Hello everyone,
I've been really inactive the past weeks due to I have a damaged brain.
This hurts a lot and I am not able to get on the forum that much nor i can even try to startup cod4. It's just that I can't handle it anymore because It's too much light for me.
This morning, I woke up and I felt a little dizzy and I thought it would be handy to get some water.
On my way to the bathroom, I had no control over my body and it kinda switched off, and I fell really hard on the ground. I'm now in the hospital to stay there a few days.
I look like shit now, there is a really big open spot on my forehead and my nose hurts like shit. I'm not able to turn my neck and like every part of my body hurts.
So now I have a concussion from the thing that happened 3,5 weeks ago, when I fell of the stairs and now this happened.. I am really not happy because I can't do anything. I can't play hockey nor I can go to school nor I can come on xfire / ts / cod4 / any other gaming related things.
I hope this will explain my inactivity too
Anyways, this Christmas was pretty shit for me D:
Thanks for reading,
- Headdy