So, I got banned because on player said i have wallhack(and therefor I don't think that's enought proof) 1 min after i got temp banned for 24 hours. Well I guess just need to wait for the player who banned can post proof) said that i had wallhack
My in game name is eBc|D|System and my last 8 digit guid is 002fa8ef. I know its only 1 day but i like the server and im bored with all the other gamemodes. ( ihave only played the server 3 times) and would appreciate to be unbannded. And I play promod sometimes and maybe he/she thought i was hacking somehow, idk
Thank you for your time reading this:D
Edit: TxP' !nYpk! banned me
(tempbanned)Unban Kill the king request
- Systemex1
- Geschlossen
- Erledigt
his stats dont say much except that he started playing yesterday XD
Uhhm yeah... Like you already told, someone said that you were wallhaking.
After that I started spectating you and I saw you walking towards a containter (it was on modern_rust).
Then you walked to the edge of the container and you started shooting, before you could have seen the player you killed then...
I was sure that this was wh... -
Add to config_mp:
- seta rec "vstr rec_stop"
- seta rec_start "record; set rec vstr rec_stop"
- seta rec_stop "stoprecord; set rec vstr rec_start"
- bind F1 "vstr rec"
When someone is suspicious -> Press F1 to start and to stop
Wait for unban appeal -> Upload demo -> - Free File Hosting
For the next time
Add to config_mp:
seta rec "vstr rec_stop"
seta rec_start "record; set rec vstr rec_stop"
seta rec_stop "stoprecord; set rec vstr rec_start"
bind F1 "vstr rec"lol
/bind F10 record
/bind F11 stoprecordProfit
1 key > 2 keys
lol nice ty I always recordet using Quicktimeplayer :$
Easy (mine) > Hard (yours)
But true deleted User, I never thought about that -.-
just tried it... it doesnt work for me cuz I got a mac (it records but it doesnt save)
Where do you look?
Its normally in the cod directory->mods->(whatever-mod-you-recorded-in)->demos -
oh thank you I found it
but how can I play them on my mac? -
A demo saves what happens ingame, its not a video file.
If you spectate me ingame and record a demo, the demo saves what happens and what i do.
If you play the demo your game will be played automatically based on what the demo saved.To play a demo:
- Start same mod
- /demo demoname
it works
so I just have to upload the demo file?