Hi, my real name is Bruno, im from portugal. Im 17 years now. My ign is Imalow and today im here to apply for a trusted member on the 3xp deadthrun server. 3xp'Acti is with me on this application (He supports me.) Im playing on 3xp's server by almost 5 years now. I play Cod4,Minecraft,BO2 and ghosts, l like fps games.The reason for this application is that i want to join the 3xp for surveillance the server. When admins are not there, there are many hackers and glitcher and i want to help you guys with that. And yeah, 3xp is a hoobi now. Thanks for all and keep the good work with 3xps servers!

Application for Trusted member
- Accepted
- Imalow
- Geschlossen
Hi bruno,
thank you for your interest. Please join teamspeak and give us the chance to meet you. If we know the applicate it increase your chance to get a positive feedback.
The COD-Admins will decide about it and give you an answer here.kind regards,
ons -
At first I was against it as I didn't know him much, but he seems like a nice guy so why not
he is a very nice guy, i say yes
Thanks Acti and Hebuno for your support!
Good gaming. Imalow. -
Nice guy, but fix your ts mic please xD
It seems you are a nice guy so why do you apply for Trusted and not for Member ( i know he only want server rights but why not ) xD . We need more aktiv CoD4 player and then you are aktiv in TS3 its good. I think that you can be a guy who can Convince us. so give a fuck off on trusted apply for Member ;P ( and ply correct me for my english
i know thats not intelligible )
I really dont know what to say xb.
You are not accepted jet! Dont ask people to set u as trial!
It seems you are a nice guy so why do you apply for Trusted and not for Member
I think he is in FeZe clan allready
Yes, i forgoted to say that. I spoked to borrow on TS3 and he gave me some advices. I know that 3xp dont allow double clan. Sorry all, forgoted to say that. My apologys. Thanks. Imalow
ok thats uncool
For Trusted, it's okay. Just becoming member is now not possible anymore.
Hey Imalow.
I know you want an answer from me on this thread so I'm going to answer. But I wasn't answering, because the fact is I don't know you, and I don't know what to say.
You seem to be a nice guy, but IMO that's not enough to be trusted player. Members and admins need to have the time to know a player before deciding if he could fit the role. That's why I'm thinking about adding a playtime requirement for trusted players applications.But well you've applied before that, and since Acti, hebuno and Sea, even though they don't know you that much, seem to think you're a nice guy, I'll give it a shot.
I'll set you as trusted. Though be aware of the fact that you can be set back to default player anytime if you misuse your powers or behave in a bad way (And don't worry I'll know about it if that happens). Trusted players, as well as members, have to be an example on the server.
Anyway, congratz.
Now contact me over xfire (username: ufaced) when you are in game so I can set you (or if you don't have xfire, through TS or PM on this board). -
Thank you Uface. Im going to try to be an example to follow. Thanks for yout shot. I want to thank all the guys that supported me on this app. Good gamimg. Imalow.