Permban :/

  • GUID: d3576ab6
    reason: Insult /permban
    Banner: 3xp Hebuno

    Yesterday i got a perm ban from 3xp Hebuno for insult at deathrun
    I was mad because he was changing map and changing gravity of deathrun so i just said to him not to do that and after a while he just perm banned me!
    A kick i could understand but a perm ban not really!!!! and hes just abusing his admin rights!!!!
    Not nice of him ;) bad choice.

    So please unban me! :D:love:


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Luna ()

    abd IraQ, N00bSlondermon, Amnesia und 2 weiteren gefällt das.
  • Thnx for the uban!

    But i also hope you do something about hebuno!
    Hes saying hes playing all the time! well i saw his name for the first time yesterday and allrdy acting so brave!
    changing maps, insulting , chaning gravity.

    Give him a warn or take his rights! or even better kick him out of the clan!

  • Zitat

    #2 - Respect each other.
    => No swearing or racism of any kind is tolerated on our servers. Also no flaming/spamming.
    => 1) Warn; 2) Kick; 3) 1 day ban; 4) 1 week ban.

    even if u had done this 4 times you would just get a 1week ban..

  • stop hiding behind the rules and do something with goddamn rulebreakers in your clan

    1) Luna isn't a member.
    2) Stop giving orders you're definitely not in the position to.

    Edit: And if you're talking about Hebuno and not Luna, then try to understand what people are actually saying before answering bullshit. And point 2) still stands anyway.


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

    3xP' TS3 IP: | Click here to directly join it.

  • Dafuk.
    1) Luna isn't a member.
    2) Stop giving orders you're definitely not in the position to.

    1) im talking about hebuno and also few other trusted players clearly abusing their powers
    2) if no one does that well someone have to (btw. it just pissed me off when i saw something like this instead of message about taking care of this member and his abusing)


    And if you're talking about Hebuno and not Luna, then try to understand what people are actually saying before answering bullshit.


    Yesterday i got a perm ban from 3xp Hebuno for insult at deathrunI was mad because he was changing map and changing gravity of deathrun so i just said to him not to do that and after a while he just perm banned me! A kick i could understand but a perm ban not really!!!! and hes just abusing his admin rights!!!!


    #2 - Respect each other.
    => No swearing or racism of any kind is tolerated on our servers. Also no flaming/spamming.
    => 1) Warn; 2) Kick; 3) 1 day ban; 4) 1 week ban.
    even if u had done this 4 times you would just get a 1week ban..

    I clearly do understand that since i know english on this level ;)

  • Dafuk.
    1) im talking about hebuno and also few other trusted players clearly abusing their powers
    2) if no one does that well someone have to

    I see I edited my last post too late.
    You clearly didn't understand Viruz's post (or Viruz, tell me if I'm wrong). Because as far as I understand, Viruz's post is in favor of Luna. So please make sure you understand people's posts before posting.
    And about 2), yeah sure, if you want to be demoted keep giving bullshit orders and acting like you're the big boss and everyone should be at your feet.

    I'm completely not against players/trusted players or whoever else giving their opinion on a matter, I actually think it's a good thing, but when said the way you do it, I hate it, and I'm sure everyone hates it. It's a not a proper way to talk to anyone, be it on the Internet on IRL. So stop acting like a spoiled child who thinks he is the boss.

    Edit: I'm still pretty sure you haven't understood Viruz's point of view. Except if it's me who doesn't understand it, but I doubt it.
    To me he is clearly saying that Hebuno should have given her, at max, a 1 week tempban (even if she did it 4 times), so the permban is clearly an abuse.


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

    3xP' TS3 IP: | Click here to directly join it.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von UFaced ()

    DaftLeech und Viruz gefällt das.

  • I'm completely not against players/trusted players or whoever else giving their opinion on a matter, I actually think it's a good thing, but when said the way you do it, I hate it, and I'm sure everyone hates it. It's a not a proper way to talk to anyone, be it on the Internet on IRL. So stop acting like a spoiled child who thinks he is the boss.

    1. Sure, it is not the best way to do it, but after all these discussions and stupid argues it feels like this is the only way which will work on threads like this.
    2. I am still not sure to this post, if I read his post wrong then sorry, for blaming.
    Atleast you SHOULD (not ordering anything again) take care about hebuno and you know which trusted abusing their rights.

  • 1. Sure, it is not the best way to do it, but after all these discussions and stupid argues it feels like this is the only way which will work on threads like this.
    2. I am still not sure to this post, if I read his post wrong then sorry, for blaming.
    Atleast you SHOULD (not ordering anything again) take care about hebuno and you know which trusted abusing their rights.

    1. Then let me teach you something: Telling things this way will NEVER work. Have you ever gained anything from saying things this way? The only thing you actually gain by talking like this is exactly what you're talking about: stupid arguments. While suggesting things and discussing nicely can actually bring something (not in all cases indeed; but if it doesn't work out, it also wouldn't have worked out if you had spoken like an asshole - So talking like an asshole is always useless).

    2. About the "you know which trusted", this is off-topic. If you don't want stupid arguments, don't do off-topic. This is completely unrelated to the current case.
    About doing something about hebuno, we NEVER said we wouldn't. This whole argument between you and me had only one purpose: telling you to stop acting like an ass. In no way it changed anything about what we would do about the situation. As I stated above, speaking like you do brings only one thing: "stupid" arguments.

    So now the official warning (related to your first post, not the discussion that followed): Stop talking like this, stop acting like this (stop giving orders, stop swearing). This is toxic behavior, and we don't need this, and I won't take the time to write this much to explain to you why anymore - next time, you'll simply be demoted, I don't have the time to take care of this shit all the time. Hopefully you'll understand, I hate giving warnings and demoting people.


    Any problem with a 3xP' server (server down, download loop,...)? - Feel free to mention it in the shoutbox so an admin can take care of it.

    3xP' TS3 IP: | Click here to directly join it.

    N00bSlondermon gefällt das.
  • Permabanning a trusted player who already plays 2 years on the server because she complained that he shouldn't mess up the server settings anymore... X/X/ gg

    The 3xp servers are getting reputation problems because of admin abuse events like this, 3xp staff, please do something about it! The new trustedranks are already a good step.

  • So now my turn :) (Sorry for bad english pls respect my english),

    So I talking to Luna and its all Cool now, yesterday was a rly bad day and its to late to say sorry, first time i was kicking luna and the second time the permban because tempban wasnt work, So again Luna sorry for permban yesterday i hope you will accept this

  • nice to hear that u talked together and that this stopped,

    Yes my post was in favor of luna!

    @hebuno95 u get another chance but next time u wont, so pls stay calm

    @N00bSlondermon try to stay calm if u see something which u dont agree with, i really dont like these discussion like in this thread hear,
    say your oppinion, but please dont rage it out :P.

    nothing open left here.
