CS mod for Cod4

  • finde nicht wirklich das man bots braucht, nur weil man die in cs übernehmen kann und du das übernehmen feature drinne haben willst :D. auch in cs will keiner bots ^^

    zum tema movement, gibt ja in cs die möglichkeit per a und d die flugrichtung zu beeinflussen, cods "strafen" funzt da ja schon sehr anders, inzogod hat mal einen surf mod in cod4 gemacht in dem er das a und d air control recht gut rübergebracht hat, war für surfen jetzt nur nen 90% nachbau da es einem mehr fehler verziehen hat, für pvp sollte es aber gut fuktionieren, kann dir den code von dem mod schicken wenn du interesse hast.

    desweiteren hat er für diesen mod eine cs surf map 1 zu 1 inportiert, das ganze mit guten csgo maps zu machen wäre auch ne super sache, dann müsste man nicht mehr diese hässlich falsch dimensionierten nachbauten von dust2 und der gleichen spielen, inferno, mirage, cache & dust2 aus csgo wäre da das optimum.

    Desweiteren rate ich dir (wenn du nicht selber viel erfahrung und hohen rank hast) dir leute die csgo skill zu holen und die den recoil austesten lässt wenn du soweit bist, und dir tipps von ihnen geben lässt, wenn du nähmlich nicht so gut in cs/csgo bist bist du glaub ich auch nicht in derlage das system, ohne feedback von pros, gut nachzubauen.



  • Kann mir gerne mal den code anschauen, wobei ich mir ziemlich sicher bin, dass das ein ganz anderes Prinzip ist.
    Kenne den surf mod nur von videos, allerdings glaube ich, dass sich der Spieler hier nur durch das gleiten vorwärts bewegt und dadurch ein links/rechts "rutschen" durch A und D entsteht.

    Das Recoil für die Waffen ist bei Cod auch fest in die Engine eingebaut, ich kann lediglich den Sprühradius ändern, was dann aussieht wie bei CS, dass die Waffe nach oben geht.
    Um das zu perfektionieren müsste ich ein eigenständiges Recoil script schreiben, was zum einen sehr aufwändig und zum anderen wahrscheinlich nicht zu 100% mit den CoD Waffen kompatibel wäre.
    (Recoil müsste komplett deaktiviert und vom Script übernommen werden)

    Bots finde ich in sofern gut, dass man auch Gegner hat wenn der Server leer ist, was zu Beginn (oder auch auf Dauer, da Cod4 fast tot ist) sehr häufig sein wird.

  • ja vom gefühl her wird man bei dem surf mod nur nach vorne gedrückt wenn man a oder d gedrückt hält,

    das mit dem recoil ist schade, da das schon sehr essentiell ist, würde mir mega den anreiz geben das zu zokken,
    aber so müsste man bei autofeuer ja nicht mal nach unten ziehen, was schon eins der größten cs elemente rausnimmt :/

    Kann allerdings auch verstehen das dir das einfach zu viel arbeit ist

  • I'm sorry, but I don't like it. I hope you won't get mad, because of my negative comment here. I mean, it's good and I'm full of admiration for your patience and hard work with making something at your own, but I personally think, that as perfect game as CoD4, shouldn't get CS:GO stuff, since CoD is CoD and CS is CS. You know what I mean. :)

    Anyway, keep this thing going on as long as it makes you happy doing it. I feel Mirko (and in fact whole 3xP' Clan as a Team) will be intrested in to colaborate with you. Maybe 3xP' should get server with mod like that, it would be something fresh on CoD4 scene. I think most of people would like and enjoy it. ;)

  • wrote my critism down while testing :D

    -a bind for switch between you actual weapon and the last one u got in your hands (q by default in csgo)
    -weapons binded on 1-5 so u can switch between
    -freezetime at begin max 15 sec
    -freezetime after match is over is on 30 seconds, max 10 seconds
    -m4 for ct ak for t
    -damage way too low (6hits with dgl against kevlar helm, in cs its 2-3 hits), also your system that damage first breaks armor and then health is not that cool, in cs damage breaks armor and hp the same time, weapons with much armor penetation like ak makes more dmg to hp, less to armor and on the otherside there are low armorpenetration weapons like pp bizon which make more dmg to armor then to hp
    -time to pull out the knife is a bit high
    -u move way slower with your "walking" function then you do crouched, this should be the other way around like in cs
    -also i would like to have a maximum of 4 nades, 2 flashes max all other nades 1 allowed
    -dont matter if you crouch, walk or run your spray pattern is the same, should be from low to high accuracy stand, move crouched, walk, run
    -scopes needed r700 for t m40 for ct :D also without a zoom in animation
    -a crouch jump would be cool (cod moves your head down, not your feeds up like in cs when crouching in the air)
    -bomb signs need lower visibility

  • Green is done

    I'm currently working on the cs like weapon drop (throw the weapon away)

    weapon drop done, when you drop the bomb and it hits (while in the air) a team mate, he's the new bomb carrier
    not sure if i mentioned that before, the dual pistols (akimbo) are working too.
    i have also added idle animations for the grenades (when i have the time i'll also add pullout and putaway anims for them).
    i changed some parts in the code of the shop so we can now define weapons for terrorists and counter-terrorists as we wish.

  • I wanna start with that, you've done a really good job, and i like the mod. But there are some little things, well the one problem is a big problem for me, cause i'm not used for that...

    I'll start with the starting time. I think it's way too long, maybe set it to 10 or 15secs? cause i think 20 secs are way too much :P
    Then, i think this is one of the mods which fucks up your binds :/ I cannot double switch on this mod/even after you leave the server, you cannot double switch anymore like on the 'Obsicurity' mod.
    Now, i wanna talk about the scoping with the snipers. You need to change that too before scoping in. Which really alot people maybe wont know how to scope in if they don't know how to bind that. I think you can keep this like it is. But it's like, eeehhh... for me :P
    About the buy-menu, i don't think i have anything for that bind.
    I also think there should be a thing, that says this in the chat 'Make sure to set your binds at ESC->Controls->Multiplayer Controls !' There also maybe should be a option 'Binds' or something in the ESC menu. Where all binds are written in it. For example, how you can fix your Double switching when you join other servers.

    I'll edit this one, if i find anything else for this mod .

    #Edit1 I will really love if you, remind me the command in the console for double switching at least :P


  • Thanks for your feedback.
    For the double switch try the dvar "cg_weaponcycledelay".

    The problem with the binds is that the stuff in the mod is all self-made and to get it to interact with the menu (or functions) i need new binds.
    I'm not sure if i have added the menu which pops up when you enter the mod the first time, which shows you all new binds and allows you to change them immediately.
    But a new menu (esc -> binds) is a good idea.

    What exactly do you mean with the starting time?
    At the beginning (waiting for team + game starting in) or the buy period?

  • - Added the cs like weapon drop behaviour on death
    - Added an auto weapon pickup (from ground) if the player is not holing a weapon of this kind (primary/secondary) and switching to it when it's a primary (gonna have to go more in detail here since there is a problem with the trigger area)
    - Added the information texts (loadscreen) you know from cs go
    - Added the feature to use the shop with the numbers (like in cs: b->2->4)
    - Fixed the molotov and it's damage

    I still would like to see bots in the mod :(

  • There's a bug with the dual colt, the left one shoots normally but the right one looks like in brust mode or something,

    also, you can knife while having it.

    Nice mod btw ^^ keep up the good work :thumbsup:
