Trusted Player Application-[MK]PRODIGY$

  • Hey there. My gaming name is [MK]PRODIGY$ but my real one i don't like to display. I am from Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean. I am 13 years of age. My birthday is on the 14 of September. I started playing Call of duty Modern Wafer in 2013 when i got my first personal computer :D . I played some Team Death march for a bit, but then it got boring. I went to play Hide and seek prop hunt and became PRO seeker :D level 116 :D . I want to become a trusted player because on kill the king there are a few guys who try to disturb the game play. You can check my GUIDE here 3xP' Statistics ~ All about your game play « Search. I have already read the rules and DO and DON'T.

  • __________________________________________S_____I_____G_____N_____A_____T_____U_____R_____E__________________________________________

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