GoooooooooooooooooooD Luck From 3xP' Donater :Cr|Grvty
Beiträge von Grvty
ok This is not true im not sure who your talking about but DEFINITLY not me.
I dont think i was spamming or bugging ppl that much all i said was plz go check out my app and i only make the font big because it looks extremly small in preview
ok let me say that i reconnected cause i was lagging Vendetta what is your problem?
I think people are just fine all i did was pay for something and now im using it so calm down,
o well that wasn't my intention my bad
is that a good thing or a bad thing dertom?
i didnt ask to be a leader all i said was ive been a great leader my whole life.
Whats wrong with my app and how am i a Master Admin hunter?
yes a have a mic and TS3 and all im asking is u give me a chance u dont have to talk shit about me
Let me explain the whole Rezus thing Some kid joined the server and to get to the point we knew it wasn't him so i changed my name to Rezus to explain how easy it was to fake a person and immediatly changed it back. And i asked Skalli if he had the time to go check out my app wasn't desperate..
i dont get it busted<3weed?
Hello my name is Jacob I am 18 from the USA and i would like to become part of the 3xP' team.
My history on Deathrun and other cod4 mods is nothing special i would usually play when i got home from school.
Then I took a big break and now i am back. I think I would be a good member of the 3xP team because I am always online, I have been a great leader my whole life. And I am very mature. #removedther reason I want to join 3xP' is because when ever I am on there is never any admins on, (probably because I live in north america) and i think i could fix that to keep the people who are on in the middle of the night monitored. I am also a active donater to the 3xP' Community and I could be active in the TS3 I just really never am. I hope that you give me a chance.I also do basic mapping/scripting