Name: Jacob
Ingame Name: PIES
Country: United States
Age: 13
Games: CoD4, CSGO
Why I Want to Join: I really like the 3xP servers and Admins. I see this clan going very far and growing even bigger
than it is today and I really want to be apart of something like that.
Stats: The stats page was broken so im just going to use the game tracker stats instead.
3xP' Codjumper : Top Players
You can see my hrs played on the 3xP Codjumper server. It was the best I could do since the stats page was down.
Other Skills: Im working on a codjumper map but I havent gotten around to making anything yet.
Esports: I've only played a couple irc scrims but nothing big such as CG or ESL.
Extra Info: I've been playing on the 3xP Codjumper server since November 02, 2013 (Acording to Gametracker). I am a
VIP on the 3xP Codjumper server and was accepted to be a trusted player on all 3xP servers but was never made a Trus-
ted player becuase of cmd issues. I am not very active on the Teamspeak but recently I've started to just idle in the
Public lounge when I play on 3xP servers. I've never been in a clan before but I look forward to the experience if I
am accepted.
Contact Info:
Steam: chewyman25
Xfire: pies25
Thank you,