//edited @UFaced
Beiträge von Grvty
Hello, I have not seen you very often on the deathrun server... and i mildly play KTK so I probably haven't played with you on there... from what I can see... you do not meet the play time requirements with only 50 hours... the minimum is 60.
My next point is your bans... from what I can see you have a fondness to using a name-changer... not good. I had a encounter with you on the deathrun server this morning... from what a could see you have average skill and in the chat you were talking bad about another player behind his back (Rodnex).So I am sorry to say it will be a -1 from me.
Hey guys, my name is Grvty Also known As Jackson, some of you might know me, iv'e played 3xP' servers for a decent amount of time, iv'e had on and off breaks, but iv'e recently returned, again.
I'm a former trusted player.
I'm from Pennsylvania, near pittsburgh.
I'm 13, Jan 22 2001
Iv'e always been active on the 3xP' teamspeak, i'm certainly fluent in english considering my country of orgin.
I'm in the process of learning Russian.
My favorite games are CoD, Madden, MLB The Show, And Battlefield. On CoD4 My fav gamemodes are Deathrun And KTK.
I'd love to become a trusted member again because iv'e played 3xP' servers for most of my CoD4 life. I would certainly say im skilled enough to be a trusted, iv'e been a trusted player before and i surpass the time requirements.
- A statement saying that you read and agreed with all these rules/threads:
3xP' CoD4 server rules
You've been accepted as Trusted player/Trial member - Read.
Premade kick/ban reasonsI have read and I accept all these rules/threads
My Xfire is: grvty122
3xP' Stat page/s stats.3xp-clan.com/?page=player&id=28757
Really hope you take my application into consideration.Thanks, Grvty -
... acting like this??? I don't see it as acting like a child, you let ppl like Shyne be a senior member, now that he's dissapeared I can say this, so he lies about his age... 14 when he joined, multi clans, he was part of =|FF|= at the same time, and you go give him senior member. I honestly don't get it...
I see it very offensive, i'm dissapointed that your letting my age stand in the way of my other quality's.
Did any of you take time to acctually read the app? I don't think it deserves three dislikes...
after this issue with posting serial numbers and leaking 3xp internal informations on the external board: no.
please tell me this was a joke, all i did was make people aware of what happened. i blurred out the sensitive information, get off my back dude.
Spamming apps? It's been two weeks.
viruz you really need to set our personal issues aside and be fair about this The last thread about me applying was on June 16th you can hide behind a screen, but for some reason your still holding a grudge against me over something that happened almost a entire year ago...
As I was told, wait two weeks, be active in ts, re apply, i followed request
- Hey guys, my name is Grvty Also known As Jackson, some of you might know me, iv'e played 3xP' servers for a decent amount of time, iv'e had on and off breaks, but iv'e recently returned, again.
- I'm a 3xP' Friend and a former Donater.
- I'm from Pennsylvania, near pittsburgh.
- I'm 13, Jan 22 2001
- Iv'e always been active on the 3xP' teamspeak but i need to get back into it, i'm certainly fluent in english considering my country of orgin.
- I'm in the process of learning Russian.
- My favorite games are CoD, Madden, MLB The Show, And Battlefield. On CoD4 My fav gamemodes are Deathrun And KTK.
- I'd love to join 3xP' because of the clan members of which iv'e known a few of them for a decent amount of time, I'm decent friends with a few people, such as UFaced, Hebuno, Sea, Amnesia as said previously, iv'e played 3xP' servers for most of my CoD4 life. I also know basic .GSC i'm really not that good.
- I'm in the middle of making a new map.
- Oh And the Votekicks on my stat page are by me so i can leave games in style
- My Xfire is: grvty122
- My Steam is: awesomekid22
- 3xP' Stat page is stats.3xp-clan.com/?page=player&id=28757
- And my Skype is: jack.mihalik
- Really hope you take my application into consideration.Thanks, Grvty
Was just on deathrun, me and Yumekui caught him re installing the game to get unbanned, we immediatly banned him, once again...
Well i mean im not the person who decides it im just giving you resonable answers on why I think you wouldnt be a good trusted, just IMO
well if you dont play often what makes you think youll have a positive influence as a trusted player?
Never seen u in game dude...
Ford 350 Super Duty