Hello everybody, my name is Jonas. I am 17 years old (monday I am 18). I was born on the 1 of december 1996 and I live in Belgium.
More specific in Limburg which is very close to germany (Aachen).
I currently study applied informatics. In my spare time i mostly game or watch a serie.
Currently i don’t practice any sports but I have played soccer for two years.
I am really interested in new technologies and when they come out i like to read a lot of different reviews.
I’ ve always gamed on a console but two years ago i switched to the pc world (actually i game on a mac).
The first game i installed was off course cod4 and after a while i discovered cod with mods.
I started playing rotu first then rozo on FNRP servers. After reaching the maximum lvl for those mods i discovered ktk which i never get bored of.
I also enjoy playing assassins creed, GTA, far cry… and so on.
The reason i applied is because i want to help the ktk server get clean of hackers. Ktk seems to attract a lot of hackers. They always ruin your and others game.
I try to play almost everyday on the ktk server.
I am not someone who talks a lot when I am gaming but I do help people who have questions or problems when playing.
3xP' Kill the King 2.09 KTK [cod4] Call of Duty 4
As you can see i have spent quite some time on the ktk server.
I’ve read and agree to the terms and conditions.
xfire: djoonas