I just had the idea of adding in a sort of "free run" time at the beginning of each match to give the people who have never played the map before a chance to familiarize themselves with it. I was thinking of also having a save/load system for this time. Right now I think 2 minutes would be a good length.. But then again it might be a bit short. Does anyone have any suggestions to improve this idea?
CodJumper Infected
I actually want to see the main concept before adding any of those secondairy things. But free fun sounds good.
I just had the idea of adding in a sort of "free run" time at the beginning of each match
thats the moment where I say that we are getting close to a "Deathrun Endroom only" mod
I actually want to see the main concept before adding any of those secondairy things. But free fun sounds good.
Look up MW3 infected gameplay
I just had the idea of adding in a sort of "free run" time at the beginning of each match to give the people who have never played the map before a chance to familiarize themselves with it. I was thinking of also having a save/load system for this time. Right now I think 2 minutes would be a good length.. But then again it might be a bit short. Does anyone have any suggestions to improve this idea?
Let's just make sure that the core gamemode is fun/playable at first, shall we?
So ehm from what I understand about the mod, mp_berry_village seems like a good map for it. I dont know if you are familiar with it but its basically a normal map with loads of bounces which are fairly easy. People who do promod movement make loads of vids on the map.
I am going to try to get the basics of this mod done this weekend. I will make an rpg that does no damage, remove falling damage, and begin writting the infected game mode. When I am done with that I will script the all or nothing gamemode, then add the free run prematch in.
Also mp_berry_village would work, but it definitely is not what I was thinking for map design (it might also be too large). I was thinking of maps with floating platforms and large bounces that are easier to hit, and with more sparse cover.
Also mp_berry_village would work, but it definitely is not what I was thinking for map design (it might also be too large). I was thinking of maps with floating platforms and large bounces that are easier to hit, and with more sparse cover.
Thought so, altho it would be a good map to test the mod on because i don't think mappers will be to eager to make a map for a mod which might not be popular.
U mean more something like the fun zone of mp_the_extreme? Or yet something diff? -
@Scaya The fun zone in mp_the_extream would be an example of what I meantioned a little while ago, a map that goes too far in the verticle extream. I don't think a map like that would be fun to play on. But something similar, but more spread out is what I meant
I can see your point about mappers potentially not wanting to make a map for a mod that might not be popular. For that very reason I made the poll to see what kind of interest there is in playing it because I didn't want to risk writing a mod that will not be played.