This if our Official Patchnotes List for our 3xP' CoDJumper Mod:
I will update it when new Versions came out.
Kown Bugs:
Servercrash 19.02.2015 to many free entities
spectator hud element flying around in rare cases
mp_legacy Hud elements missing cause of too much hud elements
adminmenu promote bug
3xP' Codjumper Patchnotes
[Version 2.0]:
-Added Help HUD at Spawn to help new CoDJumper Players [Screenshot Link1, Screenshot Link2]
-Added !Load [PositionNumber] to load older Savepoints
-Added !fov [80, 90, 96] to Change your Field of View to higher degrees
-Added Velocity HUD element which shows your horizontal Speed [Screenshot Link]
-Added !tpto & !tphere Command for 3xP' CJ-Team- and 3xP' Clan-Members
-Fixed some issues with loadposition whil in UFO
-Fixed some issues with FPS HUD
[Version 2.1]:
-Added a Hud Element which show who spectates you
-Added Max Velocity Hud Element, which resets when you load position
-Fixed some issues with VIP promote for some members after mapchange
-Improved some other functions
[Version 2.2]:
-Added WASD Overlay for Spectators
-Moved Hudelements:
-Respawns to bottom left
-Time to bottom right,
-ClientFPS to top left
-ClientVelocity & ClientMaxVelocity to bottom center
-SpecVelocity & SpecMaxVelocity to bottom center
-Reduced Size of Voting Hud and moved it a bit to the left
-Added Spectator Velocity MaxVelocity
-Changed Background of Playerhelp
-Some other Bugfixes
[Version 2.2.1]
-Changed standart Position of Speed Hud
-Now able to change Position of Speed Hud with !ms or !movespeed
-Fixed Position of ClientFPS
-Fixed Display errors in Voting Hud
[Version 2.2.2]
-Fixed teleport bug, which caused to teleport to a wrong position
-Fixed some other bugs in the script
[Version 2.2.3]
-Fixed !restoreposition (didnt deleted old save points, but all new should be restored properly)
-Fixed bug which cause rpg strafes to bug (Readded cooldown on load)
[Version 2.2.4]
-Changed UFO binds (leanleft and right together to activate/deactivate, sprint to move fast, jump to move slow)