Call of Duty 4 Surf Mod

  • What was your ping at the time? I've had pretty much everyone I've talked to tell me it's a lot smoother than JH's one. At one point IzNoGod himself even messaged me on Steam about it stating it seemed like I optimised his code (don't know where he got the idea that it was his code in the first place but it gets the point across).

    Great, here you are alive. Seeing that you wont respond to my steam messages, but indeed seem to read them, then react to them in public. Very classy move sir.

    The idea of you optimizing my code comes from multiple sources, which all lead back to you.
    1. :
    2. Steamlogs:


    [11-6-2016][15:24:38] atrX: Voornamelijk gewoon als referentie gebruikt, hier en daar zitten er gelijkenissen in en het concept blijft natuurlijk hetzelfde.


    translation: Mostly used as a reference, some similarities here and there, and of course the concept remains the same.


    [11-6-2016][15:26:42] atrX: Voornamelijk herschreven, zoals ik al zei, hier en daar wat gelijkenissen maar verder eigen code.


    translation:Mostly rewritten, some similarities here and there but the rest is my own code


    [11-6-2016][15:27:56] IzNoGoD #afk: is t significant anders dan mijn movement code?
    [11-6-2016][15:32:21] atrX: Zou ik zo nu niet kunnen zeggen, is al even geleden dat ik nog naar de originele CoD2 mod's code heb gekeken. Ik neem aan dat er toch best wat verschillen in zitten gezien het een gehele rewrite is.

    translation: does it differ significantly from my movement code?
    I cannot tell you that right away, it's been a while since I last looked at the original cod2 mod's code. I take it that there are quite a few differences seeing that it is a full rewrite.[/quote]

    So, seeing that it's based on the cod2 mod Kung Foo Man and I wrote, I expect there to be some compliance with the license that went along with it:

    Atrix then makes a good point:


    [11-6-2016][15:39:54] atrX: En waar kan ik deze licentie vinden dan?
    [11-6-2016][15:40:04] IzNoGoD #afk: [DOWNLOAD] [CoD2] Surf-Mod
    [11-6-2016][15:41:00] atrX: Ah, ja, misschien een goed idee om deze ook op GitHub te zetten, nu is deze namelijk void.


    And where can I find said license?
    [DOWNLOAD] [CoD2] Surf-Mod
    Ah, right, maybe its a good idea to put this also on GitHub, now this license is void

    But given that a google search on the git url has a first-page result with the actual killtube thread, I expect anyone to be able to find said license online. Furthermore, a single message to the git maintainer would have cleared all this up way before a full code rewrite. The license been added to the git repo since.

    Then 2 days ago i messaged him after quickly trying his mod:


    [12-6-2016][20:16:59] IzNoGoD #afk: en t voelt alsof je mijn code enigszins geoptimaliseerd hebt


    translation: and it feels like you have optimized quote somewhat

    So, instead of replying to my steam messages, you decide to attack me in public. Well, right back at you.

    I'd still like you to abide by the license of the code you admitted to basing your work off. Also, I'd like to have some credit inside your mod, which is severely lacking at the moment.

  • First of, if I don't respond to a Steam message that usually means I was either AFK or busy doing something. I have a tendency to just dismiss chat windows when busy, from time to time I'll read what someone has sent me but unless it's something urgent I won't instantly respond (and because of my semi-bad memory I'll usually forget to respond later).

    Now onto the subject of the mod. As I told you, I used your code as a reference, which is what you could see in the YouTube video where you got the comment from. Keep in mind, this is an older video, in the meantime a lot has changed about this mod. After playing around with it and noticing several issues with the movement I decided to drop it and rewrite it from the ground up. You yourself even quoted me saying I rewrote it.

    Should've probably specified this a bit more but regardless, it's not your code. Hope this clears things up a bit. ^

    Some more about licensing GSC, if you care:

  • i mean its cod4 surf. i would not consider myself a amazing surf player, but generally i dont have trouble compelting t5 or t6 maps ( provided theres no retarded circle spin bcuz i dont use turn macros ) cod4 surf would stop u randomly on ramps. sometimes when u go to do a surf flick up to gain a lot of height, you will get caught on the tip of the ramp. Speed is a bit weird, but that just comes with it being a completely different game engine I guess. Some maps will more or less b impossible. If cod4 surf gets even popular. I feel majority of maps will have to b remade. Its got a lot of bugs. if u want to surf. go to a different game. Lul.