

    NAME : Reda

    FROM : Morocco

    IN-GAME NAME : Loads (switched from Ire because I didn't like my nickname)

    TIME ON SERVER : Daily (unless when I have exams)

    SKILLS ON CoDJumper : Can finish all easy ways and a few inter ways

    My name is Reda, I am 15 years old and I am from Morocco. I am still studying (common core).
    HOBBIES : Playing Call of Duty 4 Promod and CoDJumper (CoDJumper > Promod) or any other games, I've started YouTube but I stoped for a while because I want to increase my editing skills (and I am still bad at editing, if someone wants to help me I'd appreciate;)), playing basketball and beatbox.
    Story : Since I discoverd CoDJumper (July 2019), I've really loved the mod and I met plenty of friendly people and I also watched a lot of CoDJumper videos that motivated me to keep playing CoDJumper and improve (Some bounces 8,9 ...)

    STATISTICS : I can't find my stats in the website but I know that I have expert rank on 3xP' CoDJumper

    If I want to be a trusted player that's because I love 3xP' server and it community for helping me (HawK, Noob, Funk, Noobaim, Boat, Medium...), and I could become a good CJ player, also some times some players need help on a bounce and when I want to help him I can't teleport to him which makes me make the way from the beggining (and sometimes the time I make to arrive to the player, he makes the bounce which make me trigger a little bit).

    Thank you for reading :).

  • LonelyKM

    As you said, do I choose team or trusted.
    Well, Arkani replied me and told me that I might not be in the team because I am too young, so I decided to apply on trusted
    And, I am still waiting for the answer.


  • Arkani's point wasn't that you're too young.. his point was that you're immature.

    I myself am 16 and I still am part of the CJ Team, it's not about the age.

    Also by what I've seen that you can be pretty annoying too...

    Judging by what Arkani has said and what I've seen,

    it's a nono from me.



  • nUKA,

    I can understand you, but I just want to say that he doesn't even know me.
    Anyway if I am not accepted in 3xP' I don't have any problem.
    Otherwise I think I'll leave CoD4 because I am bored of playing the samze thing again and again.
    So yea


  • Anyway if I am not accepted in 3xP' I don't have any problem.
    Otherwise I think I'll leave CoD4 because I am bored of playing the samze thing again and again.

    How to interpret this? Are you implying that if you don't get accepted to 3xp, you're leaving cod4? lmao
    Everyone is saying no because you're acting like a moron.

    [2017-07-25 17:17:37] Funk Attack: bunny called u weak for only giving 30min ban
    [2017-07-25 17:17:46] 3xP' AlterEgo: can you ss it

  • Noob

    Closed the thread.
  • Noob

    Added the Label Rejected