,
since most of the clan is german.
I have a question to the tempbans of Grvty:
Did you actually get tempbanned or did it just say 'Player x tempbanned by Grvty, Reason: Its a test'.
So far so good. You have my Yes.Mirko banned his IP using a member key code, IP from canada, using my aliases. banned like every body on the server.
@"deleted User"
Grvty's Translation. google translate didn't work so i'm going off the german i know.
My name is Matthew, as well as in the game ...
I play often on your HC CoD4 servers, unfortunately there is very rarely Admins, or Trusted Player's online.
Hackers and cheaters arise very frequently.
So therefore the reason for my application is there is a bunch of cheaters and it is not fun.
I believe that I can distinguish between really good players, and those who don't belong in the game.About me,
I am 22 years old and I live in a very northern city of Germany, in which I moved to study 2 years ago.
I come from the native inhabitants default largest state.
If you want to know precisely where I come from, I can tell you in a PM to tell you more.Outside of CoD I play mostly Arma3 (private server) and DayZ (SA).
If you still have any questions, just reply.
Until then.
Matthew.(lots of spelling errors I found.)
(short app, not right format, no stat links, etc.)
Why quote my 2 1/2 month old post lol.
Starvation roomyeah cuz u know sometimes the nazis would starve the jews to death.. and stuff... like make the doors close. teleport to a room with pictures of feasts on the wall... and slowly die.
Okay so i dont really play deathrun but just judging by the looks i would take the Nazi Map.
To make it really good you would need to make appropriate traps and not random spinning brushes or spikes.No traps come to my mind you could actually build cuz idk what 'traps' would fit a concencrationcamp. Doing this map with weird rotating blades or something else would ruin the entire theme imo.
@Sea Shepherd Of course some people will find it offensive but that shouldnt be a reason to scrap this map.
Hmm. Gas Chamber. Starvation room. Firing Line. etc.
It's decent, tried it.
Cool trap ideas.
Shitty textures.Make the path a bit more obvious, so it's easier to know where to go.
@BlaZe if you would of read the thread, you would have saw where I Said
im still gonna make some visual improvements.
I Thought the path was pretty obvious on a different note, could you leave some actual feedback so I know what your talking about? Because the criticism does nothing for me if you don't justify it.